
Monday, November 30, 2009

I'll Smoke To That
At This School, It’s Marijuana in Every Class

This is horrible. We all know how much damage smoking Marijuana causes (much less than smoking tobacco, and much less than drinking alcohol).

We know how horrible Marijuana usage is when California, because of their budget problems, is willing to allow rapists and murderers to go free so that they can continue to put Marijuana smokers in prison.

We all know how well alcohol prohibition worked (it turned the entire country into criminals). Well, the Marijuana prohibition has worked just as well (turning a majority of the country into criminals).

This is actually good for the economy as we pass anti-drug laws that allow confiscation (without due process or trial) of everything a defendant owns. This allows the increase of the size of the police state and unreasonable search and seizures. What more could a totalitarian dictatorship want?

Damn The Deficit, Full Speed Ahead
Debate on Creating Jobs, Without Raising Deficit

What is the big deal about creating more jobs?

The government has already told us that the massive stimulus bill that was passed earlier in the year saved our economy. The government has already told us that it is possible for the economy to recover while continuing to loose more and more jobs. The government has already extended unemployment benefits multiple times.

I wonder if it is because that while the politicians are busy using stimulus money to pay back campaign contributions, and the rest of the time the politicians are increasing their office staff, and voting themselves salary increases for a job well done?

The politicians have already shown they don't care about the deficit. Between the stimulus bill, and health care, starting an unwinable war in Afghanistan, and ... I am sure the politicians can bankrupt this country without once thinking about what they are doing.

In any case, I am sure the politicians can ram through a 2000+ page job reform bill. A bill that nobody can understand, much less implement. A bill that will not take effect for years. A bill that will have NO oversight provisions. A bill that will have NO way to honestly measure the effects of the bill.

Thank God I'm A Muslim
Minaret ban marks start of tough Swiss debate on Islam

The Swiss government is upset that the population voted to ban minarets. I can not understand why anyone would be upset by Muslims moving in and setting up their place of worship.

After all:

Don't the Buddhists teach their children to become suicide bombers? No, that is Muslims.

Don't the Christians issue death threats against book authors and cartoonists who make fun of their religion? No, that is Muslims.

Don't the Druids teach their members that all non-members of their religion must convert or die? No, that is Muslims.

Don't the Hindus have celebrations (dancing in the street) when terrorists kill women and children? No, that is Muslims.

Don't the Wiccans issue apologetic press releases when someone claiming to represent their religion kills someone in the name of their religion? Oops. That is not Muslims either.

Oh well, I guess I just can't figure out why anyone would dislike the Muslims.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holocaust Denial
The man who smuggled himself into Auschwitz
Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial sparks outrage

It is unfortunate that there are still any witnesses to the Holocaust. Because of that, it is much more difficult for the evil leaders of today (including Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the leader of Iran and likely the next nuclear power) when they preach that the Holocaust never happened. Fortunately, there are plenty of other governments that believe a strongly worded message will stop someone as insane as this. And fortunately, as Adolf Hitler used in his "Big Lie", it doesn't matter how outrageous anything you say is, just say it loud enough and long enough and people will start to believe you.

Aren't you glad that countries like this with leaders like this are in the United Nations and are guiding the direction in which our world is going.

Not Enough People Are Dying From Aids
Dozens live locally with HIV

Back when the daily news reports were spreading like wildfire, the United States Government was smart enough to not do anything to prevent the spread of AIDS. The government may have been doing this in preparation for Global Warming as a way of reducing our carbon footprint by reducing the number of people exhaling carbon dioxide. Or they may have had some other idea in mind. In any case, instead of insisting on sex education for students of all ages, and condom giveaways at schools and Churches and ... they elected to go with a less effective message, abstinence.

Now that AIDS is more survivable, what new crisis will they come up with next to misinterpret and misdirect their energies for.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

U.N. Encourages Irresponsible Dictator to Develop Nuclear Weapons
Iranian lawmaker: Iran could leave nuclear treaty

The United Nations may want to pretend they are trying to discourage Iran, but lets get real. The United Nations became a joke after they allowed Yasser Arafat, leader of a terrorist organization to address the general assembly. The United Nations has worked hard to maintain that reputation by inviting holocaust deniers to say their piece as well. These days it looks like being a third world dictatorship is a requirement to become a member of the United Nations.

So, when the United Nations issues a statement that says one of their members has been a bad boy, and should not work to create a nuclear bomb factory, everybody knows that United Nations will not actively do anything to prevent that from happening. And everybody knows that the United Nations has no enforcement arm that will actually prevent this from happening.

However, when Iran starts dropping their bombs on their enemies, the United Nations may actually declare that a bad thing, and that it should not be done again.

Lies the Federal Reserve Tells
Bernanke: Don't tamper with the Fed

Just a few short years ago, Ben Bernanke explained to the world at large, that there was nothing wrong with our economy, and that the mortgage market was so strong it could weather any crisis that was likely to arise.

With the same great insight he has displayed in the past, Ben Bernanke claims that there should be no limits and no oversight on the Federal Reserve Bank. He claims that they have been doing such a good job, that they should be allowed to continue doing what the have been doing all along. Evidently the Communist-In-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, agrees as he has nominated the Ben Bernanke for the same position.

After all, the only point of the Federal Reserve Bank is to "promote financial stability and to help steer our economy to recovery without inflation". They have been doing such a good job so far, there is no reason why they shouldn't continue.

After all, our Communist-In-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, has proclaimed the depression has been averted, even though there are no jobs, people are losing their houses and businesses are going bankrupt faster than we can count.

Immediate Health Care?
Health overhaul: Understanding the pros and cons

Just like the stimulus bill that was so critical to pass that the economy would crumble, but it won't go into effect for years, so too with the newest Health Care Deform plan.

The politicians claim it is critical to pass this bill immediately no matter how bad it is (and it is bad). What they don't tell you, is that nobody will notice any affect for 3 or more years. You may ask, if this is so critical, why doesn't the benefits kick in sooner? In an effort to not immediately bankrupt this country, they want to spread out the costs so that this country will be bankrupted in time for our children to enjoy the benefits of a bankrupt country (also so that Barack Hussein Obama can get reelected before anyone notices how many problems he has created).

But not to worry, these bills will have plenty of other benefits for this country. Like the healthiest segment of our population (youth) will now be forced to get insurance or face penalties or jail time. Like what small parts do get implemented are underfunded and won't be able to cover the expected costs.

Aren't you glad that politicians took time out from fixing our economy to fix the health care problem?

Capture A Terrorist, Go To Jail,2933,576646,00.html
Navy SEALs Face Assault Charges for Capturing Most-Wanted Terrorist

It is no longer politically correct to call Muslims, terrorists, who like killing women and children as part of their holy war against anyone who is not Muslim. We neeed a new term for them. How about Misguided Muslims?

Barack Hussein Obama has made it clear that all Misguided Muslim accidental killers of women and children must be given the benefit of the doubt. In keeping with this new policy of coddle the Misguided Muslims, three Navy SEALS who risked life and limb to capture a wanted Misguided Muslim, are now facing criminal charges because they may have hurt the Misguided Muslim while capturing him.

Aren't you glad that even Misguided Muslims (who like killing women and children as part of their holy war against America) now get the same rights and privileges as any other loyal American?

ACORN Corruption OK with Government
Republican blasts ACORN reprieve

It is a good thing we have three branches of government. The legislative, executive, and the judicial. When one branch is not breaking the law, one of the others will.

