
Friday, April 30, 2010

Obama Is An Incompetent Ignorant Illiterate Idiot.
Obama: There 'may not be an appetite' for immigration bill this year

WRONG! This country is desperate for a rational criminal invasion bill. Which is exactly the opposite of what Barack Hussein Obama wants to do. So Barack Hussein Obama needs to wait a bit for the slaves citizens forget their anger at his last attack on the American way of life before planning and implementing his next attack on the American way of life.
"What I think is a mistake," Obama later said, "is when we start having local law enforcement officials empowered to stop people on the suspicion that they may be undocumented workers, because that carries a great amount of risk that core values that we all care about are breached."

Was Barack Hussein Obama born stupid, or did he have to work hard to get there?

Or is this just the latest assault on the truth that Barack Hussein Obama is famous for when he supports any issue?

I would like to think that Barack Hussein Obama has advisors who are capable of reading. I would like to think that Barack Hussein Obama is capable of reading. If they are, then that only leaves the fact that Barack Hussein Obama knows exactly what this bill says and does, but he is lying about it. Which is not surprising, as Barack Hussein Obama has fraudulently misrepresented EVERY issue he has EVER supported.

I wonder what core American values Barack Hussein Obama was supporting when he bailed out the Wall Street Wizards who contributed to his election campaign? Fraud and corruption!

I wonder what core American values Barack Hussein Obama was supporting when he nationalized the American health care system against the wishes of the majority of Americans? Socialism and the repeal of individual freedom of choice!

What core American values does Barack Hussein Obama think this law is breaking? Since the state law is eerily similar to the federal law on criminal alien invasion of the United States, does Barack Hussein Obama think the federal government is attacking the core American values that Barack Hussein Obama cares about?
Whether Congress can address the issue this year is an open question, Obama acknowledged. "We've gone through a very tough year, and I've been working Congress pretty hard."

How many times in one year can Barack Hussein Obama and his treasonous socialists minions subvert the Constitution of the United States and expect to get away with it?

What is tough about subverting the Constitution of the United States and the will of the majority of the American people? Barack Hussein Obama contemplates how to do this every time he gets up in the morning. The tough part of subverting the Constitution of the United States is how to brainwash the democrats (and the other weak minded individuals) into believing that what Barack Hussein Obama wants is good for the country. As stupid and as evil as the democrats are, they still somehow know that if they subvert the constitution too many times, they might not get reelected to do it again. So Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of his loyal minions don't want to pass too many more reprehensible laws that will further enrage the voting public against them.

Flee Now, Avoid The Rush. Or. Flee While You Still Can.
More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship
Amid mounting frustration over taxation and banking problems, small but growing numbers of overseas Americans are taking the weighty step of renouncing their citizenship.

235 Americans gave up their citizenship in 2008. 743 Americans gave up their citizenship in 2009.

Gee. I wonder what the United States is doing that is so encouraging American citizens to give up their citizenship?

Do you think it could be the double taxation of their income? Do you think it could be the 50 percent penalty if they make a mistake on their income tax return? Do you think it could be the inability to have an American bank account? Do you think it could be continuing erosion of their freedom? Do you think it could be increasing control of the individuals' day to day life? Do you think it could be the increasing socialization of the United States? Could it be the massive welfare spending that will bankrupt the United States in the near future?

This is just some of what American citizens living abroad have to face.

If you are an American citizen living in the United States and you decide that you want to try living abroad, you may now face a 100 percent penalty on your income.

Does this sound like a freedom loving democracy to you?

You Have No Right To Freedom Of Speech.
'South Park' reignites cartoon debate
So this is how it ends. Not with a whimper or a bang (well, maybe), but with a simper from a social misfit with a laptop and a grudge.

Meet Abu Talhah Al-Amrikee, aka Zachary A. Chesser, former George Mason University student, convert to Islam and wannabe jihadist, who recently issued a death "warning" when a cartoon program offended his tender sensibilities.
The Bill of Rights: A Transcription
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Why is everybody getting upset about the self-imposed censorship by Comedy Central upon receiving a death threat from the Muslim majority? It is NOT the government trying to suppress free speech!

Let's look at this from a modern constitutional scholars' viewpoint.

First off, you need to remember that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written by slave owners hundreds of years ago. This means that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are ancient documents that don't apply to modern society. Therefore we should be free to misinterpret the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in any way that is favorable to the current Muslim regime.

Another thing you need to keep in mind. The first amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the first amendment in the Bill of Rights, ONLY says that "congress" will make no law preventing free speech. It says nothing about protecting people who wish to speak. It says nothing about preventing foreign or domestic threats to free speech. If just says that congress will make no law.

Therefore, this means that any Muslim that wants to, can send out death threats without infringing on the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

After all, the Muslim issuing death threats is only using his freedom of religion. He is only trying to present this country the one true way to worship and live. He is only trying to help convert this country from the heathen godless country it currently is into an Allah worshiping third world totalitarian dictatorship that the federal government wants and is in the process of implementing.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Women Cause More Than Global Warming. They Also Cause Earthquakes.
Women Try to Shake Iranian Cleric With 'Boobquake'
After Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi claimed "women who do not dress modestly" cause earthquakes, a Purdue University senior rallied up her gals -- and thousands of other women -- to show the world they can't be blamed for seismic activity.

As we all know, the Muslim religion is a very down to earth, logical and reasonable religion. Which is why so many people in the west are falling all over themselves to show great respect for the true believers (the death threats also help convince people to show respect). The newest pronouncement from the wise and wonderful clerics of the Muslim religion bade women to cover themselves. It turns out that women who show their breasts (and other body parts) are the cause of earthquakes. Fortunately for us, Allah and the Quran has the answer. Beat the women until they learn to obey their owners. If they don't learn to obey, sell them to some one who can teach them some manners.

I knew that there was a reason when I wanted to become a Muslim.

U.S.Supreme Court Upholds Criminal Activity By Lower Court Judges.
Courting Disaster
When the U.S. Supreme Court denied Charles Dean Hood's appeal last week, it was done in a one-sentence, unsigned order. Long after the conclusion of the trial, it became clear that his trial judge and prosecutor had been secretly involved in a years-long extramarital affair.

I wonder if it was the wise Latina who helped set this precedent for the judicial system. In any case, it is good to know that the members of the ruling class are able to commit any crime they choose without fear of punishment.
Appeals rejected Hood's challenge in two curt sentences last September, finding that his lawyers had waited too long to raise the issue on appeal. How Hood was to have raised the conflict of interest when the existence of the affair was not conclusively established until 2008, when the judge and prosecutor were forced to admit it under oath, is not explained.

Equally encouraging is knowing there is a statue of limitations on criminal activities perpetrated by law enforcement officials. It would greatly upet the judicial system if erroneously convicted innocent people were allowed to appeal their conviction when evidence of judicial wrongdoing is discovered at a later date.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Government Economics Explained.
Hi-tech industry cuts a quarter-million jobs
The US' hi-tech industry cut nearly 250,000 jobs last year, after four years of growth in a row.

However, software services rallied later in the year, adding 10,000 jobs in the fourth quarter.

Here is a perfect example of how the government economics works.

The United States is at the beginning of the worst depression that has ever happened. But the federal government has no wish to do anything about the problem, other than to waste taxpayer money on frivolous pet projects, or on projects with good names that actually do the opposite of what they claim. So how can the existing politicians plan to get reelected when they are actively fighting the economic recovery? By doing what I am calling their "Brainwash America" tour. This is where the government ignores the facts they don't like, and pushes the facts they do like. Or in the case of "Global Warming", making up whatever facts they think will work best. The rest of us call this lying.

This is how it works.

If you are a government economists, or any other form of professional liar, you ignore the 250,000 jobs that the hi-tech industry lost permanently last year. Instead you focus on the one and only small segment of the industry that gained jobs. And there you have it. Instant economic recovery.

