
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another Day, Another Bank Failure.
Six Banks Fail, 2010 Tally at 15

Six community banks failed Friday, bringing the 2010 tally of failed U.S. banking institutions to 15.

Last year, 140 banks failed. At this rate, we can expect to see 180 (or more) banks fail this year.

But there is no need to worry.

Bank failures only hurt people who have money or need to borrow money. The federal government is working on solving the problem. Based on the current economy policies being enacted by the federal government, soon there will be no people with jobs. And if you don't have a job, you very soon won't have any money. And if you don't have a job, you can't pay back a loan, so there is no need to borrow money.

Problem solved.

TARP Welfare For Wealthy Program Is Smashing Success.
TARP overseer says bank bailout program has mixed results
The government's $700 billion bank bailout bill has met its goal of helping bring the financial markets back from the brink, but has so far failed to increase lending from the banks who received the taxpayer assistance, a key government overseer reported Sunday in a generally critical review of the program.

The federal government program to provide welfare for the wealthy was a smashing success. All of the institutions that contributed to the Barack Hussein Obama election campaign have been bailed out. All their executives were able to pay themselves the annual bonuses they so clearly deserved.

The rest of the country was not so lucky. Millions of people are now unemployed. Millions of people are now facing foreclosure on their homes. Hundreds of banks have failed and been closed. Hundreds more are expected to fail and close. The government is not even bothering to track the number of business that have failed and closed. Where do you think the millions of unemployed are coming from?

This is what a government toady, on government payroll considers mixed results for saving the financial markets? I shudder to think what poor results would be.

Actually I shouldn't be so harsh. The $700 billion bailout was never intended to save the economy, jobs, homes or anything else. So it is unfair to critize the bill for not doing something it was not intended on doing. The $700 billion bailout was payback for political favors, and it was successful at that.

U.S. Rate Of Lies Grew At Fastest Rate In 6 Years.
U.S. economy grows at fastest rate in 6 years
The U.S. economy grew at a breakneck rate of 5.7 percent at the end of 2009, the government said Friday, providing the strongest evidence yet that the nation will avoid a dip back into recession.

Everyone except government economists, flunkies, toadies, minions, henchmen, ... is unemployed or soon to be unemployed. However, that doesn't stop the economists from claiming the opposite.

While we are at the beginning of the greatest depression this country has ever known, how can the government economists claim anything other than the economy is crumbling?


Take the numbers from the Christmas season, traditionally the strongest business month of the year, and then annualize that. Now when you compare the Christmas season to the rest of the year (which had skyrocketing unemployment and home foreclosures) the business activity at the year end starts to look much better than it actually is.

Aren't you glad that the government is always able to look at the bright side of things?

After A Year Of Millions Losing Jobs, Obama Pretends To Care.
Obama taking populist tone in fight over jobs
In Wednesday's State of the Union address, he (Barack Hussein Obama) declared, "Jobs must be our No. 1 focus in 2010." On Friday he rolled out details of a $33 billion, one-year tax incentive plan to encourage more hiring.

Barack Hussein Obama is taking a populist tone, and he won't give it back. Just like everything else he takes. Unfortunately, Barack Hussein Obama doesn't know what a populist tone is, or what he can do with it.

Let's see. How are jobs created?

Businesses that can afford it and feel there is a need for their product or service, hire additional staff. Barack Hussein Obama is adding additional regulations and taxes to existing businesses. This causes businesses to reduce the number of staff. He has already tried giving billions in welfare to the super wealthy wall street wizards (who contributed to his election campaign-the ones that didn't contribute he allowed to fail) and that didn't help the job market or the economy. What else can Barack Hussein Obama do to offset the anti-business climate he is creating? As a communist, he can't do anything permanent to help businesses. But maybe he can hoodwink businesses (and the public) the same way he hoodwinked the automobile industry. Create a short term credit for hiring. Of course this will likely work as well as the cash for clunkers worked (when the credits run out, so do the buyers). If the credits for the clueless works at all, as soon as the credit expires, the jobs will expire as well.

Of course Barack Hussein Obama hopes to be reelected by the time the American public figures out this new job saving program is a fraud.

How Can Barack Hussein Obama Assure Investors While Boosting Jobs? Quit!
PREVIEW-Obama budget to assure investors while boosting jobs

Barack Hussein Obama has NEVER had a job where he actually had to work for pay. So, if he doesn't know what a job is, how can he save jobs?

I suppose Barack Hussein Obama can save jobs in the same way he saved the economy while increasing the the number of unemployed by millions.

I suppose Barack Hussein Obama can save jobs in the same way he saved the economy while increasing the the number of homeless by millions.

I suppose Barack Hussein Obama can save jobs in the same way he saved the economy while causing businesses to fail.

I suppose Barack Hussein Obama can save jobs in the same way his spending freezes will save the economy (save millions later, spend trillions now).

I suppose Barack Hussein Obama can save jobs in the same way he is balancing the budget (save millions later, spend trillions now).

As a communist, Barack Hussein Obama, cannot do anything substantive to either assure investors or boost jobs. Both go against party policy.

Communists, and Barack Hussein Obama, believe businesses are evil. Everything Barack Hussein Obama has done so far has been to increase class warfare (complaining about bonuses he made possible with his welfare for the wealthy, complaining about the size of salaries, converting bonds into stock, ...) and destroy the ability of businesses to stay in business. The only good businesses are the ones run by the government. So, until all businesses have been taking over by the government, they will have to face increasing regulation and fees that businesses run by the government don't have to.

Communists, and Barack Hussein Obama, don't care about jobs. Communism is anti-business. Business create jobs. Hence communists are anti-jobs. Why do you think Barack Hussein Obama allowed millions of people to lose their jobs over the last year while he worked to take over the health care industry? Even now, the only reason why Barack Hussein Obama is even starting to pretend he cares about jobs, is that because of the Democratic loss in the election in Massachusetts caused him to think that he may lose more Democratic seats in congress and the senate making it near impossible for him to proceed with his communistic plans for the United Socialist States of Amerika (U.S.S.A.).

Sigh. There are times when I think of George Orwell's novel, 1984, and doublethink, and think George Orwell must have been writing about Barack Hussein Obama.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lies, damned lies, and anything Barack Hussein Obama says.
President Obama slams obstructionist Republicans at GOP issues retreat
He (Barack Hussein Obama) skewered Republicans for obstructionist tactics, dubious facts and a lack of civility in opposing his domestic agenda, especially health care reform.

Why is it surprising to Barack Hussein Obama that the Republican opposition is using the same tactics that Barack Hussein Obama is using.