In this particular case, Barack Hussein Obama has close ties with the criminal enterprise known as ACORN. He was a member of this organization when he was fully immersed in the corrupt politics know as Chicago Style politics (the most corrupt city, in the most corrupt state in this country). (You can take the politician out of Chicago, but you can't take the Chicago style politics out of the politician.) ACORN worked to get Barack Hussein Obama elected. So it is not surprising that when the legislative branch tried to close funding for this corrupt criminal enterprise, the judicial branch decided that any criminal enterprise that Barack Hussein Obama was apart of can't be discriminated against and said it is illegal to cut off their funding just because they have been caught doing illegal actions.

Friday, November 27, 2009

RIAA, MPAA, junk science at it's worst.
RIAA Anti-Piracy Partner Clueless About BitTorrent
MPAA Propaganda Hits 60 Minutes

You know, now that the fraud of Global Warming Hoax is starting to be exposed, all the "scientists" that worked for Global Warming, can now go work for the music and motion picture industry. The RIAA and the MPAA have been putting forth massive efforts to fight file sharing. Since they don't seem to care about truth, the Global Warming "scientists" may be able to help. Even though the "scientists" don't seem to care about the truth, they are able to generate paperwork that does look scientific. Which is all the MPAA and the RIAA care about.

Sing a song, go to jail?
Copyright Threats Against Compulsive Singer Withdrawn

The UK’s Performing Rights Society (PRS) charges for all copyrighted music played or performed outside of an individual’s home.

How many laws / regulations are you violating if you are walking down the street and singing your favorite song?

Well, at least it is not a crime yet to walk down the street.

Government Jobs?,0,3049289.story
Democrats work on multibillion-dollar jobs package


Our government, which is continually telling us that we are in the midst of an economic recovery, is finally troubled by the rising jobless rates. They are so troubled, that they are starting to admit, that giving billions to Wall Street firms, doesn't do much for unemployment. Of course, if they were completely honest, they would have to admit that giving billions to Wall Street firms did NOT help the economy either. But you can't expect too much honesty from politicians.

In any case.

Politicians are now working on a bill to provide jobs.


The only thing politicians are good at is accepting bribes, raising taxes, increasing the national debt and pretending to do the jobs they were elected to do. So don't expect anything useful to come out of this publicity stunt.

Oh, I am sure that the politicians can come up with a public works bill that will in the short term provide dead end jobs with no future. If we are lucky, it will be short term, if not, it will create a new federal bureaucracy that will never end. Of course it will all be funded by public debt, and higher taxes on the few remaining people with jobs or businesses. But not to worry, as the government continues their war on capitalism by destroying private businesses, they will create more public works jobs. And at some point the federal government will be happy, as there will be no private sector jobs or businesses, only public jobs working for the government, or welfare for the people the government can't be bothered to create make work jobs for.

Smoking Is Good For You?
PSA: Smoking is so bad it voids your computer warranty

Smoking must be good for you. Our federal government must think so. They won't ban smoking.

Our government is willing to ban weapons to prevent law abiding citizens from using them for self protection, while allowing military and criminals to own guns.

Our government is willing to ban youth ATVs and motorcycles with lead content. Because a child might actually try chewing on them and get lead poisoning.

Our government is willing to ban children's books because they may have lead content and children might chew on them and get lead poisoning.

But our government won't ban cigarettes. Even though the only possible use of cigarettes is to get cancer, and poison everyone around the smoker.

But I guess when you are accepting bribes from the tobacco growers association, then protecting the public becomes less important.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lies My President Told Me
Obama and GOP differ over recipe for jobs, economy

Barack Hussein Obama claims that he is working to save the middle class. He claims he is cutting taxes on the middle class. Too bad he has never had a job in his life where he actually worked for someone NOT employed by the government. To bad all of his advisers also have the same lack of knowledge and experience.

Tax on the wealthy? There is no such thing as a tax on the wealthy. This is also know as trickle down poverty. The people who got wealthy did it by understanding how the system works. And any tax applied against the wealthy, they can easily recover by raising the prices on the goods and products they sell. If they can't pass the tax on to the consumers, they will shortly go out of business. So while the tax may initially be raised against the wealthy, they always pass it on to the less wealthy.

Job Creation? Somehow I don't think that creating extra government jobs is any help to the economy. Who pays the salaries for government employees? Anyone who is still employed. And taxes must be raised to cover their salary. (Unless you debase the currency-make it worthless, which our government is doing, but that is a whole another story.) So raising taxes to pay for extra government employees puts more business into bankruptcy, and more people out of jobs. So I don't think he is creating jobs.

Extending unemployment benefits? This increases jobs? Only if you believe it is work to go get your unemployment check. Extending unemployment benefits is an admission that a lot of jobs went away and are not coming back any time soon. No matter how long you extend unemployment benefits, this does not create jobs.

Stimulus Packages? The government stimulus package was as carefully planned as any other piece of government legislature. Meaning there was no concern for how the funds would be eventually used. There was no oversight and no requirements that the money be used in any way to help the economy recover. Some of the stimulus went to employee bonuses at companies that couldn't afford to pay the expected bonuses. These same companies were going bankrupt. So the stimulus money went to prop up the companies that were incapable of planning for the future and were going down in flames. Giving these companies money to keep them afloat so they can create more economic turmoil (they created the current crises repackaging worthless loans) is not helpful to the economy.

Health Care Deform? Adding extra taxes on the shoulders of the few remaining workers does not seem like a good idea to me. And then forcing people who can't afford room and board to pay their unfair share of health care doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

Helping the economy? I don't think so. It takes a special kind of person to believe that closing down all business and hiring everybody into a government job is an improvement over what we currently have.

Death Squads and Breath Squads
New climate targets may not change daily life much

I wish I could be stupid enough to believe these kinds of news stories.

No change in day to day life?

That is just not possible.

For those who don't know, every living animal on this planet exhales carbon dioxide. If we are to manage our carbon footprint, we will need to regulate our breathing. And the best way to do that is with the Death Squads (from the Health Care Deform bills) and maybe a new Breath Squad.

Do you want a governmental organization to tell you when heavy breathing is allowed?

Damn The Costs. Full Speed Ahead.
Cost concerns unlikely to sink U.S. health overhaul

Heck, appointing Kim Jong Il or Fidel Castro to manage the organization that will be created by the Health Care Deform bill is not likely to sink it. So bankrupting this country is not likely to sink this bill. Forcing all medical organizations to close their doors and flee the country is not likely to sink this bill. After all, nothing is more important that to create another incompetent bureaucracy with the ability to destroy the private sector. Look around you. Is there any government organization that is functional? Can you say Post Office? How many decades have they been in business and they are still unable to run at a profit or break even?

The White House shills claim that creating a massive new organization will save us money. Really? You mean creating a new bureaucracy with thousands of employees will save us money? Only a politician can state that massive a lie with a straight face. But as some historical figures have told us, the big lie is easier to put over than the small lie.

No Security, No Problem
Uninvited guests crash White House dinner

An uninvited couple managed to breach all levels of security to attend a White House Dinner.

I guess the Secret Service has adopted the same policy that Homeland Security is using at our borders to protect us from illegal aliens and terrorists. Don't ask, don't tell. And look the other way if it is a protected minority. Of course the White House press flacks will blather on about how there was no danger to anyone involved. But if there is no danger, then why is there a screening process. And if the screening process is supposed to prevent unknowns from showing up, then there is a big problem.