For the last quarter of 2009, the software industry added 10,000 jobs.

The next time you read or hear any report from the federal government about economic recovery, you would do well to remember this simple explanation.

Food And Toy Police Look To Regulate Fast Food Restaurants
California County Takes Step Toward Banning Toys In 'Happy Meals'
McDonald's and other restaurants that offer toys or little gifts with their kids' meals are the target of a move by supervisors in California's Santa Clara County to ban such promotions "unless the restaurants meet nutritional guidelines," the Los Angeles Times writes.

It is a good thing that politicians are able to focus on what is important.

Aren't you happy that the politicians are spending their time trying to regulate how fast food restaurants serve meals? Obviously it is more important to increase the size of government to regulate food sales than it is to deal with an unbalanced budget and runaway expenses and falling income?

Brazilian Health Minister Claims Screwing The Country Is Healthy For Politicians.
Brazil official urges more sex for better health
Minister Jose Temporao says adults should be exercising more to help keep their blood pressure down — and he says a good cardiovascular workout includes sex, "always with protection, obviously."

American politicians in general are more adulterous than adults. Even so, they seem to have understood Brazil's health minister's advice much better than you would expect American politicians to understanding anything that doesn't involve accepting bribes. Otherwise why would American politicians spend so much time screwing the country and the citizens.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Government Optimistic Housing Market Will Recover In 1,000 Years Or Less.
Real Time Economics
103: The number of months it would take to sell off all the foreclosed homes in banks’ possession, plus all the homes likely to end up there over the next couple years, at the current rate of sales.

What they left out of this article, is that they are talking about the best most optimistic scenarios they can create. Reality is likely to turn out to be less optimistic.

I can see why the government loudly proclaims the housing market is in complete recovery every time a new house sells. With the federal governments efforts to HAMPER (Home Affordable Modification Program with Every Resource) the housing market recovery, we can expect a complete housing recovery within the next 100 years. Now how is that for swift and divisive action? What more can you expect from a government that doesn't understand the economic disaster that they created, that they didn't see the economic disaster coming, and that they now proclaim they will fix this economic disaster with the same skills that got us into the economic disaster in the first place?

Don't you just love big government regulation?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Illegal Alien Vote?
Obama and Democrats appeal to new voters in midterms
President Obama will declare his stake in the November midterm elections for the first time on Monday as his Democratic Party announces an ambitious strategy to appeal to independent voters in its quest to maintain control of Congress.

Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic Party need to appeal to the first time new voters who elected Barack Hussein Obama.

Unfortunately, Barack Hussein Obama's economic policies have left all those new voters unemployed. And no matter how many times Barack Hussein Obama states that he saved the economy, the people who voted for Barack Hussein Obama, but have ended up unemployed with no hope for the future, are unlikely to vote for more of the same. While the "Hype and Confusion" that Barack Hussein Obama campaigned on have come to pass, all the people who voted for him had hoped that those things would happen to someone else, and not themselves.

So Barack Hussein Obama and the Democratic Party need some new segment of the public they can brainwash into believing that Barack Hussein Obama is the one and needs their vote. Which could be why Barack Hussein Obama is now expressing concern about the State of Arizona enforcing the federal immigration laws that the federal government has NOT been enforcing. The illegal alien vote may be large enough to overcome the loss of "Hype and Confusion" voters who are no longer confused by all the hype.

Health Deform Plan Working As Expected.
Health reform gives old scam a new angle
In suburban St. Louis, a fellow was going from house to house saying he was from the government and he was there to help people — to obtain “ObamaCare” policies.

Everything that Barack Hussein Obama says about the Health Care Deform plan is a lie. Any time any body speaks the truth about the Health Care Deform plan, Barack Hussein Obama calls them liars. This is causing a lot of confusion among the faithful that want to believe the liars and want to disbelieve the truth tellers. This has helped Barack Hussein Obama with his new job creation program. A new class of con men has been created. This new class of con men are now openly scamming the public with more lies about the new Health Care Deform plans and how it can help the American Public.

So the next time anybody tells you that Barack Hussein Obama never created any jobs, you can point to this article and tell them how they are wrong.

Mullah Obama Visits Rev. Graham
President pays visit to Rev. Graham
President Obama arrived at the Rev. Billy Graham's mountaintop log cabin Sunday afternoon, making a brief visit to the 91-year-old evangelist who has been a spiritual adviser to presidents for seven decades.

Barack Hussein Obama felt it was necessary to bestow a personal visit on the former spiritual adviser to presidents. Barack Hussein Obama explained why Rev. Billy Graham's services were no longer necessary. Since the United States is a nation with a Muslim ruler, only Muslim spiritual advisers are welcome in the Red House. Infidels are no longer welcome. However, any time the Rev. Bill Graham is willing to convert to the one true religion, Islam, he will be welcomed back to the Red House.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Obama's Banking Fraud.
Banks receiving government aid cut loans
Banks that received federal assistance during the financial crisis reduced lending more aggressively and gave bigger pay raises to employees than institutions that didn't get aid, a USA TODAY/American University review found.

Barack Hussein Obama is a genius.

Barack Hussein Obama hates capitalism. Barack Hussein Obama was elected on a platform that he likes capitalism. How can Barack Hussein Obama carry out his plans for the destruction of capitalism while the public looks on? By lying to the American people. Take the bank bailout, for example. Barack Hussein Obama claimed this would help the American economy. It has helped the American economy. To the brink of destruction.

The banks, which are the life blood of the economy, loan money to individuals and small businesses which are the economy. No matter what the liar-in-chief claimed when he got the bailout bill passed, ALL the banks that received bailout money reduced the number of loans and the amount of loans made to individuals and small businesses. And to show their solidarity with the American public during these trying economic times, ALL the banks that received bailout money, gave large bonuses to their executives.

How's that for helping the American economy and the liar-in-thief.

What is even better that that, you might ask?

What do you think happens to any paid back money from any of the bailed out banks? If you think any of that payback goes back to any of the 8+ million unemployed American people, or the 4+ million homeowners facing foreclosure, or any of the still employed who had their taxes looted for this fiasco, then you haven't been paying attention to the Chicago style corruption of our criminal-in-chief. Any paid back funds go into a slush fund for further distribution by the fraud-in-chief who is getting tired of having to bribe the corrupt politicians for more of his dirty tricks.

Sounds like a win-win-win situation to me.

The corrupt-in-thief lied about how the money was going to be used.

The corrupt-in-thief won't use the paid back funds for anything legitimate or authorized by the congress or senate.

The corrupt-in-thief can blame everything on the greedy bankers.

Pure genius.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned. The S.E.C. Yanked While The Economy Tanked.
Did Porn Cause the Financial Crisis?
The above headline might seem like a joke. It isn't. Senior staffers at the Securities and Exchange Commission were surfing Internet pornography when they should have been policing the financial system. A deeply disturbing SEC memo to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) exposing this problem was reported Thursday night by ABC News.

Is this what they mean when they say the government is "hard at work"? The S.E.C. is "exposing" their newest problem? Did the S.E.C. work "hand in glove" with the businesses they were supposed to oversee? Is the S.E.C. going to wash their hands of this problem?

When they make a movie of this, the federal government and the S.E.C. may think of this as their finest hour, but the movie industry is more likely to think of this as "Romancing The Hand".

Congress is investigating Goldman Sachs to determine how the economic meltdown happened. Don't expect to see congress investigating the S.E.C. to find out why the S.E.C. who was overseeing Goldman Sachs for years let them get away with causing the economic meltdown.

It is too bad that federal government employees are not responsible for their actions. I would think that getting paid $200,000 or more per year should get at least a barely competent employee. But these are government employees, so barely competent is best we can ever expect. And of course, none of these people will ever be punished for gross negligence or held responsible for what they did.