Barack Hussein Obama is very uncivil to anyone who disagrees with him. Any news organization that disagrees with Barack Hussein Obama is treated as if they are not a news organization. Look how Barack Hussein Obama treated a policemen who was doing his job as he was supposed to.

Barack Hussein Obama doesn't stoop to dubious facts, he resorts to fraud and outright lies. The bailout / stimulus plan had to be enacted immediately or the country would collapse. The bill was enacted immediately and the country has collapsed. The Health Care Deform bill was written behind closed doors with the help of Democrats and special interest groups. Barack Hussein Obama is claiming that this is proof positive that his new transparency in government and bipartisanship efforts are working.
"If you were to listen to the debate and, frankly, how some of you went after this bill, you'd think that this thing was some Bolshevik plot," Obama told the GOP issues retreat after unveiling a proposal for $33 billion in small-business tax incentives.

The Health Care Deform bill is a Bolshevik plot. As a communist, Barack Hussein Obama ought to know a Bolshevik plot when he creates one. It has been estimated that the health care industry is about 1/6th of the American economy. Barack Hussein Obama's Health Care Deform bill will allow the federal government to take over the health care industry.
"You've given yourselves very little room to work in a bipartisan fashion because what you've been telling your constituents is, this guy is doing all kinds of crazy stuff that's going to destroy America," Obama said, his face appearing to tighten in anger.

The truth hurts.

Barack Hussein Obama is destroying America. The bailout / stimulus bill was created so that anyone who contributed to his presidential campaign and had a failing business would get billions. Any failing company that didn't contribute to his presidential campaign was allowed to fail. Barack Hussein Obama lied when he claimed the bailout / stimulus plan saved the economy. Since his last bailout / stimulus plan caused millions of people to lose their jobs and their homes I am afraid of what his next bailout / stimulus package will do.

When the underwear bomber was stopped by passengers on the plane, the first response by the Department of Homeland Security and the White House Press department was to state that this is proof positive that the security measures implemented by this country are working. Covering up incompetence does NOT seem to me to be a good response to a semi-successful Muslim terrorist attack.
"I may not agree to a tax cut for Warren Buffett," he demurred. "You may be calling for an across-the-board tax cut for the banking industry right now. I may not agree to that.

Barack Hussein Obama claims he will not give Warren Buffett and the banking industry any tax cuts. However, Barack Hussein Obama already gave them all the bailout / stimulus package so they can continue to make stupid mistakes that lose them lots of money while not hurting their lifestyle.

No wonder Barack Hussein Obama is so upset with the Republicans. They don't want to put up with Barack Hussein Obama's deceit and lies. And they have shown some resistance to the bribes being offered to Democrat supporters.

Terrorist Gets Justice American Style.
Obama’s NYC terror trial switch: Pragmatism or indecisiveness?

Before Barack Hussein Obama's unnatural rise to power, captured enemy combatants were considered prisoners of war, and held until the war was over. Barack Hussein Obama feels that it is unfair to hold any Muslim terrorist until the war is over, because as a Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama knows the war will not be over until all the non-Muslims have been killed.

So, Barack Hussein Obama had come up with an alternative plan to treat the Muslim terrorist more fairly than the Muslim terrorists had treated the American citizens that they killed. By putting the Muslim terrorist on trial in a criminal court, Barack Hussein Obama is treating the enemy combatants with the same courtesy and respect that the average American citizen gets when committing a crime.

One thing Barack Hussein Obama didn't count on, is that no American city wants to play host to this travesty of justice. So after announcing that New York City would play host to the trial, Barack Hussein Obama now has to announce that he is looking for some other location for the trial.

Barack Hussein Obama is trying to spin this change of venue into a positive light. But how can you put in a positive light the inability to figure out the difficulties in selecting a courtroom, without reflecting badly on yourself and your ability to plan for larger problems. ie. if you can't even figure out how to pick a courtroom before announcing it to the public, how can you protect American citizens from future attacks from Muslim terrorists.

But as a Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama has never been concerned with the safety of the American citizens. Barack Hussein Obama has only been concerned with converting America into a country that Muslims will feel comfortable to come and visit (or attack). And the best way to do that, is to downplay the threat of Muslim terrorist, and to take away as enough rights so that any Muslim will feel at home in America.

Americans Have No Right To Pollute Outer Space.
Obama Is No Kennedy: Redefines NASA’s Mission As Global Warming

Michelle Obama stopped hating American when Barack Hussein Obama was elected president of the United States. Barack Hussein Obama never stopped hating America.

First Barack Hussein Obama attacked capitalism by bailing out the wall street wizards that looted America. Then Barack Hussein Obama watched and did nothing while millions of Americans lost their homes and their jobs. Barack Hussein Obama continued with his Muslim agenda by apologizing for every Muslim attack on Americans. He continued with his communist agenda by trying to take over the health care industry.

Barack Hussein Obama is now continuing his attack on American ingenuity and accomplishment. Barack Hussein Obama is raising the budget for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), while changing their goal from learning about outer space and improving the lot of mankind, to trying to prove global warming exists so that he can control how everyone lives and breathes.

Aren't you glad we have a someone so dedicated that he will do anything to destroy the United States?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Incompetence Gets Rewarded In Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.)!
Bernanke wins a second term, but it's a tepid victory

Ben Bernanke has done such a good job of anticipating and fixing the current economic crisis, that the senate had no choice but to allow him to continue fixing the economy.

Bernanke's opponents are very vocal in their opposition.

Bernanke's supporters quietly agree that mistakes happened, but allowing the architect of the mistakes to continue is the best way to fix the mistakes.

Barack Hussein Obama believes that the United States Federal Reserve Bank has done such a good job of preventing the current crisis and minimizing the effects, that we should give even more power to the Federal Reserve Bank.

Once again, Barack Hussein Obama was able to create a bipartisan coalition. In opposition to Ben Bernanke. Even the self proclaimed socialists are afraid of what Ben Bernanke is likely to do to the United States.

Bush appointed Ben Bernanke to lead a Council of Economic Advisers. Is supporting someone from the prior administration is part of Barack Hussein Obama's program of change?

So I guess that the "hope and change" that some people voted for is limited to hope for the future because there is no change in sight.

Giving Raises Reduces Unemployment.,0,1554643,full.story
Obama seeks tax credits for companies that hire new workers

Almost a year ago Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy by giving almost a trillion dollars to Wall Street Wizards (businesses that don't actually make any products, but do make bad investments). Of course, when Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy, he didn't do anything to fix the problem with increasing joblessness, increasing homelessness and increasing business failures. But I suppose those are not a major part of the economy.