But like any other report from any government official, you can't believe anything they say.

U.N. Announces they don't like bad things. Promises to do nothing about it.
UN officials call for intensified efforts to eliminate violence against women

Once again, the U.N., in an effort to pretend that they care about anything other than their own jobs, have announced that they don't like violence against women. That is good. Why don't I announce that I don't like violence against women. It is likely to be as effective as the U.N. announcement, and cost millions less.

Considering how many repressive organizations are members of the U.N. I am amazed they could even manage to get agreement to announce their concern. After all, many of their member nations believe that women are second class citizens, with less rights than property. Many of their member nations are hate mongers and dictators. Many of their member organizations harbor terrorists. And they want us to believe that an announcement from on high will do something to change the world?

The U.N. is nothing more that another bureaucratic organization more concerned with looking good than actually doing anything about the problems they claim to deal with.

Economy Nose Dive
U.S. Dollar Hits 14-Year Low Vs. Yen

The American government continues to claim that the American economy continues to improve. Many sources seem to think that the American government is destroying the value of the dollar. This makes everyone else's currency more valuable. This means that Americans can no longer to afford many products they used to purchase from over seas. Which I suppose should be considered good, since Americans can no longer buy foreign products, so our money does not flow overseas. However, since many people believe that our economy is crashing and burning, this means that there are no American businesses left to make and sell products to Americans.

I wouldn't worry about no businesses and no jobs. When we are all on welfare, then the current administration will finally be able to publicly announce that their goals have been reached.

Hope And Change Economy
Experience in the Private Sector

According to a chart from J.P.Morgan, Barack Hussein Obama seems to think that the correct people to fix the economy are ones who have never had to work a day in their life and have NO experience in the work force. Considering that is his background, it is not surprising that those are the kinds of people he hires to fix the economy. Of course many of his appointees are also tax cheats and communists, both important qualifications for working in the most corrupt administration this country has ever known.

I guess that explains why Barack Hussein Obama thinks he has fixed the economy. As long as his communist buddies are working for the total destruction of the American economy, then all must be right, I mean left in the world.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Al Gore - Not Evil Just Wrong?
New Documentary Challenges Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' on Global Warming

In 2007, a British High Court judge ruled that Al Gore's global warming film contained nine significant errors ...

The Global Warming Hoax Debunkers have made a documentary, called "Not Evil Just Wrong".

I don't know about you. But, considering the amount of effort that went into the Al Gore documentary, I do think he is both evil and wrong. While it may not be politically correct to call a liar a liar, I think that nine significant scientific errors in a film about human caused Global Warming is not an accident, it is intentional. That many lies is propaganda. Maybe you think that Al Gore's attempt to take over the planet via lies about Global Warming is just a silly mistake. But any fraud that massive can't have been anything but evil. And the liars and hypocrites who believe and support this kind of nonsense should be called on it.

Signs, signs, everywhere signs.
Brighter signs in economy haven't boosted confidence or hiring

I wonder why the pundits think the economy is getting better?

They claim the stock market is rising. But the stock market has absolutely nothing to do with the economy. After all, wasn't it Wall Street that packaged loans that would not get paid back which caused the current economic meltdown?

They claim that the U.S. Gross Domestic Product is growing. However, if you remove the cash for clunkers and the tax credit for first time home buyers then the GDP is actually shrinking.

Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman claims things are getting better. But a few years ago, he said the housing market is rock solid and there is absolutely no way it could cause problems.

So as far as I can tell, the only bright road signs in the economy, is the liars out in full force claiming the economy is improving.

Based on the current economic policies being enacted by our government (bailout, stimulus, ...), I imagine that if all the liars were gone, we would be hearing about what a sad shape the economy is in, and how it will be decades (if ever) before the economy improves.

Figures don't lie, but liars figure. Unemployment.
U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Fell to 466,000 Last Week (Update1)

Aren't we lucky that we have the government to interpret the numbers for us?

The government can look at 466,000 people filing for unemployment and tell us it is a good thing. It means that less people are filing for unemployment this week than last week.

Silly me, I look at 466,000 new people filing for unemployment this week, and say that if I multiply that by 52 weeks in a year, I come up with 24,232,000 who will unemployed this year.

I am so glad that my government can explain to me that our economy is improving and why this is a good thing and how this is an improvement over last year.

Who needs free speech?,0,98932.story
Google won't exclude distorted Michelle Obama image from its site

This is America. Where free speech is just words on a piece of paper that nobody reads any more, and that nobody can understand. After all, how can you trust anything written by slave owners a couple hundred years ago.

The media is already telling us we don't need the 10th amendment to the constitution. Maybe they should come out and say we don't need the 1st amendment. After all, the media won't say anything that will displease our current Too Black To Fail leader. And as long as they are free to say anything the the leader wants to hear, they don't need free speech.

Does anybody know why the media which is currently so upset about an image of the first lady, did NOT get upset about negative images of the previous President of the United States?

An Inconvenient Truth. Climate Change is a fraud, and Al Gore is a Liar!
Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Like any scientist that works for the government, the fraudsters who are promoting the Global Warming Hoax suppress evidence they don't like, falsify their evidence into something they do like, try to shut down the doubters, ... After all, in this naked grab for power, the government is not funding scientists who are looking for the truth. The government is only funding scientists who accept this fraud and will do their dishonest best to prove it.

Unfortunately, the fallout from this hoax, is the average person is less likely to believe any scientist the next time the scientist comes across something we should be concerned with.

Like smoking tobacco is dangerous.

Like texting while driving is dangerous.

Unfortunately, people will not make the leap that if the government is willing to lie about something as big as Global Warming to gain power, then the government will lie about anything and everything else in an effort to gain power.

You might want to think about that the next time the Liar-In-Chief and his host of sycophants and evil minions say they are not bowing to foreign dictators, they are fixing the economy, they are fixing health care, they care about this country, ...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Does The United States Hate Capitalism?

How can I make the statement that the United States government hates capitalism and expect anyone to take me seriously?

For me, it is easy. All I have to do, is ask myself, what magical process or procedure has the United States performed on all the gold in the world to make it so valuable?

In 1833, almost 200 years ago, an ounce of gold could be bought with $18.93 of United States currency.

In 1912, almost 100 years ago, an ounce of gold could be bought with $18.93 of United States currency.

In 2008, last year, an ounce of gold could be bought with $881.96 of United States currency.

In 2009, yesterday, an ounce of gold could be bought with $1166.55 of United States currency.

If your answer is that the United States has not done anything to gold to increase it's value, then, logically, they must have done something to our currency, to make it worthless.

For capitalism to work, you need a stable medium of exchange. When our government makes the currency worthless, we DON'T have a stable medium of exchange.

Therefore we don't have capitalism!

In 1913, the current Federal Income Tax was established.

... the power to tax involves the power to destroy ... John Marshall, United States Supreme Court Justice.

What does that mean?