But any regulator who can be bribed with a subscription to an Internet porn site should be willing to work for the federal government for a heck of a lot less money than they are currently being paid.

If this is how the federal government oversees the economy, I think we know what to expect when the federal government oversees the health care industry.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Arizona Says Obama Pro-Immigration Stance Is 'Misguided'.
Obama says Arizona immigration bill 'misguided'
President Barack Obama says the government must enact immigration reform at the national level - or leave the door open to "irresponsibility by others."

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Because the federal government has refused to address the illegal alien problem in any meaningful way, the states most seriously affected by the problem are starting to act.

Anything which adds millions of uneducated poverty stricken people to the population is a socialist dream that Barack Hussein Obama and the other liberal socialist democrats approve of. If any state tries to prevent this from happening, Barack Hussein Obama must quash it as soon as possible for fear that any of his other socialist dreams for this country would soon fall afterwards.

Arizona's American Citizen Protection Bill (to punish illegal aliens) has inspired Barack Hussein Obama to use the same skills he used to subvert the American Health Care system to address the illegal alien problem. However, if Barack Hussein Obama's idea of "immigration reform" is anything like is idea of "Health Care" Deform I think I have the perfect solution.

Everyone in the United States needs to renounce their American citizenship. They need to leave the United States. The former United States citizens then need to sneak back across the United States border.

Anyone sneaking back across the United States borders will then become an illegal alien. They will now be eligible for free health care, free welfare, free education, ...

The liberal socialist democrats will have what they want. A large population of unemployed illegal aliens looking for free handouts and willing to vote for anyone who promises to increase the size of the handouts.

The federal government will have what they want. The problem will be too big for the current law enforcement department to deal with, so the police state force will need to increase in size.

The citizens will have what they want. As illegal aliens they will no longer have to pay the outrageously high income taxes. The new illegal aliens no longer need to fear law enforcement as there are now more laws on the books to protect the rights of illegal aliens than there are to protect the rights of law abiding citizens.

Problem solved.

Criminals Object To State Enforcement Of Federal Law.
Ariz. gov. to act on immigration enforcement bill
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Friday neared a deadline to act on the nation's toughest legislation against illegal immigration.

The sweeping measure would make it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It would also require local police officers to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are illegal.

What is the world coming to when a state wants to enforce a federal law that the federal government won't repeal but won't enforce?

We are not talking about rape, or robbery, or kidnapping or not buying health insurance. We are talking about a crime that in foreign countries you can get put in prison for 10 or more years and face a heavy monetary penalty. We are talking about entering this country without asking permission.
Civil rights activists have said the bill would lead to racial profiling and deter Hispanics from reporting crimes.

This is terrible. It may discourage criminals from reporting crimes. I know I want the police to protected drug smugglers who get ripped off by other drug smugglers or their customers.

Hundreds of Hispanics protested the legislation at the State Capitol complex on Thursday.

Were any of the protesters criminals who crossed the federal border illegally?

But the civil rights activists and the criminals may have a point. Maybe the illegal aliens shouldn't have to obey the law of the land. If so, then I want to see murderers and rapists stand up for their right to break the law. Maybe tax cheats shouldn't have to obey the tax laws (although tax cheats appointed by Barack Hussein Obama already have the right to disobey the law). Maybe people without health insurance shouldn't have to buy insurance?
Other provisions of the bill allow lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws, and make it illegal to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them.

But this law goes too far. It makes it a state crime for the federal government to prevent enforcement of federal law by state agencies.

How can the average citizen (non-criminal) complain about the capricious and arbitrary nature of the law, if the state government is allowed to enforce federal laws that the federal government has chosen to turn a blind eye to "don't ask, don't tell".
Brewer's predecessor, Janet Napolitano, a Democrat who is now President Barack Obama's Homeland Security secretary, vetoed proposals similar to the bill just approved by the Legislature.

Evidently, Janet Napolitano believes it is better to criminalize otherwise law abiding United States citizens, and allow illegal aliens the right to collect welfare, health care, and any other government giveaway program that United States citizens must pay for.
Others urging Brewer to veto the bill include Catholic bishops, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, a Democrat, and Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for governor. Mexico's embassy also has voiced concerns about racial profiling.

It is good to know that Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.) are not the only hypocrites on this continent. Mexico, has much harsher illegal immigration laws. Illegal aliens in Mexico are felons who get a jail term before getting deported.

But the real bottom line, is that the federal government is NOT interested in protecting the citizens of the United States. The federal government is ONLY interested in getting more power. The federal government is ONLY interested in taking away the rights of legal citizens. The federal government is ONLY interested in getting more laws on the books that they don't plan on enforcing so that if they ever want to arbitrarily prosecute someone they will have the laws ready and waiting for them.

This just goes to show that there is a reason one of the three biggest lies told on a regular basis is:
I'm from the government and I am here to help.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

[Islam] Death Threats Proof Of Peaceful Intentions.
Muslim group warns 'South Park' creators of death
A radical Muslim group has warned the creators of South Park that they could face violent retribution for depicting the prophet Muhammad in a bear suit during last week's episode.

A radical Muslim group (one of many) warned that any non-fawning depictions of their religion and their culture should result in many deaths.

Because they are a "peaceful" group, this radical Muslim group warned their followers against carrying out murderous attacks on the South Park creators (or friends or neighbors or strangers) because Islam is a religion of "peace".

In an effort to give the impression that they will not do anything that violates their "peaceful" intentions, this radical Muslim group posted the following information on their web site.

This radical Muslim group posted home addresses, work addresses, favorite restaurants, favorite stores, ... of the South Park creators. This radical Muslim group also posted detailed photographs, and directions to avoid ending up at any place where the South Park creators are know to frequent. This radical Muslim group posted instructions on how to make weapons out of materials found at any hardware store (along with directions for stores in the area where the South Park Creators are know to frequent). This radical Muslim group also posted addresses and locations of all gun shops in the area as well.

The radical Muslim stated they posted this information so that all the faithful would know exactly what "not" to do to avoid harming the infidels who insulted their religion and culture.

The Muslim-in-chief and the rest of the liberal, democratic, politically correct media applauded the "peaceful" response to this most appalling attack on their religion and culture by insensitive decadent capitalistic pig dogs.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

[Gun Control] You Are Worthless!
Gun Control Advocate Shoots Intruder
What would you think if a long-time gun control advocate ended up shooting someone? Might the word “hypocrite” come to mind?

You are worthless!

Well. Not completely worthless. Just mostly worthless. All you are capable of doing is voting a politician into office, and paying taxes.

You are almost worthless as a voter. Politicians must waste most of their bribe money running for office. Most of their money is spent on advertising campaigns. There are no guarantees that an advertising campaign will work. At the moment, politicians are still not allowed to pay for votes. So maybe that is the next reform they need to institute. But until that happens, politicians are not able to enjoy the fruits of their betrayal of the voters.

You are almost worthless as a taxpayer. Based on past, current and future legislation, almost 50% of the slaves citizens owe no taxes. With the constantly escalating expenses of government and constantly increasing taxes, the percentage of slaves citizens paying taxes is continuing to drop. Which means that as your ability to pay taxes goes down, so does your value to the government.

So the only people of any value are politicians. Which is why they work so hard to exempt themselves from all the laws they pass. Which is why they need guns to protect themselves. Which is why the slaves citizens must be denied the right to defend themselves. If the slaves citizens ever get the right to protect themselves, they might decide that they have value, and they just might overthrow their rightful overseers and masters.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Politicians Hypocritical Oath Of Office

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will disrespect the hard-won scientific gains of those economists and statesmen in whose steps I walk, and gladly obfuscate such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the politicians, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of logical thinking and respect for the law.

I will remember that there is art to politics as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding never outweighs the the need to show arrogance and contempt to the citizens.

I will be ashamed to say "I know not," nor will I call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a full assessment of the law.