Barack Hussein Obama has spent the last year watching and doing nothing about the skyrocketing unemployment. After the Democratic slaughter in Massachusetts, Barack Hussein Obama has finally decided to do something about the unemployment problem. After all, how many times can you extend unemployment benefits? Anyway, Barack Hussein Obama believes that giving businesses a job credit for giving raises to current employees will help create jobs.

Barack Hussein Obama's minions are claiming for a mere outlay of billions of dollars this will create hundreds of thousands of jobs. Of course, the government toadies that agree with this are likely the same people that think you can balance the federal budget my saving millions and spending trillions.


As long as Barack Hussein Obama continues his war on capitalism, no new business will start. And without new businesses, where will the new jobs come from? And without any confidence in the economy, it doesn't matter how many people get jobs collecting welfare, the economy will not improve.

What Has Osama Bin Laden Has Learned From Barack Hussein Obama.
Bin Laden Rebukes U.S. on Climate Change

In a recent press release, Osama Bin Laden agreed with Barack Hussein Obama in claiming that Global Warming is the fault of the United States. Osama Bin Laden also agreed with Barack Hussein Obama's current plans to devalue the American dollar so that it will no longer be acceptable as an international currency.

Isn't it good to know that even international terrorists still have time to learn something new from their friends?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Health Care: Post Awful Style, Or Infernal Revenue Service Style.
The Case for Postal-Style Healthcare
You've heard the refrain: If the government ran healthcare, it would be just like the U.S. Postal Service. And nobody wants that. ... It provides a basic service that's not available from the private sector.

It is a good thing that "journalists" are not required to research their stories, or think about their stories before they write them, or they might not be able to write their slanted puff pieces praising the government without looking more stupid and biased than they already do.

The real reason why FedEx, UPS, and other delivery services DON'T deliver mail, is that it is against the law. Back when the federal government decided to get into the mail delivery service, they found they were unable to compete with the existing services. So they made it illegal for anyone other than the federal government to deliver mail. And as politicians normally do, the loopholes are always bigger than the laws. So the government didn't make it illegal for other services to deliver packages. Any package delivery service that exists today, does so because of that loophole.

This "journalist" goes on to compare the U.S. Postal Service (which doesn't have good customer service-does the term going postal mean anything to you) to other businesses that don't have great customer service. What he leaves out of that comparison is that none of the other businesses require an annual government bailout to stay in business.

This "journalist" goes on to say that it would require a major effort to build an organization to deliver mail in 3 days or less. This completely ignores the fact that most of these delivery services already deliver 5 days a week, and deliver most packages in 2 days or less.

This "journalist" goes on to compare for profit airlines with not for profit rail system. Completely ignoring the fact that the airlines are so heavily regulated they may as well be owned by the government. And lets not forget that thanks to government protection services, it now takes longer to get on board an airplane than it takes to fly to many destinations.

This "journalist" goes on to say that if the government run health care is so bad that nobody wants to use it, that you can go elsewhere. Ignoring the fact that if everyone goes elsewhere the government is likely to make going elsewhere illegal. And even if the government doesn't make it illegal, you have already paid for health care with the government, and you now need to pay again to go somewhere else. Since the Health Care Deform bill taxes the people who can afford insurance to pay for the people who can't afford insurance, the people who can't afford insurance won't have any choice to but to accept second rate care from third rate government staff.

A more honest appraisal of government run health care would be to compare it to the Infernal Revenue Service rather then the Post Awful. The Infernal Revenue Service makes lots of mistakes. The Infernal Revenue Service is under funded. The Infernal Revenue Service runs very slowly. The Infernal Revenue Service has the worst customer service of any organization on the planet. The Infernal Revenue Service proudly proclaims that they answer the phone for 70% of the people who call. And let us not forget, that NOBODY wants any service that the Infernal Revenue Service can provide.

Obama Supports Drilling For Oil As Long As No American Benefits From It.
Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling

The "Earth First, Humans Second" should be getting upset at Barack Hussein Obama right about now.

The "Earth First, Humans Second" believe that oil drilling in the United States is bad for the environment (they don't care that it is good for the economy). Barack Hussein Obama is in the process of loaning billions of dollars to a Brazilian Oil company so that it can drill for oil off the shore of Brazil. Therefore, if the "Earth First, Humans Second" honestly hate all people (and not just Americans), they should be out protesting the decision by Barack Hussein Obama to help an oil company.

Tim Geithner Helps Obama Create Bipartisan Coalition.
Tim Geithner, congressional punching bag

Poor Tim Geithner.

Tim Geithner was the head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank when they were working on giving sweetheart top secret bailout deals to AIG and others. Tim Geithner claimed "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing!" Some people are having difficulty believing Tim Geithner knew nothing about the deal. The email Tim Geithner sent months after claiming he knew nothing don't help his case. Some people even think that Tim Geithner should be removed from office for either his criminal activity if he know about it, or his incompetence if he didn't know.

On the bright side.

Tim Geithner has accomplished something that Barack Hussein Obama has been unable to do. Tim Geithner has managed to create bipartisan support for one commission. Unfortunately for Tim Geithner, the support is in opposition to his remaining in office.

State Of The Union: Lowlifes And Reactions.
State of the Union: Highlights, reactions, analyses

I was initially going to mock any truthful statements that Barack Hussein Obama made during his State of the Union address. Unfortunately, just about the only honest statement that Barack Hussein Obama made was identifying himself as president of the United States. So I will have to settle for mocking everything else he said which was a collection of half truths and outright lies.

Barack Hussein Obama talked about the "deficit of trust" between the government and the citizens. But when he ran for President as a Christian Democrat, and turned out to be a Muslim communist, how can that be cause for distrust?

Barack Hussein Obama talked about the "deficit of trust" between the government and the citizens. Last year, Barack Hussein Obama told the American people that he saved the economy. Since Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy, we have had skyrocketing unemployment, skyrocketing home foreclosures, skyrocketing business failures.

Barack Hussein Obama called for "common sense" approach to investing in American without "a mountain of debt." What does Barack Hussein Obama call the $3/4 of a trillion bailout to the Wall Street Wizards (his campaign contributors) if not a mountain of debt? Was there any "common sense" involved with th bailout decision?

Barack Hussein Obama is now claiming that distrust of Washington Politics has been growing for years (part of his blame Bush campaign). How can we distrust a man who rushed the creation $3/4 of a trillion bailout of his friends, that was written behind closed doors and didn't require any governmental oversight, and did nothing to actually help the economy?