Let's say that you grow tobacco in your back yard, and you want to sell it to make a living. First the government places a registration fee (tax) on anyone who wants to grow. Then the government has a zoning fee (tax) to give you permission to use your existing property. Then the government has a reporting fee (tax) so that you keep the government informed on you progress. Then the government has an inspection fee (tax) so that you can afford the government inspectors who can certify that what you are doing is legal and according to government regulations. Then the government has an unfair to environment fee (tax) so that you have permission to dump waste products where ever you want to. Then the government has a sales fee (tax) for anyone who wants to sell. There may be a few other fees I don't know about. Finally, there are sales taxes and income taxes. Every single fee and tax is presided over by a separate department in the government. Each one has the ability to raise their fees (taxes) as necessary. If each one, or any one of them starts raising the fee (tax) you could eventually end up with the fees (taxes) being more than what you can charge for the tobacco and expect to sell it for.

You can't have capitalism if you can't do what you want with your own property. When the government tells you what you can and cannot do by lower or higher fees (taxes) then we no longer have the option to do what we want with our own property.

Therefore we don't have capitalism!

So the next time that someone says capitalism sucks and doesn't work, ask them what drugs they have been taking, because we haven't had capitalism in almost 100 years.
Historical Gold Prices 1833 to present
16th Amendment - Income Tax

Maybe there are some things man was not meant to know.
Adopted son traced biological parent to be Charles Manson

What if you were given up for adoption? What if you wanted to know who your biological parents were? What if your mother was someone who was raped by a total stranger? What if the stranger who raped your mother went on to greater infamy as the brutal killer of men, women, unborn children? Is this something you really want to know? Could this be something the mother would like to forget?

Maybe there is a reason why birth records are sealed in an adoption case.

Consumer Confidence?
Consumer Confidence in U.S. Unexpectedly Increased (Update1)

How can the U.S. Government claim the economy is improving when everybody except government employees knows otherwise?

Why all you need to do is include the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit purchases and the Cash For Clunkers purchases and the economy looks like it is becoming more active.

Of course once everyone who can be hoodwinked into making these purchases will have finished making their purchases in a short time. At that point, everyone else who is already homeless and jobless and can't afford to buy anything will be a major component of the economy. So the U.S.Government will need to come up with another fraudulent way of pretending that the economy is improving. Maybe they can pretend that as 1,000s of business going bankrupt sell off their inventory, that this increase in sales is proof that the economy is recovering.

Economy: Numbers Rise
FDIC: Number of troubled banks rises to 552
Number of problem banks on the FDIC's list is highest since 1993

The number of banks on the troubled list climbed from 305 in March to 416 in June to 552 in September 2009. The number of FDIC insured institutions with a net loss soared to 26% in the third quarter of 2009. The number of problem loans held by these institutions skyrocketed 10.5% in the third quarter of 2009. 50 more banks failed in the third quarter of 2009 bringing the year to date total up to 124.

Yup. The numbers are all rising.


I always thought that businesses can't operate without banks. I always thought that rising loan defaults meant the inability to pay. I always thought that the inability to pay meant that people don't have jobs.

So, it is a good thing that the Liar-In-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama and his evil henchmen and minions, including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, along with his crush American Economy Czar are here to explain to us that they have saved the economy and we are doing much better.

Evidently joblessness and homeless are the Hope and Change we voted for.

Monday, November 23, 2009

You don't pay enough taxes!
Lawmakers Propose 'War Surtax' to Pay for Troop Increase in Afghanistan

Like every other economic problem that the government creates, their answer is to always raise the taxes.

The government is going bankrupt because they can't figure out that if you spend more than you earn, you will run out of money. It is a good thing that nobody in government ever had a job or they might figure that out. But I wouldn't worry about that. Not only has nobody in our government ever had a job, they don't like political candidates that have ever had a job, and they especially don't like someone who has ever owned their own business. Fortunately, our government runs our education system, and they would NEVER teach anything as subversive as balancing a checkbook, or budgeting your money.

Which means after we all lose our jobs and go on welfare, we will still need to pay our fair share of taxes.

Although they may call them census bureau locating fees, or carbon footprint measuring fees, or ...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Economic Recovery?
Economic Panel Predicts Positive Growth in 2010, but Still High Unemployment

The charlatans and frauds that pretend to be economists once again pretend we are not in a depression and once again claim that the minor recession that we are in will be starting recovery. Very soon.

These are the same charlatans and frauds that didn't notice we were in a recession for more than a year after it had started. These are the same charlatans and frauds that a couple of years prior claimed the economy was so strong that nothing was wrong and nothing could go wrong.

It must be nice to have a job where you can be wrong 100% of the time and still get paid your regular pay and a bonus for a job well done.
2009 Retail Store Closings: Complete List of Retailers Going Out of Business
Failed Bank List
The Real Unemployment Rate Hits a 68-Year High

This is what the economy currently looks like. Fortunately, we have government flunkies to tell us that the only reason the economy looks this good is because the stimulus package worked. However, we will need to be a little patient as it will take a year or two before business stop failing, and unemployment stops increasing.

Sigh. Considering the current rates, I wonder if there will be any businesses still open (that aren't receiving bailout money) and any jobs (other than welfare) still available.

Until then, I guess we just need to be happy that the stimulus money helped failing Wall Street firms pay their executives the bonuses they deserved.

Until then, I guess we just need to be happy that people like Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke, who were in charge of preventing this from happening in the first place, are still on the job to fix the economic problems they didn't understand and didn't see coming.

Until then, I guess we just need to be happy that no matter how many people lose their jobs and how many people lose their homes, the government will be there to tell us how well off we are and how good the economy is doing.

Serious Problem?
Schumer Cracking Down on Airline Companies

15% of the people in this country are delinquent on their home mortgage payments, which means they may be in the process of losing their home. 20% of the people in this country are unemployed or underemployed. In the 18 to 24 year old age range, 50% of the people are unemployed. And the results of the federal stimulus plan is not supposed to be noticeable for another year or two.

So I am very happy to hear that Senator Schumer is concerned that people participating in frequent flyer programs may be losing their frequent flyer miles. So he wants an investigation into why this is happening. It is good to know that the Senator is able to figure out what the most important problem of the day is.

Worrying about lost frequent flyer miles while our economy crumbles is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. No matter how good you are, it is still worthless effort as the ship (economy) is sinking.

Falling Foreclosure Rates?
Area posts high rate of mortgage delinquencies

Why do news agencies continue to report how bad the economy is? Even though the mortgage foreclosure rate is 20% higher now than it was at this time last year, it is 3% lower than this time last month. Isn't that proof the economy has recovered? Didn't they hear the Liar-In-Chief when he announced how the economy is recovering? Didn't any one believe the Liar-In-Chief when he said he fixed the economy (but good) and that we only need to wait a few years to see how good it has been fixed?

Have Mercy On Injured Alleged Terrorist?
Defense Attorney: Hasan Is Paralyzed From the Chest Down

The alleged gunman, Nidal Hasan, who was brutally shot by someone who didn't believe in gun control, now appears to be permanently paralyzed from the chest down. If this isn't a clear case of government overreaction (allowing military personnel to protect themselves), then I don't know what is. Maybe we should now have mercy on the alleged gunman and let him go. After all, it is not like there is much else he can to. Since our Muslin-In-Chief says we must give the alleged gunman the benefit of the doubt, then the alleged gunman is probably not a terrorist. So the alleged gunman is unlikely to become a suicide bomber if set free.

Accident waiting to happen?
Leak at Central Pennsylvania nuclear plant Three Mile Island exposes workers to radiation

Evidently, nuclear power plants are so dangerous that since 1985 when it was reopened, the first accident it has had since then is in 2009. It must be terrible to have an accident every 30+ years.