I will disrespect the privacy of my constituents, for their problems are not my problems and anyone who bribes me deserves privileged access to private information. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great arrogance and awareness of my own infallibility. Above all, I must not play at Obama (although I may emulate Obama).

I will remember that I do not treat a citizen, but I treat with special interest groups who wish to affect every person's family and economic stability. My responsibility includes none of these related problems, if I am to care adequately for myself and my henchmen and minions.

I will prevent freedom whenever I can, for socialism is preferable to freedom.

I will remember that I remain above the members of society, with special obligations to no one except myself and cronies, those sound of large cash contributions as well as smaller contributions.

If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of accepting bribes from those who seek my help.

I swear to tell the lie, the whole lie, and nothing but the lie, so help me Obama.

Government Caught Lying. Promises To Create More Believable Lie Better In The Future.
US government finally admits most piracy estimates are bogus
In a new report out yesterday, the government's own internal watchdog took a close look at "efforts to quantify the economic effects of counterfeit and pirated goods." After examining all the data and consulting with numerous experts inside and outside of government, the Government Accountability Office concluded (PDF) that it is "difficult, if not impossible, to quantify the economy-wide impacts."

Gee. This is surprising. The government is once again caught lying to the public to defend the special interest groups that bribed the government to pass laws for the special interest groups.

Back in 1986, the rapacious movie and music industry decided that they needed more stringent laws to protect their excessive profits. They figured out that the best way to insure continued excessive profits, is to bribe senators and congressmen to pass legislation to protect their business model.

Since at that time, there was no problem with piracy, and no proof that a problem existed, the movie and music industry did what any good government agency would do. The movie and music industry lied. But the movie and music industry did a very bad job of lying. The movie and music industry didn't even bother making up phony studies. The movie and music industry just flat out lied about the consequences of piracy on the music and movie business. Maybe next time they should use the "Global Warming" scientists who also lie outrageously, but at least take the time to create phony reports that purport to show that research was actually done.

The government didn't care about the lies, because the only thing the government cares about is getting another excuse to increase the size of government. So the government spread these lies among the agencies that needed more ammunition for size increases.

Unfortunately, some misguided politicians who didn't realize how corrupt the government is, managed to get passed the "Freedom of Information Act". When private citizens questioned the piracy loss numbers, they kept requesting more and more information until the private citizens traced the fraudulent numbers back to their source. Which was made up numbers with no relationship to reality.

So all the government can do at this time is apologize for getting caught, and promise to lie more skillfully in the future.

How Obama can help heal the race gap in America? Resign!;_ylt=AqhsU51aQVZRjzerqkTe81.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTFlc2o4czE4BHBvcwMyMTkEc2VjA2FjY29yZGlvbl9vcGluaW9uBHNsawNob3dvYmFtYWNhbmg-
How Obama can help heal the race gap in America

Is Barack Hussein Obama concerned that the people who hate him for his anti-American rhetoric and policies are mistakenly thinking that all African-Americans feel the same way? If so, I can understand why Barack Hussein Obama might think the race gap is growing larger in his new United Socialist States of Amerika (U.S.S.A.).

However, all the propaganda spewing forth from the Red White House all have a different story. The propaganda machine claims that everybody loves Barack Hussein Obama and his plans to socialize this country. So if everybody loves Barack Hussein Obama, then any race gap should be growing smaller, not larger.

So there is no need for articles of this nature.

Obama Connects With Common Man At Outrageously Expensive Fundraiser.,0,5906194.story
Obama arrives in L.A. to raise funds for Boxer
Then she and Obama headed to a dinner at the Museum of Natural History, where tickets cost $35,200 per couple.

In an effort to show that the democratic party hasn't lost touch with the common people, Barack Hussein Obama attended a fund raising dinner for Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer that only cost $35,200 per couple ($17,600 per person if single).

In spite of (or maybe because of) Barack Hussein Obama's contempt for America and Americans the wealthy democrats flocked to hear their messiah explain how what is bad (Health Care Deform, poverty, joblessness, homelessness, ...) for Barack Hussein Obama is good for the country. The crowd of mega-wealthy Democrats responded positively to the Barbara Boxer and Barack Hussein Obama message of tax the poor and middle class (until there is no more middle class), and subsidize the wealthy and political elite (it is hard work destroying the United States and Barack Hussein Obama and his czars and commissars need to be paid handsomely for their work). The mega-wealthy Democrats feel safe supporting Barbara Boxer and Barack Hussein Obama because they know that the recent Health Care Deform Bill exempted all politicians from it's draconian effects. So the mega-wealthy Democrats believe that any new taxation scheme will exempt the mega-wealthy Democrats as well.

Fortunately for the rest of the country, the Democrats still haven't figured out that the average American Citizen hates the fraud and corruption the politicians have been displaying since Barack Hussein Obama was elected as criminal-in-chief. Fortunately for the rest of the country, the Democrats still haven't figured out that everyone that Barack Hussein Obama has campaigned for recently has lost their election or reelection bids.

Monday, April 19, 2010

What Is The Best Profession For Pedophiles?
Pediatrician Charged With Rape Was Once Cleared by Hospital
Officials at a hospital here say that they investigated a 1996 complaint against a pediatrician now charged with sexually abusing more than 100 patients, but that the doctor was cleared of any wrongdoing.

What is the best profession for a pedophile? Priest? Doctor?

In 1996, the Beebe Medical Center investigated a doctor accused of inappropriate behavior with patients. As with most internal investigations, the doctor was cleared of all wrong doing. Unfortunately for the doctor, the Beebe Medical Center was unable to prevent the local law enforcement agency investigating more complaints. And the local law enforcement agency is now prosecuting the doctor for more than 100 sexual attacks on children.

When the church finds out about a priest who rapes children, the church covers up the problem by moving the priest to another church. No matter how many times the priest is caught. There is always another church the priest can be moved to. And if the local law enforcement agencies start investigating, the church can always move the priest to another country where the priest can continue molesting children.

So, if you are a pedophile looking for a career that provides you with the most opportunity of meeting and raping children (and getting away without being punished), then becoming a priest is the only reasonable choice.

I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Hurt.
Majority of Americans distrust the government: survey
Nearly 80 percent of Americans say they do not trust the U.S. government to do what is right, expressing the highest level of distrust in Washington in half a century, according to a public opinion survey.

Imagine that.

Who would have thought that the socialist take over of the United Socialist States of Amerika (U.S.S.A.) would cause the slaves citizens to get upset? Who would have thought that the recent show of force where the elite political class publicly discussed subverting the constitution of the United States in order to force an unconstitutional, unwanted Health Care Deform bill on the slaves citizens would cause them to get upset? Who would have thought that the left wing socialists bribing the not so socialist left wing democrats to vote for the unconstitutional and unwanted Health Care Deform bill would cause the slaves citizens to get upset?

For years (decades) the government has treated the slaves citizens as the enemy. With the election of Barack Hussein Obama, the government has stepped up its war on the slaves citizens. The government (in the form of the D.H.S.) has finally declared that anyone who believes in the constitution and the bill of rights is more of a threat to Amerika than Muslim terrorists. So it should come as no surprise that the slaves citizens distrust the government.

The government should be scared. The American Revolution, where the American people revolted against the tyrannical regime in England, were objecting to much less heinous actions of the government than what the federal government is doing to slaves citizens today.

University Teaches Students To Select Shortsighted Short Term Solutions For All Long Term Problems.
U of Manitoba refuses record collection
The University of Manitoba has politely refused an unexpected offer from a Toronto doctor to take a massive collection of vintage records off his hands.

What is a private individual supposed to do with a 56,500 vinyl record collection that has records as old as 1913?

I would think that a university or a museum would be a good place to donate a collection like this. I would be wrong. The University of Manitoba, like all government institutions, takes the short sighted, short term solution. Their response to the donation offer, is that this is too big for them to deal with so dispose of it some other way. But I suppose this makes sense. Most universities don't care about any culture other than their own, and their funds are all earmarked for raises rather than educating students or preserving historical records.