Barack Hussein Obama campaigned that he would have a bipartisan reign. Is excluding everyone from the secret negotiations with big business when writing the stimulus / bailout, when writing the Health Care Deform bill, ... bipartisan actions? Although there does appear to be bipartisan disgust at The United States Treasury Secretary for his sleazy, underhanded, possibly illegal cover up of the way the deal to bailout AIG was handled.

Barack Hussein Obama talked about reducing the deficit by millions while every major bill he works on (stimulus/bailout, Health Care Deform, ...) will cost the country trillions.

Barack Hussein Obama talked about rebuilding our economy by increasing government taxes and government spending. I guess Barack Hussein Obama has redefined the economy to ONLY mean government welfare and jobs. The economy used to mean individual and businesses not associated with the government.

Barack Hussein Obama talked about increasing prosperity for American families and businesses. However, as a communist, Barack Hussein Obama has already explained how by looting the wealthy (anyone with a job) and spreading it among the poor everyone will be content in their misery.

Later The Next Day.
Gloves come off after Obama rips Supreme Court ruling

Evidently Barack Hussein Obama is not limiting himself to blaming the prior administration for all his real or imagined problems. One of the lies that Barack Hussein Obama spouted during his speech was about a recent United States Supreme Court ruling that he disagreed with. When the camera panned to the United States Supreme Court judges in attendance, one of them could be seen mouthing the words "not true".

How is that for an impartial analysis of the State of the Union speech?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Police Officers Commit Crimes When Off Duty.
Officers arrested in pistol-whip incident

An off duty police officer, was drunk, and having an argument with his girlfriend. A man standing nearby turned and looked at the off duty officer. The off duty officer turned and started pistol whipping the innocent bystander. Another drunken off duty officer saw the first officer pistol whipping the innocent bystander, and decided to join in. The innocent bystander eventually broke free and ran into a nearby store. The innocent bystander was later taken to a hospital and treated. The two police were placed on leave.

When seconds count, the police are just minutes away. Unless they are pistol whipping you for no apparent reason.

This is the perfect example of why the police state doesn't want innocent bystanders to own or carry weapons. If the innocent bystander had a gun, he would have been able to protect himself. And no citizen (slave) of this great state should be allowed to protect themselves from anyone.

Global Warming Scientist Says Honest Research Has No Place In Science.
Glacier scientist: I knew data hadn't been verified

Global Warming "Scientists" humbly report that they regret getting caught lying. They promise that in the future they will be much more careful in covering up their lies. However, the Global Warming "Scientists" still plan to attack and discredit any honest research that they don't agree with.

After all, the Global Warming "Scientists" claim that a true "scientist" never lets the truth interfere with their research to prove fraudulent claims.

California: $20 Billion Deficit Is Not Big Enough. They Want To Spend An Additional $200 Billion Annually.
Calif. Democrats revive single-payer health care

The California legislators, afraid that the massive Democratic disaster in Massachusetts would prevent the passage of the federal Health Care Deform bill, have created a California Health Care Deform bill. Even though the State of California is $20 billion short of balancing the current budget, the legislature, in their infinite wisdom, want the State of California to spend an additional $210 billion. Annually.

Where do the politicians in California think the money to pay for this will come from?

The politicians are already working hard on increasing business taxes to drive business out of California. The politicians are already working hard on raising consumption taxes to drive anyone with a job or income out of California. The politicians are already working hard on extending welfare benefits to anyone who manages to cross the California border.

Aren't you glad the politicians are working hard for you?

Iraq Is Too Important To Pay Attention To What It Is Costing The United States.
State Department hit on failures to monitor Iraq work
In a recent audit of more than $2.5 billion paid to a contractor in Iraq, the government claims that 1 individual is more that adequate to oversee that contract. Assistant Secretary of State David Johnson agreed and claims that 1 person overseeing a contract of that size is more than adequate. The audit thought otherwise.

Unfortunately, the audit disclosed numerous problems with the contract. Including, but not limited to:
- spending $450,000 on renting 2 generators that would have cost $78,000 to buy.
- renting housing costs increased from $12,000 to $20,000.
- spending $4.5 million to protect 6 men who already had their own guards.

Aren't you glad the government is so carful with the money they steal (tax) from the slaves (citizens)?

Can The United States Bribe Muslims To Stop Killing Non-Muslims?
At London Afghanistan conference, US, allies target strategy and cost to buy off Taliban
The US and its NATO allies in Afghanistan are moving toward a greater commitment to making peace with the Taliban, including paying some of them off and finding a home for others in the Afghan security forces.


The United States and the United Nations think that bribing the Taliban freedom fighters not to fight will bring peace to the area? All you have to do is watch Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.) politics for any length of time and you would know that no politician stays bought longer than the money lasts. Many times not even that long. Why should honest, moral, upstanding Taliban freedom fighters behave with stronger moral conviction that the corrupt American and United Nations politicians who are trying to bribe them?

Should we even mention that the progressive Taliban believe that no woman should ever get an education or even be able to leave any home she is held prisoner in?

Should we even mention that the progressive Taliban supported Osama Bin Laden and still support the killing of any non-Muslim as a moral action which will get you into heaven?

Should we even mention that there is no way to prevent the Taliban from using the bribe money to buy better weapons and continue their war against the infidels?

Aren't you glad we have such wise men in power that they can safely ignore all the above (and more) in their quest for a lasting peace?

Morals? We Don't Need No Stinking Morals!
Resetting the Moral Compass

Resetting the moral compass? Not possible. You have to have morals to start with in order to rest them. Politicians are regularly paid by special interest groups to act like they have morals. But no person who has studied the actions of politicians can possibly believe that any politician with any power has any morals.

After the Democratic rout in Massachussets, Barack Hussein Obama is finally starting to make noises like he cares about the country. But if Barack Hussein Obama cared about the economy, he would have actually saved the economy. Instead Barack Hussein Obama bailed out the special interest groups and lied to the country that this saved the country.

The article then goes on to talk about the government complaining about risky behavior of the banks. Insidiously ignoring the fact that the government is complaining about the behavior that was forced on the banks by the government.

A number of years ago it was considered racist to not allow minority people and others who couldn't afford homes to buy homes. So the federal government made all kinds of rules and regulations forcing banks to loan to people who couldn't repay the loans. NINJA - No Income, No Job, or Assets. No bank wanted to get stuck with bad loans, so the federal government again stepped in and allowed the banks to sell off the bad loans before they became bad. Eventually these loan ended up spread out throughout the whole financial sector of the economy. Guess what? In these rough economic times, vast numbers of these loans are being defaulted on. Do you think this is helping the current economic crisis?