It is a good thing that nothing else is that dangerous. Like we never see any politician working on passing 2000+ page bills that are impossible to understand, much less enforce. No wait. That accident waiting to happen is working its way through the senate right now. Most politicians seem to think that this is one disaster that people will enjoy. Or at least one disaster that politicians (who think they are all above the law) will enjoy.

It is a good thing that we only see automobile accidents once every 30+ years. No wait. We see automobile accidents at least once every 30 minutes. Nobody seems to mind. In fact, our government so likes automobile accidents that it refused to allow business that build and sell automobiles to go out of business.

So maybe accidents are good. At least if they are enacted and enabled or subsidized by our government.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Tuition Costs Too High?
Berkeley Students Protest Higher Fees

For all those protesting that college tuition costs are too high, I have a solution. It might require a little work on the part of the students, and we all know how much students hate anything that resembles work. However, this might be a solution they can live with.

Renounce your American citizenship. Flee to Mexico. Become a Mexican citizen. Sneak back into the United States.

Not only will you now be qualified for a free education (cultural diversity), but you also be qualified for free medical care, free welfare, ...

Afghan Gun Control?
As Afghans Resist Taliban, U.S. Spurs Rise of Militias

Very interesting. For some reason, unknown to me, the United States believes that the average American can't be trusted with guns. However, the United States seems to have recently instituted a policy in Afghanistan of arming anyone who is capable of crawling into a weapons distribution center to pick up a weapon.

I am very pleased to know that people living in the second most corrupt country in the world are more trustworthy of weapon ownership than American citizens living in the 19th most corrupt country in the world.

Although I am wondering how the American Gun Control believers can accept policy.

global warming, or is it cooling, or is it no change at all?
Hackers steal electronic data from top climate research center

Hackers broke into a server used by scientists who are working to prove global warming. A number of their e-mail messages were posted online in their entirety. So naturally, the scientists claim their messages were taken out of context.

Pardon my ignorance, but I always thought science was about finding out how things work. When scientists work at proving a theory, rather than investigating an occurrence to determine what theory explains the facts, you end up with bad science and ignoring facts that don't fit in with your theories.

But I suppose that as long as the government is funding this kind of science, then what scientist will be honest about his finding if it will put him out of a job, and destroy his future government funded projects.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Piece Process
Palestinians Say Israeli Move Could Kill Peace Process

The Palestinians first attempt at a peace process took place in 1967, when the Palestinians (and other Arabs) prepared for an attack on Israel in an attempt to kill all the Israelis. By surviving, the Israelis stopped the Palestinians first attempt at a peace process. There have been a few other Palestinians peace processes since then. Each time, the Palestinians peace process was stopped. Since it turns out their military was unable to create the peace process they wanted, they have been stuck with trying to use the political arena to come up with a peace process that will be acceptable to them.

Obama Popularity?
Breaking: Obama approval rating dips below 50 percent in Gallup

I can't imagine why his approval ratings are down. It can't be because he thinks that millions of people protesting his health care reform is a right wing plot? It can't be because he appoints his communist friends to positions with no governmental oversight? It can't be because he thinks the constitution needs to be rewritten because it doesn't allow for his own communist plans for this country? It can't be because he wants to make friends with any dictator who hates democracy? It can't be because ...

So what can it be?

not enough time for normal voting?
US Senate to Hold First Key Health Care Vote

I wonder why an above board, legitimate, normal order of business vote must be held on a Saturday? Is this part of the new openness in government which included hiding from the public? Are they trying to ram something through and hoping that most of the senators are so anxious to get back to their hookers and blow that they will pass the bill without thinking about it?

I imagine if this is successful, that most new shameful orders of business will take place at very odd hours of the day and weekend.

unethical committee?
Ethics committee: No punishment for Burris

The Senate Ethics Committee states that: Senators must meet a much higher standard of conduct.

Than what? Serial killers? Rapists? Bank robbers?

Personally, I think someone who sticks a gun in my face and asks for my money is much more ethical than someone who signs the no new taxes pledge, and then decides that the pledge doesn't apply to additional fees, service charges, .... And the gunman will take much less money in the process.

Heck, influence peddling did not exist as a crime until there were politicians. Of course, no politician will ever punish a politician for doing what comes naturally. ie. hiring a secretary that can not type or take dictation, allowing a passenger in his car die when the driver flees the scene, voting for legislation without reading and understanding it-when their only job is to read and understand the legislation they are voting on, accepting bribes (I mean campaign contributions) to act against the interests of the voters, ...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Blame Bush for economy
Geithner Rejects Call to Resign, Faults Republicans (Update3)

Timothy Geithner, as head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, claims that he had no power to make any changes to the economy. Which is funny, as the Federal Reserve Bank was created to prevent the very problems our economy is currently having. Timothy Geithner is busy claiming that everything that has happened for the prior decade, as well as everything that is currently happening is still all Bush's fault. That after the stimulus bills enacted earlier this year, and with the wonderful economic recovery we are having (which includes 15% of all homeowners losing their homes, and effective 20% unemployment rate, and massive business closures) that everything wrong with the economy is Bush's fault, and everything right with the economy is Obama's doing.

If you can believe in an economic recovery that excludes most Americans, then maybe blaming Bush is the right policy to solve all our problems. And then Timothy Geithner is the right person for the job of economic recovery.

We must break - I mean fix the economy
Geithner Gives Urgency to Financial Reform

The same people who created the current economic mess, are complaining they don't have the ability to fix the problem. It is nice to know that the people who are trying to fix the economy never had a job, or never owned a business. This must give them great insight into how the system works. It is also good that they don't pay attention to anything happening around them, or their mind might get confused by the facts.
Zimbabwe: A Fresh Start

Let's take a look at Zimbabwe and see if there is anything to be learned. Once Zimbabwe thought that the United States method of fixing the economy would work for them. Their central bank that manages their money started up the printing presses to pay for whatever they felt was necessary. They enacted regulations to force the business to act in a way that was approved by their government. It worked about as expected. Their money became worthless, and all business closed down.

So what happened?

When they realized the only value their currency had was in a fireplace, they abandoned their currency. When the government had no money, they were unable to pay people to enforce any of their regulations. So at this point, while they have no currency (they use other folks currencies), they have no business regulations, their economy has recovered.

Who would have thunk it?

Mortgage Delinquencies
U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Reach a Record High

It is a good thing our economy is in recovery. Our government told us so. And they wouldn't lie to us.

Otherwise, some of us less educated folks might think that the rising mortgage delinquencies are an indicator that the economy is not recovering. 10% of all homeowners are unable to pay their mortgage regularly, and there is an unknown number of homes already in foreclosure.

Some of us less educated folks might think that 10% mortgage delinquencies plus and unknown number of foreclosures, means at least 10% unemployment. But I forget, our government has told us that we can have economic recovery without job recovery. Maybe they will have to tell us that wc can have an economic recovery witha decrease of productive capacity.

government incompetence in Katrina?
US Army Corps blamed for Katrina floods
A US judge has ruled that negligence by the US Army Corps of Engineers led to massive floods in parts of New Orleans as Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005.

Are you glad, that the federal government, which can't build navigation channels to prevent flooding, will soon be managing your health care? Aren't you glad that when your loved ones die from governmental incompetence, you may be able to sue the government for dollar damages?

Unemployment be gone.
Jobless claims hold at 10-month low
Number of initial filers for unemployment insurance was unchanged last week at 505,000.