It seems to me that a collection of this size just might have some rare recordings that otherwise no longer exist. I would think that at the very least the university should make an attempt to catalog and review the collection to see if it is worth saving. I would think that even if the university decides that after review it still doesn't want the collection, they should be able to help find a home for this collection. Breaking up a collection of this size, and dispersing it to multiple collectors around the world is not a great way to preserve a valuable historical record of popular culture.

But I am not employed by a government agency, so I am able to see the value in a collection of this nature. And I am saddened to think that due to government short sightedness some of these recordings may be lost to the public forever.

Geithner Is Shocked And Upset That The Economy Appears To Be Growing.
Geithner says economy growing faster than expected
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says the economy is growing faster than the Obama administration expected.

Of course the economy is growing faster than the Barack Hussein Obama administration expected.

Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist. By this time everyone on this planet should know that Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist. Barack Hussein Obama is doing his best to convert America into a socialist country. To convert American into a socialist economy, Barack Hussein Obama must first crush the economy. Then Barack Hussein Obama must have the federal government take over what's left of the economy. So Barack Hussein Obama is very upset that the American economy is showing any sign of life after more than a year of attempts by the Barack Hussein Obama administration to destroy the economy. But the liberals and the democratic party have no need to be concerned by this setback. Now that Barack Hussein Obama is aware of the problem, he and his sycophants, minions, henchmen, czars and commissars will do something about it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Government Celebrates Increasing Joblessness.
Some U.S. states find recovery hope in jobs data

Don't you just love the way the government lies to the public?

The government calculates the unemployment rate by the people who file for unemployment benefits. If you used to work as a highly paid skilled worker and you are now working as a fast food restaurant cook or cashier (even though you can't support yourself), you are no longer counted as unemployed. If you have given up hope and no longer look for work you are dropped from unemployment benefits and no longer counted as unemployed. If you are unemployed for too long and your benefits run out, the government no longer counts you as unemployed.

Thus the longer this great depression lasts, the more the unemployment rate drops. This gives the government the excuse it needs to claim that the economy is improving because the unemployment rate is dropping.

While on paper and in government statistics factories this may look good, I don't think this is the solution to unemployment that the average slave citizen of this country was hoping for.

World's Shortest Bicycle Lane.
Council condemned over 'Britain's shortest cycle lane'
A council has been condemned for wasting taxpayers’ money after it built a cycle lane just 8ft long.

Building a bicycle lane that is 8 feet long is the governments way of sending a clear message that all slaves citizens can understand.

- We are the government, and we will waste your money on any frivolous project we want to.

- There is no project so stupid that it will not get government approval.

- There is no shortage of funds for government boondoggles. That is what the slaves citizen taxpayers are for.

- There is no project the government will work on that will benefit the slaves citizens in any way, shape or form.

- There is no project so small that the government can't overspend to complete it.

- There is no project so small that can't be used to bribe special interest groups.

Proof positive that in order to work for the government and green light expensive, wasteful spending projects like this that have absolutely no useful function other that to waste money and bring ridicule down on government workers, you must be brain dead. No offense intended to zombies and others incapable of displaying brain activity.

50 Bank Failures So Far This Year.
U.S. shuts 8 more banks; 50 total have been closed this year
Regulators on Friday shut down eight banks — three in Florida, two in California, and one each in Massachusetts, Michigan and Washington — putting the number of U.S. bank failures this year at 50.

Barack Hussein Obama's war on capitalism is proceeding as planned and on schedule.

If the federal government actually tried to save banks from bankruptcy, it would be horrible. There would be no job losses at the banks. The banks would be able to continue to loan money to those who need it. Small businesses need small loans to keep their businesses open, and their staff employed. Homeowners need understanding banks to work with them while dealing with the tough economic times to prevent losing their homes to foreclosure. We can look forward to none of these things happening. All we can look forward to is more bank failures and more government oversight trying to understand why the government is not doing more to speed up the failures of the banks which service the local communities.

But you have nothing to worry about. This is just Barack Hussein Obama's plan to convert America into a socialist utopia. In order to reduce American into a socialist workers paradise, Barack Hussein Obama needs to close down all businesses and destroy private property ownership. At which point, Barack Hussein Obama will have accomplished all he has set out to do. At which point, Barack Hussein Obama will have assured his place in the history books next to his heroes (Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, Kim Jong Ill, Mao Zedong and Fidel Castro) will be assured for all time.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's The End Of The Space Program As We Know It (And I Feel Fine).
Obama Mars Plan Too Far Out?
Republicans say the President's vision for NASA means the end of U.S. space leadership, and even some Democrats are questioning the plan.


I wouldn't worry about the Republican party of "just say no" being upset with Barack Hussein Obama's plans for dismantling the United States space program. The Republicans will never approve of anything that Barack Hussein Obama is in favor of. In any case, a democratic bipartisan consensus doesn't require Republican approval.


And I wouldn't worry about the democratic resistance. Even though a number of democrats were against the federal funding of abortions, they all caved in and voted for the Health Care Deform bill when supplied with suitable bribes. So any Democratic resistance to dismantling the space program can be resolved with suitable bribes.


Remember what Barack of Borg always says. Resistance is futile.

Senate Congratulates Watchdog Organization For Not Doing It's Job.
In Washington Mutual Case, senator says OTS was 'watchdog with no bite'
In a testy exchange with senators Friday, the former head of the Office of Thrift Supervision denied that his agency fostered a cozy relationship with Washington Mutual that tempered oversight of the Seattle thrift and ultimately resulted in the largest bank failure in U.S. history.

The senate whitewash of the Washington Mutual bank failure is proceeding on schedule.

Former O.T.S. (Office of Thrift Supervision or is that Off Taking Swag) director John M. Reich denied any wrong doing when confronted by the senate for his misfeasance and malfeasance while in office. His cry of "I was only following orders" has gotten may politicians out of problems in the past and should continue to serve the political (criminal) class for years to come.

Since all the senators running this investigation were "only following orders" when they passed the Health Care Deform bill without reading it, they have determined that there can be no basis for holding any government official personally responsible for not doing their job.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Left Wing Takeover Of Country Is Inciting Right Wing Reaction.
Bill Clinton Warns Tea Party Anger Could Incite Right-Wing Extremism
As usual, the left wing extremists must mis-characterize what is happening around them.

This news article quotes Bill Clinton (who seemed to think that the White House was his private hunting preserve for sex with subordinates) talking about something other than sex. So right off my B.S. detector is screaming at me to ignore everything he says. Right now, the only thing I might think that Bill Clinton is an expert on, and is capable of talking about, is as a spokesman for any porn actress or Tiger Woods.

The Bill Clinton starts off talking about the anger of the Tea Party movement without putting it into context. The justified anger of the Tea Party movement, is against the criminal take over the of United States by left wing extremists who hate American and are doing everything they can to subvert the constitution and the bill of rights. For those of you of you that think I am exaggerating, you might want to try reading a history book. This country was founded by people fleeing Europe and England that didn't want to be told how to pray who to pray to. The American revolution was caused because the government (England) felt that the rights of the government was more important than the rights of the people. If you think you have any rights, other than to pay higher taxes, you are sadly mistaken.

Like any good left wing extremist, Bill Clinton has no facts to back up his position, so he uses unfounded accusations to bolster his position. The Oaklahoma bomber has as much in common with the Tea Party movement, as the average burglar or robber does with Barack Hussein Obama's goal to redistribute the wealth from those that have it to those that don't.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bernanke Promises Economic Recovery Before The next Millennium
'Significant amount of time' needed for job recovery: Bernanke+
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday warned against optimism over the nation's economic recovery, saying "a significant amount of time will be required" to create 8.5 million jobs that have been lost during the past years in recession.