Now the government is complaining that the banks took risky behavior?

The banks were only following orders. From the government. Now the government is complaining that this problem was caused by not enough regulation of the banks. And the government is now going to punish the banks for their past bad behavior and are going to adopt even more regulation so that this doesn't happen again.

Do you see a flaw in this logic?

Say It Ain't So, Joe!
Heckling lawmaker says no more outbursts Wednesday
Republican Joe Wilson who made history last year by interrupting Barack Hussein Obama's lies to congress has promised he won't do that again.

Republican Joe Wilson promised he won't get upset at any of Barack Hussein Obama's lies this time. Republican Joe Wilson promised he won't interrupt Barack Hussein Obama's speech.

I hope that doesn't mean that Republican Joe Wilson will no longer speak or stand up for the truth.

If an elephant is a mouse built to government specifications,
a lie is a truth built to government specifications.

Bill Clinton Legitimizes Oral Sex Everywhere Except Riverside County.
'Oral sex' definition prompts school district to pull dictionaries
A school district in Riverside County has pulled the Merriam-Webster's 10th edition dictionary from school shelves because it includes the term "oral sex."

Yes, but inquiring minds want to know if there was a picture of former president Bill Clinton and former presidential aide Monica Lewinsky next to the definition of oral sex? Was there a picture of Hillary Clinton as the unindicted co-conspirator? If not, what was offensive about the definition?

Didn't former president Bill Clinton make "oral sex" a perfectly acceptable topic of conversation?

So why is Riverside County trying to shield children from activities that reporters and the president of the United States talk about on national radio and television?

Liberals / Democrats / Communists Don't Know How To React To Global Warming Filmmaker Who Slammed Democrats And Unions In Latest Films.
Schools documentary could score with Republicans
"Waiting for Superman," the latest documentary from the director of "An Inconvenient Truth," chronicles the sorry state of the U.S. public education system, premiered recently at the Sundance Film Festival.
... there does seem to be a clear villain in "Superman," and it's the various Democrat-supported teachers unions that the film presents as the most powerful and entrenched impediment to real education reform.

The liberals / democrats / communists that run the United States are upset. Normally they would start a smear campaign against someone for making a film that blames the Democrats and unions for the problems with the educational system. Their problem is that the director of "Waiting for Superman" is also the directory of "An Inconvenient Truth", which all liberals / democrats / communists love.

So, they don't know what to do.

They can't discreet the man because he already did something they love. But they want to discredit the man for doing something they hate. And if they discredit the man for doing what the hate, it reflects badly on what he did for something they love.

If the liberals / democrats / communists weren't already crazy, this situation drive them crazy.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Privacy Is Transparency. The S.E.C. Protects The Citizens By Hiding Information From Them.
SEC mulled national security status for AIG details
U.S. securities regulators originally treated the New York Federal Reserve's bid to keep secret many of the details of the American International Group bailout like a request to protect matters of national security, according to emails obtained by Reuters.


The New York Federal Reserve Bank asked the Securities And Exchange Commission to treat the discussion of the bailout of A.I.G. as if it were a matter of national security. Evidently, in the name of open and transparent government, the S.E.C. agreed with the Fed Reserve that the bailout of A.I.G. should be hidden away from the public and everyone else except the conspirators involved with the bailout.

The current U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who was the head of the Fed Reserve at the time of the bailout was quoted as saying "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing!". Now doesn't that sound like the kind of man we want heading up a government bureaucracy? Don't forget U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's inability to fill out his own income tax return correctly.

Aren't you glad that these are the people and organizations looking out for the citizens of the United States in these troubling times?

Federal Government Encourages Terrorist Use of Bioweapons.
U.S. still unprepared for major biological terrorist attack, report says
More than eight years after the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks, the United States is still unprepared to respond to a major biological terror attack, ...

Considering the mickey mouse airline security measures that allow underwear bombs to get on board airplanes, it is not surprising that in the 8 years since the last anthrax attack on the United States, no substantive programs have been set up to prevent or deal with this terrorist attack when it occurs.

But I suppose this is understandable. After all, if we can't even call these attacks what they really are, terrorism (NOT "man-caused" disasters), then how can we ever hope to solve the problem?

Just Say No To Burqas.
France should denounce, ban Muslim face veils: panel

France is considering a ban on face veils.

The Muslim men are upset about this.

And rightly so. How will the Muslim men be able to continue to treat their women as chattel if the government interferes with their property rights. Why if this keeps up all kinds of immoral activity would take place (a rape victim got 200 lashes and 6 months in jail because she met and talked to a boy she didn't know.). Why if this keeps up all kinds of immoral activity would take place (a 13-year-old girl got 90 lashes for talking back to her teacher). Why if this keeps up all kinds of immoral activity would take place (a 75 year old woman gets 40 lashes and 4 months in prison for having two unrelated men in her home.)

Muslim men know how to treat their women, and any political law should not, and can not supersede religious law, or France (and the rest of the world) will soon become a godless and immoral place.

California Launches Plan To Reduce Prison And Non-Prison Population Simultaneously.,0,5992495.story
California launches plan to cut prison population

As cost-saving measures, the number of parole violators returned behind bars will be cut and low-risk offenders will not be regularly supervised by a parole agent.
"It is not going to compromise public safety," Schwarzenegger said in a Sacramento speech.
Lily Burk's Alleged Killer Charged with New Felony Counts at Preliminary Hearing

Low-risk offender Charlie Samuel, with previous convictions for petty theft and robbery, is now on trial for Lily Burk's murder.

The State of California which has up until now proved themselves incompetent at balancing the budget are now looking forward to proving themselves incompetent at protecting the public from criminals.

Since trials can be lengthy and expensive, many prosecutors accept plea bargains to get convictions and clear the dockets. For example, if a man is accused of attempted murder, he may plea bargain down to harassment or some other crime with jail time. What it also means, is that this potential murderer, on paper, looks like a low-risk offender.

On the other hand, if you believe the claptrap nonsense that gets spouted whenever a politician opens his mouth, then there really are low-risk offenders in prison. What would real low-risk offenders be? Jaywalkers? Prostitutes? Marijuana smokers? ??? If so, then the State of California has been wasting millions if not billions of dollars putting people in prison who are not a threat to the citizens.

No matter how you look at it, the State of California is incompetent and incapable of doing the right thing. Which means the crime rate will go up, and your life will be in danger when these criminals are released in the streets of our cities.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bribing People To Spend Will Save Economy.
Existing-Home Sales Tumble

Existing-home sales plunged in December, dropping lower than expected after three straight increases that were fed by a fat government tax credit.

