
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Democrats. Horrible Health Care Deform Bill Better Than No Health Care Bill.
For Dems, may be now or never on health care

The Democrats claimed they were interested in a bipartisan administration. The Democrats have managed to create a coalition of many different political parties. However, that bipartisan coalition is united in their opposition to the Health Care Deform bill currently oozing though the bowels of the legislature.

Like all good criminal organizations, all the Democrats care about is what they can get away with. The Democratic theory on legislation seems to be, it doesn't matter how horrible the bill is, just as long as we can get it passed. Once it is passed we can always lie later about what it really does. And if there is too much opposition to the bill, we can always pass more bad legislation and pretend we are fixing the problems we created in the first place.

The Democrats believe they will go down in history for passing the Health Care Deform Bill.

I suspect they are right. I suspect that the Health Care Deform Bill will go down in history as the final act which destroyed this version of the Democratic party.

I wonder what the next version of the Democratic party will call themselves, the Green party, the Liberal party, the Communist party, ...?

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