In his latest press release (or was it his testimony before the Joint Economic Committees of Congress-he is just as dishonest in both) Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke (an unindicted co-conspirator for destroying the American economy) pontificated on why it is unimportant that the economic recovery allowed the loss of millions of jobs, caused millions of people to lose their homes and caused the failure of millions of businesses.

Ben Bernanke continued saying that he would be willing to continue to accept bribes from the democratic party to maintain the current job killing economy and pretend that he cares about the economy and is doing something about it.

Ben Bernanke promised that he is willing to stay in office until all the jobs he destroyed with his previous policies are recovered. Even if it takes decades. Even if it takes centuries. Even if the economy never recovers. He is willing to hand down this job to his children and their children and their children's children in an effort to save the American economy.

Ben Bernanke concluded his rambling diatribe by reminding congress that no matter how bad this minor economic upset looks, it really is minor and not worth worrying about. And that if everyone will just be patient, soon enough everyone will believe that there is nothing that can be done about the situation and people will learn to live in the new socialist order.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Obama Says Hiring Aliens Is Good For The U.S. Economy.
With 1 in 5 Americans out of work, Obama issues over a million green cards
The Department of Homeland Security has just reported that during 2009, they issued 1,130,818 new Green Cards to foreign nationals, allowing them to work legally in this country. That number represents the fourth highest number of cards issued in one year.

With unemployment running at more than 10%, with millions of Americans unemployed, Barack Hussein Obama is showing his support for American citizens by helping more than 1 million foreign nationals get their green cards. Just like the jobless, homeless, businessless economic recovery of last year, the giving of jobs to foreign nationals is a good way to help the American economy and the American people recover from the minor economic slump the United States is currently experiencing.

And if you believe this, you must be a Barack Hussein Obama supporter who thinks that if slavery is offered by the politically correct socialist democratic party then it must be better than freedom.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

California Justice. Free The Rapists And Killers. Imprison The Pot Smokers.
California’s Legal System Has its Priorities Wrong

According to the FBI, in 2008, almost 60,000 violent crimes went unsolved in California. That same year, over 61,000 Californians were arrested for misdemeanor cannabis possession.

What is wrong with these numbers?

According to the State of California, nothing.

If the police state arrest an individual for a violent crime, it costs the police State of California a lot of money for the capture, prosecution and imprisoning of that individual.

If the police state arrest an individual for a drug crime, they can confiscate all the criminals private property. Which means that the police State of California might even be able to break even or make a profit on the arrest of non-violent criminals.

The State of California is in the middle of a budget crisis. By following the advice of the Federal Reserve Board and other economists that Barack Hussein Obama trusts with the economy of the United States, the State of California is spending more than it collects in fees, taxes, permits, contributions, confiscations, ... Unlike the federal government, the State of California is unable to print more money. So the State of California needs some other way to balance the budget. So by ignoring violent crime in favor of non-violent drug crime, the State of California may be able to save a few million dollars. If you are a politician it is very easy to justify criminalizing a large portion of the population and endangering the rest of the population (by not investigating violent crime or letting prisoners go free early) in order to save a few million dollars (when you are billions short).

T.S.A. - Terrorists Screenings Amok.
Daniel Rubin: Another case of TSA overkill
Did you hear about the Camden cop whose disabled son wasn't allowed to pass through airport security unless he took off his leg braces?

Did you hear the one about the T.S.A. agent who treated a passenger with dignity and respect? He was fired for dereliction of duty!
Harassed War Reporter: We Must Stand Up To TSA Thugs
A war reporter who was detained, interrogated and handcuffed at Seattle airport for refusing to answer personal questions about his income has warned that Americans need to start standing up to TSA thugs because entering the country is now a more stifling experience than some of the worst police states on the planet.

There is no need to worry about the thugs at the United States airports. That shortly will not be an aberration, but rather the norm. The federal government is looking to hire more thugs to enforce the new harsh and repressive mandatory health insurance laws, recycling laws, eating laws, energy consumption laws and weather proofing laws.
Detained by TSA
In town for a conference, a director of Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty is detained by TSA at the St. Louis airport because when asked to explain why he's carrying $4,700 in cash (it was proceeds from book and ticket sales at the conference), he asks the agents to tell him what law requires him to do so. He managed to surreptitiously record his conversations with TSA officers on a cell phone. The audio is infuriating.

The director of Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty should have known better. He should know by now how the government works. He should have known that it is illegal to have any wealth. He should have known that all wealth must be distributed to the millions of currently unemployed and the millions more who will shortly become unemployed. How can we have true socialism in this country if any citizen is allowed to own anything?
Entry to U.S. scares away tourism, business
Since September 11, the U.S. has seen a 17% decline in foreign visitors, and a travel advocacy group says that the reason is “a climate of fear and frustration that is turning away foreign business and leisure travelers from visiting the United States and damaging America’s image abroad.”

The last thing the United Socialist States of Amerika wants is tourists from foreign countries coming here and discovering the U.S.S.A. is more repressive than any other foreign communist dictatorship. That is why the main unwritten rule of the T.S.A. is to treat all passengers with disdain, disgust and disrespect.
TSA is as unpopular as the IRS -- UPDATED
The TSA is now tied with the IRS for least popular government agency in America, according to an AP poll. They're even less popular than FEMA -- the bunglers who brought you the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

Why should the Infernal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) have all the glory. Any government organization that acts on behalf of or kindly towards citizens is not doing their job correctly. Therefore, the more hated you are, the better job you are doing. Which is why Barack Hussein Obama's approval ratings continue to plummet. Once his approval ratings have flat lined at 0%, then Barack Hussein Obama will know that the glorious workers paradise promised by Karl Marx will have arrived, and he will be the cause of it. We're The TSA And You Can Count On Us!
We’re the Transportation Security Administration. We’re working hard to make sure you enjoy a safe flight. And while we cannot apprehend every terrorist, you can count on us to do what we’re trained to do whenever there’s a security breach–overreact to tiny threats.

Overreact to tiny threats; ignore the big ones. That’s what we do, and we do it better than anyone.

I was going to write something scathing about how good the T.S.A. is at allowing real terrorist through the screening system, while harassing obviously innocent loyal American citizens. But it turns out that someone has already done it.

So all I am left with is a few questions and a conclusion.

Is this the typical level of care and concern that government employees are exhibiting towards the 99% of the passengers who are law abiding citizens of this and other countries when they are stopped at a T.S.A. screening station? Is this how the T.S.A. searches for Muslim Terrorists man-caused disasters?

Then I am very afraid to see how the incompetent government hacks who will be administering health care treat the sick and ailing law abiding citizens in this country.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Politicians Declare Freedom Of Choice Is Unamerican.
US Senator condemns 'absurd' carry-on luggage charge
Low-cost US airline Spirit's "absurd" move to charge for some carry-on luggage shows the need for legislation to force full disclosure of all such fees and charges, a US Senator said Wednesday.

What is absurd, is Democratic Senator Robert Menendez.

The United States is in economic collapse. The Barack Hussein Obama administration is busy telling us that millions of people without jobs and homes is proof that the economy is recovering. The Barack Hussein Obama administration is hard at work destroying all the small businesses in the country to prevent people from ever getting a job in a private business, thus proving their Marxist policy of share the poverty is the right choice for the new Amerika.

In the United States, before the politicians took over and denied everybody their freedom to choose, people used to be able to decide for themselves. If people didn't like what one business was charging, they could select another business. That means, that if we don't like paying separately for carry on luggage, we can choose to use a different airline. At least that was how America used to work.

Welcome to the new Amerika. If you run your own business (and the federal government is doing everything in their power to prevent your business from being successful with their taxes, fees, regulation, ...) you now need to bribe your congressman or senator to make sure that you are allowed to make changes to your way of doing business, or you may suffer under new federal regulations.

Does this sound like freedom to you?