Considering Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy a year ago, all the government funded economists can do is expect the economy to improve.
December home sales down nearly 17 percent

Sales of previously occupied homes took the largest monthly drop in more than 40 years last month, sinking more dramatically than expected after lawmakers gave buyers additional time to use a tax credit.

Do you think the drop in home sales has anything to do with the end of the $8,000 credit / bribe to home buyers?

How many people can afford to buy a home? All of the people who could afford homes when using the credit, bought homes when the credit was $8,000. That program expired. Congress in their infinite wisdumb is extending the home buyer credit for a lesser amount. So all the people who couldn't afford homes when the credit was $8,000 still won't be able to afford homes.

Government lackeys are proclaiming the increase in home sales because of the credit / bribe is proof the economy is recovering. However, they are stunned that the improved sales ended when the credit / bribe ended.

Currently we still have record high unemployment, home foreclosures and business failures. Do you think a one time credit / bribe to homeowners will be enough to kick start the economy?

Economy Continues To Recover With Blazing Speed.
Economic survey: Slow recovery continues

A year ago, Barack Hussein Obama postured and whined that if we didn't bailout the Wall Street Wizards immediately with billions of dollars and without an accounting of where the money went, the economy of the United States would fail.

Barack Hussein Obama is still claiming that he saved the economy a year ago, but now he is saying that we may need to wait for the next election to see any progress.

69% of the businesses agrees with Barack Hussein Obama and say that they have not noticed any improvement in the economy.

59% of the businesses agrees with Barack Hussein Obama and are reducing inventory in an effort to avoid bankruptcy.

28% of the businesses agrees with Barack Hussein Obama and expect to continue to terminate employees in an effort to avoid bankruptcy.

Even the government claims that unemployment will continue at 10%, and is expected to rise in the near future. However, the government refused to track the number of people who ran out of unemployment benefits and have given up hope of ever getting a job. The government claims that the rate of job loss will eventually slow down (for lack of existing businesses to terminate employees).

The government also claims the economy will start slowing down unless all the unemployed people increase their spending.

I guess the economic slowdown concern must be part of the government claim that they saved the economy, because nobody I know noticed that the economy had started to recover.

Businesses In Economic Trouble Terminate Staff. Except. California Employee Unions Want California To Hire More Staff.,0,97945,full.story
Schwarzenegger's budget plan puts unions in the cross-hairs

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has finally noticed that the State of California is running out of money. One of his plans to solve the problem is to cut costs of staffing the State of California.

One way to do this, is to reduce the number of people on staff, reduce the staff pay, reduce the amount of pensions.

The unions don't have any idea how to solve the problem, but don't think that number of people on staff, or their salaries or benefits are the problem.

I guess the only answer left is still more taxes on the few business and employees still left in the state. Unfortunately, once all the remaining businesses have been driven out of California, and the few remaining employees have moved out of state or been fired, there will be no one left to tax.

But don't worry, all the highly paid off politicians (millions in campaign contributions from the unions) will come up with some other solution that won't work.

Liberals Celebrated Wal-Mart Firing 11,000 Plus Workers.
Wal-Mart shares up as Sam's Club to cut 11,000-plus jobs

Because of the failing economy, Wal-Mart chose to terminate some employees in an effort to avoid bankruptcy and firing ALL employees.

The liberals celebrate the terminations as proof positive that big business doesn't care about the staff. The liberals would much rather see Wal-Mart go bankrupt and fire 2 million plus employees, thus making space for some unionized business to take it's place.

What the liberals can't possibly understand is how the economy works, and what it would take for someone to be willing to start a business.

To start a business with any chance of success, an individual must gamble with their own (or borrowed) money that they can create a business that will make enough of a profit that they will be able to pay all their bills and continue into the future. How do you make a profit? Selling a product for more than it costs to make. Part of that cost is labor. If the owner is not making a profit on the materials and labor, the business loses money and goes bankrupt.

What do unions do to help a business succeed? They force the wages to be raised. If the owner doesn't raise prices when his costs go up, he might as well close the business and fire everyone. So he raises the prices he charges for his products. If the consumer can't afford the increased prices, the owner loses money and closes the business and fires everyone.

You may now be asking yourself, how does this help the business succeed? The answer may surprise you. It doesn't help the business to succeed. It helps the business to fail.

Look at the State of California. Many of the jobs are unionized. Even in this failing economy, many union jobs are getting raises.

Aren't you glad that unions are part of the solution instead of part of the problem?

More Democrats Refuse To Run For Office.
Biden's Son Beau Announces He Will Not Run for Senate

The vice-president's democratic son decided NOT to run for election to the senate. He claims he will be more valuable as an attorney general.

And no Democrat is likely to get elected to the congress or the senate as long as the congress and senate seem to give the American public a middle finger salute.
Berry won't seek re-election, cites health concern

Democrat Congressman Marion Berry decided NOT to run for reelection for health reasons.

After supporting the Health Care Deform bill, he must figure that it is unhealthy for his career to run for reelection and lose.

What is the typical Democratic response to the mess they have created of the United States?

Let's see, we still have increasing unemployment, increasing home foreclosures, increasing business failures. What can be done?

Most of the Democrats in office feel this is a good time to raise the taxes on everyone except special interest groups (unions). They feel that massive government spending is the solution to the problem.

What Democrat Beau Biden, Democrat Marion Berry, and other Democrats are doing is refusing to run for office in the congress and senate. Even incumbents are refusing to run for reelection. Maybe they think that if they let Republicans get elected, and let Republicans make a mess of thing, the Democrats will be able to run for election and have a chance of winning some time in the future.

What Democrat Barack Hussein Obama is doing is hiring his former campaign manager in the hopes that he can hoodwink the American public into thinking that there is no problem, and that Health Care Deform is still the solution.

Aren't you glad the Democrats seem to understand the problem so well and are working towards a bipartisan solution?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

White House Spokesperson Claims Barack Hussein Obama Has Delivered On His Hope And Change.
White House adviser: Obama has brought 'enormous change'

White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said the president has brought about "enormous change."

Which is the only comment in this article I can agree with.

Yes Barack Hussein Obama has traveled around the world, bowing to foreign dictators and despots and apologizing for being an American. I disagree that this makes Americans safer.

Yes Barack Hussein Obama helped create and pass the stimulus / bailout bill while allowing unemployment, home foreclosures and business failures to skyrocket. I disagree that this is saving the economy from the bring of disaster.

