
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Democrats Proclaim Losing Election In Massachusetts Is Proof Of Public Support.
Dems Mum on How to Keep Pushing Health Overhaul

When Barack Hussein Obama was elected president, he said it was all about him. He is the first, black, communist, Muslim, president. He has a mandate from the people. Therefore Barack Hussein Obama will remake this horrible country (that allows freedom of choice and free enterprise) into something that any communist or Muslim would be proud of.

After campaigning hard to get a Democrat elected in Massachusetts, and losing, Barack Hussein Obamae is now saying this is not about him, or his failed policies. In fact, this is only making him more determined to succeed. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama can change the 60 vote majority in the senate to 51. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama can close the congress and senate and replace them with appointed officials who report directly to himself.

Well, whatever Barack Hussein Obama does, you can be sure that Barack Hussein Obama will feel sympathy for you living in your car on food stamps while he continues to live in his mansion.

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