The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum
Obama going off the deep end
A recent analysis by Roger Simon of PJTV Media maintains that Obama is showing signs of mental illness. A wide variety of commentators have observed that Obama displays severe narcissism. Obama is conceited, and he is demonstrating a serious disassociation from reality.

Really? Barack Hussein Obama is demonstrating a serious disassociation from reality? How is that possible. Isn't millions of people losing their jobs proof that Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy? Isn't millions of people losing their homes proof that Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy? Isn't millions of businesses closing down proof that Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy? Isn't billions of dollars given to big business proof that Barack Hussein Obama cares abut the small guy?

I originally thought that Barack Hussein Obama was a sane individual, but corrupt and evil. But after reading this article, I may have to change my beliefs. I still believe that Barack Hussein Obama is corrupt and evil, but now I have to believe that he is insane. Nothing Barack Hussein Obama says ever makes sense. I originally thought that Barack Hussein Obama was a lousy liar. Or that he thought he was only talking to his camp followers (sycophants, henchmen, minions, czars and commissars) who all believe in his socialist agenda that in order to save the United States, it must be destroyed and wiped from the face of the earth.

What has me concerned is how so many liberals and democrats were ever able to support this brain damaged individual. What has me even more concerned, is how many liberals and democrats still support Barack Hussein Obama. I guess it must follow that if Barack Hussein Obama is not completely sane, then all his camp followers (sycophants, henchmen, minions, czars and commissars) are not completely sane. Which means that at least 25% of this country that still support Barack Hussein Obama 100% need to be institutionalized where they can do no further harm. Unfortunately, now that insane Barack Hussein Obama and his camp followers (sycophants, henchmen, minions, czars and commissars) have taken over health care, there will never be enough resourses to adequately care for all those people that need immediate institutionalization. Now that Barack Hussein Obama has taken over health care, just like in other socialist countries, the mental health institutions will only be used to cure the sane of the belief that freedom and liberty are worthwhile goals.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The California Senate Wants College Students To Die Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.
Calif. bill requires home carbon monoxide monitors
Monitors that detect the odorless, lethal gas already are required in new homes. The bill would extend the requirement to all houses, apartments and condominiums meeting the requirement but would exempt college dorms at state colleges and universities.

The California Senate decided that as part of any advanced education, students should be afforded the opportunity to die of carbon monoxide poisoning. After all, college and university students don't pay taxes. College and university students are a drain on society because of their wasteful spending habits and reckless borrowing. With the State of California having the highest unemployment rate in the country, even if the college and university students could graduate, they wouldn't be able to get job to repay their student loans, so they would only end up on welfare. So it is no loss if the college and university students don't live to graduate.
Property owned or leased by the state, including California State University and community college campuses, the University of California or a local government agency would be exempt. Those college dorms are not part of the mandate because of the projected cost to the state for installing the monitors.

Funny, but the State of California seems to think that their inability to pay is a reasonable excuse to exempt them from a law that they want to enforce on a majority of the slaves citizens who are in equal or worse financial shape.

Then again, could it be simply that the State of California is not required to obey any laws that it makes for the slaves citizens?

It Is Now A Crime To Flee The U.S.S.A. To Search For Freedom.
It's Official - America Now Enforces Capital Controls

Maybe I overstated it just a little bit. It is not actually a crime to leave the United States looking for political asylum in another country. It is only a crime if you want to take your possessions with you. Welcome to Barack Hussein Obama's new improved U.S.S.A. (United Socialist States of Amerika). Where nobody (except politicians) are allowed to have more than anyone else. Where it is now a crime, punishable by 30% of everything you own, if you wish to leave this country and take you wealth with you. Which may turn out to be a bargain, as if you decide to stay here where you are an enemy of the state, eventually all your wealth will be confiscated.

As part of his plan to make everyone equal, after Barack Hussein Obama has stolen all the wealth from anyone who has earned it, Barack Hussein Obama will make it a crime for anyone to be too good looking, too tall, too smart, too ...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Announced That Los Angeles Is Now A Sanctuary City For Murderers.
Budget Cuts Impact Murder Investigations

It was a tough decision. But Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa was up to the task. Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is well known for making the tough decisions. Like determining which news reporters to sleep with so his wife won't find out. Like determining which foreign cities to tour for his weekly vacations while pretending that this is work related. Like determining what pretext he can use to speed up the bankrupting ruining running the city.

The City of Los Angeles is running short of funds. Since it is obvious to everyone except the politicians, (that all the elected officials are in the pocket of the unions and special interest groups), that something must be done to force the taxpaying public to to give up everything they own to the city to prevent the bankruptcy of this great welfare city of ours. The politicians seem to have come up with a solution that is finding favor at the state levels where politicians are also trying to come up with the best way to punish the slaves citizens who are silly enough to believe that if they have a job and get paid they deserve to keep their earnings rather than pay them over to be mismanaged by the corrupt incompetent politicians.

The politicians at the state level have decided that giving violent criminals early release from prison is a great way to save money. The City of Los Angeles, a leader in innovation, has decided that you don't have to release violent criminals early if you never arrest them. In a budget saving cost cutting measure, the City of Los Angeles, is preventing police from investigating murders.

This will teach the slaves citizens never to disagree with their owners masters political leaders.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Use A Guitar, Go To Jail.
8-Year-Old Blues Guitarist's Booking Agent Gets Death Threat
State Says 'T-Man' Can't Play In Clubs.

This is the story of an individual who has been practicing guitar for 2 or 3 hours per day for the last 3 years. He is currently a member of 2 bands. He enjoys playing the blues.

Courtesy of the State of Wisconsin, he is now experiencing the blues first hand. It seems that it is against the law for an 8 year old musician to play the blues in any club that would want to hire him. Most blues musicians play in clubs that serve alcohol. It is a crime for an individual under the age of 18 to play guitar in a club that serves alcohol.

Do you think that this 8 year old blues guitarist is happy the state is protecting him from playing in a band in front of an appreciative audience?

Obama Planning Next Criminal Conspiracy.
Obama to hold bipartisan meeting on financial reform

Barack Hussein Obama is planning a bipartisan council on financial reform similar to the bipartisan council on health care reform (meaning that Barack Hussein Obama will invite the republicans, but will refuse to listen to them).
"Enacting financial reform has been a goal of President Obama's since well before taking office, and he will discuss the choice he sees in this debate -- whether to stand with the American people or stand on the side of the status quo," the official said.

The master of lies (Barack Hussein Obama) has an army of sycophants to lie for him. Barack Hussein Obama has never been on the side of the American people. No socialist has ever been on the side of the people. No socialist will ever be on the side of the people. Socialism believes that only the elite can rule the proletariat. As a socialist, Barack Hussein Obama is deluded enough to believe that he is the only part of the elite that is capable of ruining this country the way a socialist dictatorship ruined country must be ruined.
Obama has made passage of financial regulatory reform legislation a high priority after achieving his top domestic policy goal of overhauling the U.S. healthcare system.

After the passage of the Health Care Deform bill, I am not sure that financial regulatory reform is necessary or even possible. Prior to passage of the Health Care Deform Bill, more than 50% of all the people in this country worked directly (as employees) or indirectly (welfare recipients) for the government. After passage of the Health Care Deform bill, there isn't much of the economy left that isn't directly or indirectly under the control of the government.
"We believe momentum is on the side of real reform for the American people and consumers," the official said, noting that the president had called during his State of the Union address for regular meetings with bipartisan members of Congress.

Real reform would include all the democrats being convicted of treason, and given long prison sentences. Real reform would include repeal of the Health Care Deform bill. Real reform would include the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank. Real reform will never happen until the complete collapse of the federal government.

Obviously real reform will never happen. Instead, we will get "Hype And Confusion".