Yes Barack Hussein Obama worked in private, in back rooms, out of the sight of the public when writing the 2,000+ page Health Care Deform bill. I disagree that this makes the bill bipartisan.

The White House spokesperson didn't even mention that Barack Hussein Obama is working very hard to transition our democracy to a communist system.

The White House spokesperson didn't even mention that Barack Hussein Obama is working very hard to support the rights of Muslim terrorists.

The White House spokesperson didn't even mention that Barack Hussein Obama is working very hard to pay back all the special interest groups that got him elected.

So when you consider all the change that Barack Hussein Obama has brought about, how can you do anything other than rejoice for having elected the hope and change candidate.

Obama Announced He Will Spend Trillions To Figure Out Why The Budget Is Out Of Control.
Obama Endorses Bill to Create Panel on Deficit

Barack Hussein Obama announced on Saturday that he can't understand why the budget is out of control, and wants to spend more money to find out why.

Barack Hussein Obama spent more money in one year in office, than the previous president spent in 8 years in office, and before that, ALL the other presidents spent in all the years this country has existed. And Barack Hussein Obama wants to know why the budget is out of control?

No wonder Barack Hussein Obama was able to announce with a straight face last year that his stimulus bill (almost $1 trillion) saved the economy. Since Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy unemployment, home foreclosures and business bankruptcies skyrocketed. Barack Hussein Obama is currently working on a Health Care Deform bill that will save the government millions of dollars, and cost the government trillions of dollars.

Aren't you glad the spender-in-chief and all his economic advisers are required to fail basic math skills before being allowed to run the economy of the United States into the ground?

Obama Concerned About 2012 Reelection, Hires Former Campaign Manager To Help Convince Americans There Are No Problems.
No Shake-Ups to Accompany Political Chief's Arrival at White House

The recent Democratic loss in Massachusetts was a wake up call for Barack Hussein Obama.

His nosedive in the polls, going from the most popular president in history to the lease popular president in history in less than a year went unnoticed by Barack Hussein Obama. The protesters at every town hall meeting Barack Hussein Obama gave went unnoticed. The national tea party tax revolt protests that millions attended went unnoticed by Barack Hussein Obama. When Barack Hussein Obama's speech to the congress and the nation was interrupted by a congressman who shouted out "You Lie", it went unnoticed. When unemployment and home foreclosures and business bankruptcy skyrocketed after his stimulus / bailout bill was passed, it went unnoticed.

Aren't you glad Barack Hussein Obama is so observant and so concerned about this country that he is doing everything he is capable of doing to fix the problems?

Airlines Don't Want You To Fly.
Airline fees continue to soar

Evidently airlines aren't making enough money. The airlines are trying to boost their profitability by raising the cost of flying. (If they were a government agency, they would also be giving raises to all the executives as well).

In an effort to discourage airline flights by all except criminals and politicians (but I repeat myself), the federal government has designed a security system that is worthless to prevent suicide bombers, but is incredibly worth while to annoy and discourage all other travelers.

The airlines have started doing their part to discourage flier's by using Barack Hussein Obama economics policy. ie. If not enough people are flying because it is too expensive, then raising the price should help increase the number of fliers. Since the airlines don't want to raise the price of the tickets, they are starting to charge for all the services they used to provide for free. Like bringing luggage with you. Maybe the airlines are even now considering a fee for using the seats and seat belts. What about a fee for talking to the agent behind the counter? What about a fee for sitting on a chair while waiting for a flight? The fee possibilities are endless!

The Infernal Revenue Service Wants You To Make Mistakes On Your Return.
Why Can’t the I.R.S. Help Fill in the Blanks?

Consider, your w-2s, 1099s, ... are all filed with the Infernal Revenue Service. Any forms that are submitted manually, are digitized. Many forms are already submitted electronically.

So why doesn't the Infernal Revenue Service send out preprinted forms with the submitted information already filled out? I can think of one reason off the top of my head. The Infernal Revenue Service wants you to make mistakes on your return. If you make mistakes on your return, the Infernal Revenue Service is never going to figure that out in a reasonable period of time. Which means that you not only get a penalty for not being able to figure out how to prepare your return correctly, they can also add interest to the amount of underpayment from the day the return was filed!

Seems like a good scam to me.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Muslims Upset That There Are Bible References In Sniper Scopes. They Prefer Quotes From Qur’an.,2933,583508,00.html?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a16:g2:r3:c0.119464:b29932666:z0
Muslims Angry Over U.S. Military 'Jesus' Rifles

Muslim groups reacted angrily Wednesday after it emerged that the U.S. military is using combat rifle sights inscribed with coded Biblical references.

Too bad Muslim groups don't react angrily every time a Muslim flys an airplane into a building. Too bad Muslim groups don't react angrily every time a Muslim suicide bomber blows himself up in an airplane. Too bad Muslim groups don't react angrily every time a Muslim terrorist kills an unarmed civilian.

Although I suppose it is good that the Muslim groups don't react angrily to terrorist attacks. It helps us better understand what the Muslim religion really stands for.

U.N. States That Lies Should Be Acceptable Proof Of Global Warming.
U.N. climate panel chief: Error shouldn't derail global warming efforts in India

The people of India were upset to find out that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change lied to them about the seriousness of the global warming problem.

The U.N. response to being caught in a lie, was to say that even if the U.N. lied, the U.N. is telling the truth and you must listen to us.
India challenges Western data linking climate change, Himalayan melt

India has produced a study that not only are the glaciers not receding, they are growing.

The U.N. immediately claimed that all Indian's are stupid and are incapable of scientific research.

Considering that the U.N. "scientists" deliberately falsified data, destroyed data, attacked anyone who opposed them, I don't think the U.N. can be relied on for honest, impartial review of global warming data. In fact, if this is how the U.N. typically works, I don't think we can trust anything they do.

Later that same day:
UN climate panel blunders again over Himalayan glaciers

Even more people are questioning the U.N.'s big lie about global warming.

The chairman of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used fraudulent claims to increase likelihood of additional funding. Since the chairman has his own Global Warming studies group, he is paying himself millions for further research. Proof positive that he has no conflict of interest. The chairman can also claim no bias for the green policy, because he is the founder and scientific advisor to an oil exploration and retrieval company.

What could be more honest than this? Anything else!

Obama Vows To Never Stop Fighting Against The Interests Of The American Public.
In Ohio, Obama vows to 'never stop fighting'

After the election loss in Massachusetts, Barack Hussein Obama vowed to keep working for his Health Care bill.