You've got to love the government. They can make even the worst depression this country has ever suffered sound encouraging. Instead of focusing on 500,000 more people being added to the unemployment rolls, they use words like 10 month low, and unchanged. They also ignore, the people that finally fell off the unemployment rolls because their benefits ran out. There is no point in counting people who will never get a job, or even people who now work 2 jobs, which combined is less than the 1 job they had previously. Heck, the economy has gotten so bad that some of the illegal aliens are fleeing this country or having their friend send money.

So the next time you see your favorite politician in his stretch limo pulling up in front of a strip club, you can be happy to know that he is doing his part to keep his favorite stripper employed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Terrorists - Get out of jail free?
Obama, Holder Predict Conviction in 9 / 11 Case

It seems some people think that by giving the terrorists a civil trial, that there is a good chance they will get out of jail free (I mean convicted). I don't know about you, but I am under the impression that if you have enough money, and a good enough attorney, you can get away with anything. First off, as a civil trial, the terrorist never had his Miranda Rights read to him. This could easily get the case thrown out of court. Maybe we need to start reading Miranda Rights to anyone our soldiers are fighting. According to Barack Hussein Obama the terrorists were tortured. Again, in a civil court, this would be enough to get the case thrown out. We all know that torture precludes using a confession in a trial. Who knows, since it is immoral or even torture for them to look at women who are not fully clothed, (including their Hijabs), maybe they can make a case the the rampant immorality of this country forced them to do it.

Death Squad and Mamogram Screenings
Critics See Health Care Rationing Behind New Mammography Recommendations

Evidently the government hacks from the newest government task force think that if women die from breast cancer before they turn 50, it will help balance the budget. It will also help reduce the costs of the new ObamaCare program. So as long as ObamaCare will cost the taxpayers trillions in payouts (another name for cost savings), it is worth while to save a few million by doing less preventative screening of curable illnesses.

Seems like a net gain to me. Less people to survive long enough to need social security and medicare. Maybe this is the real way ObamaCare will help balance the budget.

Obamacare: Buy now, pay later

Why is everyone picking on Barack Hussein Obama for his pushing for Health Care Deform? Just because he lied about what the bill will really do, and how much it will really cost, is no reason to get upset about it.

Doesn't the American way of life include the federal government telling us what doctors we can use, and how much insurance will pay for it?

It is not like this is a surprise to anyone? Barack Hussein Obama has always wanted to control every aspect of American life, from on high. After all, he is simply trying to follow through with the goals that he campaigned on. You know the destruction of the American Economy, destruction of the American way of life, ...

Figures don't lie, but liars figure. CPI
Rising fuel prices hit consumers The government's key inflation measure came in higher than expected due to a 6.3% jump in oil and gas prices.

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)? Seems to me it is just another way for the United States to lie to it's citizens. Evidently in an effort to create a good number, they CPI doesn't include volatile items like food and fuel. Obviously food and fuel are not important to the average consumer. Unless they want to eat and stay warm. However, the CPI does measure the one time artificial spike in car prices from the recent cash for clunkers program. Aren't you glad the government has a way to adjust the CPI so that as you starve and freeze you will know how good the country is doing?

Somali Pirates - can't we just get along?
Pirates Attack Maersk Alabama Again

I wonder why the United States is no longer interested in protecting citizens from Somali Pirates? Back in the early 1800s, the United States government used to think that "Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute" was a good idea. Maybe our military is smaller than it was then? No, I think the military is larger now then back then. Could it be that piracy is less offensive now than it used to be? I hope not. Could it be that the United States does NOT want to get involved in any action where the good guys and the bad guys are so obvious that there would be minimal outcry against it?

building homes a threat to peace?
Obama warns Israel on settlements

Barack Hussein Obama told Israel that building homes in East Jerusalem will make a peace plan with the Palestinians more difficult.

More difficult than what? More difficult than it is now? Gee, I wonder what gave him that clue? Could it be that since the 1967 surprise attack on Israel, by the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world, have made no secret of their desire to kill all Israelis? Could it be that the Palestinians have refused any peace negotiations that allowed for the continued existence of Israel? Could it be the continuing terrorist attacks on Israel and the rest of the world? Could it be that any organization that builds houses instead of killing women and children is a threat to peace?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

sound and fury, signifying nothing
Obama orders task force to fight financial crime

Barack Hussein Obama signed an executive order to investigate and prosecute financial crimes. I am so glad. As far as I know there are currently no laws against those kinds of crime, and there are no organizations trying to catch those kinds of criminals. If there were, then people like Bernard Madoff would not be able to run their schemes for years and years.

Wait a minute! There are organizations who are suppose to protect and serve to prevent this kind of thing! Federal, State and local police, F.B.I., S.E.C., ... a whole alphabet soup of organizations.

That being the case, I wonder why the President of the United States need an executive order to tell these organizations to do their job?

Federal Job Requirements: Corruption and Incompetence
Geithner in the doghouse over AIG debacle

When the United States government gave bail out money to General Motors, it required Government Motors (GM) to replace their C.E.O.

When the United States government gave the bail out money to Wall Street giant A.I.G., the government didn't bother asking for any concessions. After the initial funds were not enough to prevent failure, the government gave additional funds to A.I.G.

This is the kind of planning that our country needs to rescue the economy. Fortunately Timothy Geithner was the lead negotiator for that fiasco. And Timothy Geithner is also an experienced tax cheat as well. Which makes him very qualified to head the United States Treasury to insure this kind of thing happens again. And again.

Chicago Style Politics?
Afghanistan slips in corruption index despite aid

Afghanistan is now considered the second most corrupt country on the planet. Number 179 out of 180. Only Somalia is considered more corrupt.

Which I guess explains why Barack Hussein Obama is sending in troops to support the Afghanistan government. Barack Hussein Obama who learned politics in Chicago, the most corrupt city in the United States, probably misses the give an take (you give, he takes) of that environment and wants to be sure that other people on this planet can have some of the same experiences that he has had.

On the bright side, it looks like Barack Hussein Obama is having an effect on the United States. With his czars, and bailouts and ... he has managed to move the United States from the 18th least corrupt country to the 19th least corrupt country in less than a year. Who knows what he can accomplish after 4 (or more) years of the Chicago style politics he grew up with.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bad Iran, make boom
Inspectors Fear Iran Is Hiding Nuclear Plants

Why fear that Iran has hidden nuclear plants?

We should rejoice that Iran has been discovered with a secret facility for making enriched uranium (suitable for bomb creation). There can never be enough nuclear powers on this planet. I am sure that with the hate their leader displays towards other religions, he could easily be convinced to give some terrorists a nuclear device or two.

After all, it is not like any organization or nation cares enough to try to stop Iran from making a bomb. Which must mean that if no one is willing to stop them, then everyone is willing to see them make a bomb.

Health Care, A Morality Tail?
Bishops assert moral duty in health care debate

Is protecting pedophiles from criminal prosecution (if the pedophile happens to be a priest) a moral duty? Or protecting pedophiles a sin they can be forgiven, so that the pedophiles can go back to molesting children again once the heat is off.

In either case, maybe we should assert our moral duty and ignore the advice from an organization that has shown such a blatant disregard for the people they claim to be concerned with.

Food for thought?
At UN food summit, Ban Ki-Moon warns of rise in child hunger deaths

It would seem that the U.N. is concerned by starving children. They aren't interested in doing anything about it. But they are concerned. They do like to see the headlines the starving children generates in the news.