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Obamacare Helps Aetna Insurance From Insuring Unprofitable Individuals.
Feds ban Aetna from marketing, enrolling new Medicare clients
Federal regulators announced sanctions Friday that will prohibit Aetna from marketing to or enrolling new Medicare beneficiaries until the health insurer fixes problems that have made it difficult for seniors to get their prescriptions filled.

What could be better?

The federal government is blocking Aetna Insurance from issuing new insurance policies to the unhealthiest part of the population. If this is all it takes for any insurance agency to maintain it's profitability is to make it more difficult for beneficiaries to collect, then Health Care Deform bill will have achieved it's goal. The goal of insuring profitability of insurance agencies. The goal of requiring the creation of a government run insurance agency to issue insurance for the people who's health are otherwise uninsurable. The goal of increasing the size of the federal government. The goal of blaming insurance agencies for the policies of the federal government.

Social Services Does Their Part In Killing Children.
Eight-year-old dies in most squalid conditions police have ever seen
An eight-year-old girl accidentally hanged herself after being locked in some of the filthiest and most squalid conditions police had ever witnessed, despite being known to social services, a court has heard.

What function is the Social Services supposed to perform?

Social Services, a program that is supposed to watch out for the welfare of children, seem to be doing a great job of ignoring the welfare of children and watching out for their own welfare. Fortunately for the Social Service employees, like all government agencies, there is no responsibility for actually doing their own job, or any work at all.

The city council can't understand how an organization that is supposed to do good, can do so bad. Social Service workers who were notified by the school that there were problems did their typical investigation. The Social Service workers made an appointment with the parents. The parents weren't there. The Social Service Workers never bothered with any kind of followup appointment. The city council is ordering a whitewash investigation into this situation. The city council needs to absolve themselves of their responsibility in allowing this to happen. Otherwise, the city council, and their department of Social Services won't be allowed to let this happen again. And again. And again.

This is how government departments work well together. One department doesn't do the work they are paid to do. Another department whitewashes the first department for their incompetence. Both departments keep all their employees and funding. A win-win situation for the government.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Democrat Refuses To Run For Reelection But Denies Being Afraid Of The Public After Voting For Health Care Deform.
Michigan's Stupak, a tea party target, is retiring
Rep. Bart Stupak, an anti-abortion Democrat targeted for defeat by tea party activists for his crucial role in securing House approval of the health care overhaul, said Friday he would retire from Congress this year.

In a press release, Democratic Representative Bart Stupak announced his retirement from politics.

His statement in part said that he was tired of all the hookers, drugs, bribes and mistresses. He is tired of government paid junkets and vacations around the world while pretending to work. He is tired of all the other fringe benefits that are a part of the day to day political life (but can't be mentioned in a public announcement).

However, he will also miss being able to negatively impact his constituents and the whole country. He went on to say that after helping pass the Health Care Deform bill, any other bill to restrict freedom and destroy the economy of the United States will be anticlimactic. Therefore he can leave office knowing that there is nothing left that anyone can do to fix the problems he is leaving and thus his legacy is secure.

And like all the recent democratic politicians, he also stated that he was not afraid of losing his bid for reelection. That the massive unrest among the majority of the public has nothing to do with his recent decision to leave politics.

He mentioned something about missing someone he regularly used to have sex with. It wasn't a mistress or housekeeper or a hooker, or an intern, but someone you don't have to pay to have sex with. Someone you have kids with. Oh yeah. His wife.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Economists "Seasonal Adjustment" Of Numbers Prove There Is No Unemployment And U.S. Has A Thriving Economy.
Initial jobless claims increase unexpectedly
The number of newly laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits rose last week, a sign that jobs remain scarce even as the economy recovers.

Just like last year when Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy and millions lost their jobs as businesses closed down. This increase in unemployed and unemployed applying for unemployment benefits is the government's way of proving that the economy has recovered.
The increase also may result from the difficulty the Labor Department has in seasonally adjusting the claims around the Easter holiday, which falls on different weeks each year.

In an effort to keep the unemployment numbers lower, the government is closing the unemployment offices so that they don't have to count the newly unemployed.

But an even better way for the government to lie about the improving economy is the nebulous "seasonal adjustment". Fortunately the P.R. department (mass media) of the government refuses to question any of the government numbers, or the fraudulent means of calculating the "seasonal adjustment" that the government uses to claim that unemployment is shrinking rather than growing. So we will continue to get glowing reports of the occasional drop in unemployment and we will get continuous reports of the government being surprised that the unemployment numbers are higher than expected.

Aren't you glad the government is working hard to brainwash us into believing the economy has recovered (rather than actually doing anything that would save the economy). Unfortunately, living in our cardboard boxes and collecting welfare (and now free medical care) it is difficult for us to believe in the recovered economy the government is continuously telling us about.

Marijuana Economy?
Would Legalized Pot Threaten California's Economy?

Of course legalizing pot would threaten California's economy.

But not how you think?

Legalizing pot could give the California economy a kick start on the road to economic recovery. Currently pot sells for outrageous amounts of money. So very few people are willing to risk the expense and legal hassles to produce pot. If you legalize pot growing and sales and smoking, then more people would start businesses to grow and sell pot. This would cause the cost of production and distribution to drop to the point that a pack of pot cigarettes might not cost much more than a pack of tobacco cigarettes. At which point a lot more people would be willing to smoke pot. It could be taxed the same way tobacco cigarettes and alcohol are taxed. So not only would legalizing pot start California on the road to economic recovery, but the vast amount of additional taxes that could be collected by the state, might even be enough to prevent the State of California from going bankrupt.

Fortunately, the California politicians know better than to offend the socialists, the "green movement" and the "Global Warming" faithful who fund their election campaigns. Fortunately, the California politicians know better than to do anything that might cause the creation of new businesses or delay the increase in taxes on the slaves citizens of the growing police state. So the California politicians will never legalize pot growing, sale or distribution. The politicians will instead vote down legalization. They will vote to increase the police enforcement of existing laws. They will enact laws to confiscate anything that the pot growers and sellers own. And then the politicians will vote themselves a raise for a job well done.

That is how government works.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Government Motors (G.M.) Ready For It's Semi-Annual Stimulus (Bailout) Funding Increase.
General Motors posts $4.3B loss

As C.E.O. and chief strategist of Government Motors (G.M.) Barack Hussein Obama announced a minor setback for his company. As part of his announcement, Barack Hussein Obama stated that there is nothing to worry about. There has never been a government department that has been shut down for failing to live within it's budget. Government Motors (G.M.) may be the newest department of the federal government, but it won't get any special treatment. If it can't live within it's budget, the American people will just have to pay higher taxes to allow the federal government to increase the budget of Government Motors (G.M.)

Federal economists agreed with Barack Hussein Obama. They went on to state that Government Motors (G.M.) is an important part of the economy and country. Government Motors (G.M.) is too big to fail. It doesn't matter if anybody ever buys another car from Government Motors (G.M.). The success or failure of Government departments can not be measured the same way you would measure the success or failure of any private business. Federal economists went on to state that once all the other automobile manufacturers on the planet have failed (or been forced out of business, or tariff rates hiked to where the cars become unaffordable) then sales will pick up for Government Motors (G.M.) cars and will prove that taking over Government Motors (G.M.) was good for the company, the government and the American people.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

California Claims Governmental Accounting Rules Allow For Half-Trillion Dollar Shortfall.
Analysis of California Pensions Finds Half-Trillion-Dollar Gap
Calpers challenged the research, saying it was “out of sync with governmental accounting rules and actuarial standards of practice.”

Calpers went on to say that honesty and integrity have no place in government, and especially not in "governmental accounting practices". Calpers went on to praise the late, great Charles Ponzi, who invented the "governmental accounting practices" (which were named after him and are known as Ponzi Scheme) currently in use by the State of California. Calpers went on to say that there is nothing wrong with the current "governmental accounting practices" that can't be fixed by increasing the sales and gasoline tax to 100% and increasing the maximum income tax rate to 200%.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."