But like any good bureaucratic organization, they don't care about the problem they are supposed organized to solve. After all, if they solved the problem, then there is no reason to keep the organization going, much less expand it to deal with an ever larger growing problem. Do you know any one who is interested in doing a good job, if doing a good job will put them out of work?

Since it is better that children starve to death, rather than not get born, I understand why the U.N. (and other organizations) do NOT provide birth control when ever and where ever possible.

Obama Meets With Chinese Leaders

Evidently when Barack Hussein Obama spoke to college students in Shanghai he said that of freedom of information is important.

I guess that is why Barack Hussein Obama has spent more than 1 million dollars to hide all the records (birth certificate, all college and school records, passport, ...) of his past. Although I do need to wonder, if he is spending that much money to hide any records of this past, then why has he written two autobiographies?
President Barack Obama Makes Historic Speech to America's Students

It shouldn't surprise me when Barack Hussein Obama lies to students in foreign countries. After all, he has already has a history of lying to children in this country.

When Barack Hussein Obama spoke to the school children of this country, he told children to work hard, and educate themselves. I wonder why he would say that, when his leadership in the congress and the senate is geared toward bailing out business that have failed, and paying people who are unemployed to continue to stay unemployed.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gun Control Is Not Enough
Guarded by police, woman slain

This story is about a woman who filed a domestic abuse report, and the police who waited outside her home to try to catch (alive) the man who had been threatening her.

The man who somehow managed to get into her home and stab her to death, was shot by the police who were waiting outside. The police had guns. If the police hadn't had guns, the woman's attacker would still be alive today.

Although, if anyone regrets the woman's death, then maybe we need to outlaw knives as well. After all, what other use for knives is there except to kill women.

We all know that if the woman had had a gun, she probably would have shot her attacker. We all know the reason for keeping guns out of the hands of innocent victims is to provide a safe working environment for criminals. We all know people protecting themselves leads to lawlessness and should be prevented at all costs.

So the loss of a few lives is a small price to pay to make sure that we can't defend ourselves when attacked.

Five Things the U.S. Can Learn from China

1. Be Ambitious
Naw. Not that. With the current war on capitalism, and the governments plans to redistribute wealth, it makes no sense to try to harder so that the government can give it away to the people who don't work. Much better to stay on welfare, or get employed working for the government where ambition (and work) is discouraged.

2. Education Matters
No it doesn't. The goal for many people in this country is to become wealthy and famous. You don't need an education for that. Or become a politician, where the only qualification seems to be the ability to take bribes and pay back favors.

3. Look After the Elderly
We already watch the elderly. We watch them starve to death while they become homeless as our economy self destructs (with help from the government). Actually, everyone is in danger of starving and becoming homeless thanks to the economic policies of this country.

4. Save More
We can't learn that. Many people are now trying to save. Unfortunately, it is easier to save when you have a job. With unemployment at 20% and expected to rise for the next year or two, the people that want to save can't, and the rest don't need to save as they are secure in the knowledge that they are working for a company that is too big to fail.

5. Look over the Horizon
ie. plan for the future. The only plan we need, is to flee the United States. Unfortunately, it is now a crime to leave this country and take your wealth with you. Chances are, anything you try to do to protect yourself (other than become a politician) is likely to become a crime. So there is no need to plan for that.

6. Communism
(not in article)
Nope. China had to allow capitalism to flourish to be able to produce goods for the United States market. East Germany, Russia, ... have already collapsed while trying to prove that communism works and are switching to capitalism. Fortunately, the leaders of the United States already know what communism is capable of, and thus are ready to run your life for you (which is why so many dictatorships like communism).

I guess there isn't anything we can learn from China.

Can't We All Be Friends?
Obama Visits China With Closer Ties in Mind

Barack Hussein Obama is endorsed and supported by Fidel Castro of Cuba (another leader that hates the United States). Barack Hussein Obama recently exchanged warm greetings with President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela (another leader that hates the United States). Barack Hussein Obama had no problem sitting and listening to Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua (another leader that hates the United States) give a 50 minutes speech vilifying the United States.

Barack Hussein Obama recently refused to meet with the Dali Lama (who believes in human rights. Barack Hussein Obama refuse to attend the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall (celebration of Democracy).

Of course Barack Hussein Obama wants closer ties with China. Barack Hussein Obama wants closer ties with any country that hates the United States, democracy or human rights.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bank and Business
UPDATE: Some Retailers Could Follow Wal-Mart's Credit Program

Since the banks have been given large amount of money to loan out to businesses, they have been doing a great job. Of not loaning out any money to anyone. It is good to know that the stimulus and bail out legislation was written so clearly and forcefully that no possible problems could happen.

Now, many more businesses have the option of failing, just like the rest of the big companies. Unfortunately, there are still some business that are not under the thumb of the federal government. Yet. Some of them have decided to do what the banks have decided not to do. Loan money to smaller businesses. That way their suppliers can continue in business and supply them with product to sell. How unamerican!

Not to worry. As long as any business is profitable, there will be a government agency to create additional taxes for them, to help bail out the business that are not interested in making a profit.

Bank Bailout and Reform are Working
Two Banks, One Thrift Fail Friday

The bailout and stimulus plan seems to be doing something. However, I was under the impression the plan was to fix the problems and prevent future bank failures. I guess I was mistaken. The stimulus and bail out plans seem to have been created to allow the too big to fail banks to pay out their annual salaries and bonuses to the executives who caused this mess in the first place.

Aren't you glad to know that the president and congress and senate are doing their best to keep this economy running smoothly.

Racist Unamerican Attack on Politician
Corruption lands ex-Louisiana congressman 13 years

Because of the recent election of a Black President of the United States, it has become all too common that other black men, working for the benefit of their city, or state, or country have been singled out when unfortunate circumstances happen. As a country we need to stop these racist, un-American attacks on politicians. We need to forgive and forget. These people are too black to fail. And they should not get singled out and punished as if they were white.

Let The Punishment Fit The Crime,2933,575110,00.html
Families of 9/11 Victims Divided Over Detainee Trial Plan

What is wrong putting foreign military combatants (terrorists) on trial in civilian courts of the United States? Just because they are trained killers on a military mission is no reason to deny them their American civil rights. Just because they have killed American civilian men, women and children is no reason to deny them their American civil rights. Just because they are here to destroy the United States is no reason to deny them their American civil rights.

Shouldn't we welcome them with open arms? Isn't that what our country is famous for?

Pulling the (Ft.) Hood Over Our Eyes
Barack Hussein Obama demands accountability if Hasan danger signs missed.
Global War on Terror ends - overseas contingency operation begins.

I am confused. Barack Hussein Obama has declared the Global War on Terror is over. There are NO terrorists. Only man-caused disasters. Everybody knows that natural disasters can not be predicted. So how can there be an investigation?

As long as we pretend that Islam is a religion of peace, that it's leaders don't preach that suicide bombers are good, that it's leaders don't preach that killing women and children is good, that it's leaders don't issue death threats on writers and cartoonists they disagree with, that it's leaders don't believe that anyone who is a non-Muslims must convert or die, then there can NEVER be warning signs of a man-caused disasters.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Free Enterprise?
Fed Slaps Curbs on Overdraft Fees

It is a good thing to know that we have free enterprise capitalism.

Even though we have a federal government telling us how much we can charge for various services. Even though we have pay czars telling us how much we can pay staff. Even though any successful business must pay large amounts of taxes to subsidize the businesses that are too big to fail (but try their hardest to fail). Even though the federal government is telling big business who can and cannot be the head of the private(?) business.

Napolitano pronounces US border more secure now
Napolitano pronounces US border more secure now

Don't you feel more secure now that the head of Homeland Security has announced from on high that everything is fine.

Evidently, secure borders to the Department of Homeland Security includes ignoring 400 miles of borders with Mexico. No guards. No fences. No nothing.

After all, don't we all know that terrorists only take planes. They wouldn't possibly think of smuggling a nuclear device over the unguarded border that has no guards and no fence.

She also mentioned that the Department of Homeland Security is reducing the illegal immigration problem by counting on the President and the congress and the senate to destroy the economy of the United States so that all the illegals will want to flee back to Mexico where there is still an economy.

Two former Madoff computer programmers arrested
U.S. arrests and charges two Madoff programmers

Why are these programmers being prosecuted?

It is not like they are doing anything that our federal government is not already doing. These programmers are being charged with helping run a Ponzi Scheme (new investors pay off old investors).


The definition of a Ponzi Scheme sounds suspiciously like Social Security payments (new taxpayers supply the money to pay off old recipients) as well as like most other federal and state government spending programs. So, why not allow these programmers to do what most state governments are currently doing. Issue bonds to be redeemable at some future time. Most of our state governments are busy spending money they don't have in hopes that the economy will recover and there will be change available to pay the money back. I think these programmers (as well as Bernard Madoff) should be given the same hope and change that our current federal government has been given.

Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Unexpectedly Decreased
U.S. Economy: Consumer Sentiment Unexpectedly Falls (Update1)

Government economists are currently surprised that there is a decrease in consumer confidence in our economy.

The professional cheats / frauds / liars that work as government economists are probably the only people on the planet who are suprised at this.

These are the same people believe that an economy can be considered recovering while expecting the unemployment rate rise for the next 12 months (or more). These are the same people who didn't even see the recession coming until it was here for more than a year. These are the same people who claim the unemployment rate is about 10%, but, if you include people who gave up looking for work, and people who used to work full time and are now working part time instead, then the current the unemployment rate is closer to 20%. These are the same people who created the cash for clunkers which went bankrupt a week after it was started. These are the same people that believe that bailing out businesses that are going bankrupt is good for the economy. Where does the bailout money come from? They are paid off from money stolen (taxes) from businesses that managed to function correctly and avoid bankruptcy.

So when these government economists are surprised every time they claim the economy has recovered, and the economy continues to nose dive even lower, I am NOT surprised.

Stimulus job boost exaggerated
Stimulus job boost in state exaggerated, review finds

Errors, incomplete data, estimated positions go into federal report.

I am shocked. Shocked. To find out that the United States Government is unable to count. Or maybe they are just unable to tell the truth. Could it be they just don't know what they are doing?

Evidently no one explained to the recipients of stimulus money what a job really is. I guess someone receiving a welfare check must count as at least one job, since people who have not been hired count as one job, and people who actually have a job can count as two.
Feds: Stimulus money sent to 4,000 cons

I wonder if the people serving time in prison who received a stimulus check count as employees?

At least I can sleep easier at night knowing the Government that counted the above jobs as created, was also capable of counting the economy as saved.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Billionaire Bill Gates says Wall Street pay too high
Billionaire Bill Gates says Wall Street pay too high

Really? The 10th most powerful person in the world thinks that people getting paid less than him are getting paid too much?

With logic like that, Bill Gates, the free enterprise capitalist, turned monopolist after destroying all competitors, is now ready to turn communist and run for political office, where any illogical theory can get treated as fact, and no salary is too high.

ACORN Sues Over 'Unconstitutional' Funding Cuts By Congress
ACORN Sues Over 'Unconstitutional' Funding Cuts By Congress

According to ACORN, the group most know for its fraud, embezzlement and cover-ups, thinks that once you start to receive money, from any source, it is illegal for that source to stop giving money.

I like that theory. If that is valid, the I think it should be illegal to cut off welfare or unemployment benefits, even if you get a job. Or if you get hired to do work, then even if you get fired, you should still get your salary.

Report on Health-Care Costs
Democrats Herald Report on Health-Care Costs

In an effort to disprove how bad the new Health Care Disform bill is going to be, a round table discussion was held to determine what could be done to help reduce increasing health care costs. Since the round table was unable to state that the Health Care Deform bill will do what is necessary to reduce costs, they had to gloss over the problems by claiming that some of what is required to fix the problem is in the bill.

As usual for the political hacks and liars, what they didn't say was much more devastating than what was said.
Obamacare is a Devastating Tax on the Working Class
Some of what they didn't say was that the bill will cause employers additional costs to have employees. So employers are likely to cut back on staff, or in some cases, close their business to avoid paying more than they are capable of earning. Plus, the way the Health Care Deform bill is worded, it is more profitable to fire the lowest paid employees. So in an effort to provide health care to low income earners, the Health Care Deform act will likely case many low income earners to lose their jobs. But maybe this is intentional as then they can go on welfare and all their expenses will be paid by anyone who is left who still has money.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Homeland Security?
Secretary Napolitano Told to Step Down Following Fort Hood Comments

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was quick to let the Muslim terrorists of the world know that we don't hold it against them that we caught one of their terrorists in the middle of killing 13 Americans and wounding 29 more while shouting anti-American terrorist slogans.

Too bad she is isn't as concerned with protecting the lives American citizens from terrorists. Too bad she wasn't as quick to assure Americans that she is sorry this happened. Too bad she doesn't seem interested in doing everything in her power to prevent this from happening again.

Evidently the only threats she is concerned with is with people who believe in the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and with people who have served in United States military.

What I don't understand, is that Barack Hussein Obama appointed Janet Napolitano as head of Homeland Security to protect us from returning veterans (and other threats to the United States of America), and then Michelle Obama is caught saying that she is looking forward to the skills the returning veterans can provide. I wonder what skills Michelle Obama is referring to? Are they the same skills that Janet Napolitano is referring to?
Mrs. Obama says veterans' skills can help at home

Obama Risks a Domestic Military Intervention
Full Text Of Newsmax Column Suggesting Military Coup Against Obama

For some reason, John L. Perry seems to think that Barack Hussein Obama may have to watch out for a coup.

I don't know why Mr. Perry would think that.

I don't think that Barack Hussein Obama is acting much different than any other politician. ie. Barack Hussein Obama is busy appointing criminals and political hacks to offices without any oversight than his own. He is also busy paying off anyone who ever contributed to his election campaign. So he is acting no different than any other politician, he is just acting quicker than any other politician. I imagine this is so that if the public ever figures out what he is doing to this country, it will be too late to do anything about it.

After all, is there a politician in office today that hasn't sworn to uphold the constitution, and yet has done everything he can to subvert it?

I am under the impression that the current (as well as recent) batch of politicians are incapable of understanding what the constitution stands for, so how the heck can they possibly uphold and defend it? Because the politicians control the educational system, and because they don't want anyone to understand what they are doing, the schools have been subverted to propagandize rather than teach.

Worry about a coup?

Barack Hussein Obama is so busy appointing czars who are above the law and only answerable to Barack Hussein Obama, that I doubt the country will even be allowed to think any unpatriotic thought like that.

So, no, I don't then the Hypocrite-in-Chief needs to worry about a coup.