You can tell how upset Barack Hussein Obama was, because he even suggested that he might work with Republicans. Since all the back room meetings and bribery has been limited to Democrats and Democratic supported organizations (unions), is this a new strategy for Barack Hussein Obama? Or like the rest of his campaign promises, are these just more words from the teleprompter?

Barack Hussein Obama has not told anyone yet what he will have to do to get any kind of deform bill passed. But judging by sleazy tactics he has used so far, I can only imagine how bad the results of his newest attack on the the medical profession and medical insurance is likely to take.

Later that same day:
Obama Sharpens His Populist Tone

In an effort to show he cares, Barack Hussein Obama campaigned in Ohio, trying to show that this is one of the states that his stimulus / bailout helped.

Unfortunately for Barack Hussein Obama, his stimulus / bailout plan only helped the few corporate contributors to his election campaign. Ohio which Barack Hussein Obama theoretically helped, saw their unemployment rate rise yet again, this time one point higher than the national average.

Too bad that when Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy he didn't do anything about joblessness, homelessness or anything else that would effect the life of the average citizen.

The response of the average Ohioan is that while Barack Hussein Obama looks pretty and sounds when speechifyin', he seems unable (or unwilling) to actually do anything that would fix the current problems.

Democrats Upset That Republicans Won't Give Money To Democratic Hopefuls.
Obama says US court ruling a blow to democracy

Barack Hussein Obama is upset that the United States Supreme Court says that corporations can now give unlimited amounts of money to politicians. Evidently, since most corporations are run by Republicans (who still believe that earning money is good), Barack Hussein Obama feels the Democrats won't be able to get their fair share of the expected bribes and slush funds.

When Barack Hussein Obama appointed a sexist, racist, bigoted woman (“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life.”) to the United States Supreme Court in response to the North Korean testing of a nuclear bomb, he thought he had it made. Barack Hussein Obama had distracted the American public from the foreign threat, appeased the liberals who wanted to allow any communist regime free reign to do whatever they want to, and set himself up to manage any future important rulings. What Barack Hussein Obama didn't know, is that for him to run the United States Supreme Court, he needs to appoint more than one judge.

Maybe Barack Hussein Obama needs to appoint a United States Supreme Court czar to make sure they don't do anything that would conflict with his own 5 year plan.

Later that same day:
Obama Turns Up Heat Over Campaign Spending Decision

Barack Hussein Obama, our communist-in-chief, is ranting that allowing Republicans to accept large campaign contributions will hurt our democracy.

Funny, Barack Hussein Obama didn't think there was anything wrong with our democracy when it allowed a communist to be elected as the president. Funny, Barack Hussein Obama didn't think there was anything wrong with our democracy when he accepted campaign contributions from the Wall Street Wizards. Funny, Barack Hussein Obama didn't think there was anything wrong with our democracy when he created the stimulus / bailout bill to repay those same Wall Street Wizards who contributed to his campaign (and didn't bailout the ones who didn't contribute to his campaign).

Do you think that Barack Hussein Obama's war on capitalism has anything to do with his fear of this ruling? Do you think that Barack Hussein Obama is concerned that any business that wants to stay in business will support anyone who opposes his communist agenda?

Or do you think that Barack Hussein Obama actually cares about democracy?

Democrats Proclaim Losing Election In Massachusetts Is Proof Of Public Support.
Dems Mum on How to Keep Pushing Health Overhaul

When Barack Hussein Obama was elected president, he said it was all about him. He is the first, black, communist, Muslim, president. He has a mandate from the people. Therefore Barack Hussein Obama will remake this horrible country (that allows freedom of choice and free enterprise) into something that any communist or Muslim would be proud of.

After campaigning hard to get a Democrat elected in Massachusetts, and losing, Barack Hussein Obamae is now saying this is not about him, or his failed policies. In fact, this is only making him more determined to succeed. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama can change the 60 vote majority in the senate to 51. Maybe Barack Hussein Obama can close the congress and senate and replace them with appointed officials who report directly to himself.

Well, whatever Barack Hussein Obama does, you can be sure that Barack Hussein Obama will feel sympathy for you living in your car on food stamps while he continues to live in his mansion.

Failure No Longer A Success In Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.).
Bernanke second term in doubt

The Democrats just lost an election that they previously thought they couldn't lose. Fearful that they may be next, the Democrats are starting to make noises like they actually care about the economy and the American people. One of the first visible signs of their fear, is they are starting to withdraw their support for Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Ben Bernanke's main qualification to continue running the Federal Reserve is that he was unable to see the current economic problems coming until the economy collapsed. And therefore he knows how to fix the problem.

Even though Ben Bernanke is as qualified for his post as most elected or appointed officials, that may not be enough to save his job.

While the Democrats may not be able to recognize competence or quality in elected or appointed officials, they have been able to notice anger directed at themselves from the public. The Democrats have finally decided to do something to reduce that anger. Some have decided to retire early, to save themselves the humiliation of losing an election. Others are starting to make noises like they are representing the American people and want to do what is good for the United States.

Since the Democrats have NOT given up their support for the Barack Hussein Obama Health Care Deform plan, I am not sure how well this ploy will work. However with elections not until November, there is still time for other face saving gestures.

Later that same day:,0,5262512.story
Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke picks up backing for reconfirmation

Politicians who do not care about the citizens or the economy of the United States, and who are not worried about immediate reelection, have decided to throw in their support for Ben Bernanke. Only time will tell if the voters from their districts will remember their traitorous actions at reelection time.

Escalating Bank Failures Constitute Proof The Economy Was Saved A Year Ago.
Five Banks Fail; Year's Total at 9

9 banks have failed so far in 2010.

Unemployment continues to climb. Home foreclosures continue to climb. Bank failures continue to climb. It is a good thing that Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy a year ago.

I shudder to think what shape the United States would be in if the economy hadn't been saved. In fact, based on these results, the stimulus / bailout worked so well, that we need to do it again this year. Unfortunately, Barack Hussein Obama is running out of Wall Street Wizards to bail out, so he won't know what to do with any money he might earmark for this project. Of course, he could just set up a slush fund for his private discretion to use as he sees fit. Considering how well Barack Hussein Obama has done so far in saving the economy, he needs to be able to continue to cut back room deals without any oversight to continue with the progress he has made so far.

Aren't you glad you can live in a country that allows you to own your own cardboard box, and collect food stamps while discussing how good a job the current regime has done so far?

Air America Is Bankrupt. Just Like The Liberal Philosophy They Promote.,0,1604003.story
The message of Air America's end

Not knowing anything has never stopped a liberal from having an opinion, and it won't stop me. After reading this article on the demise of Air America (liberal radio talk show), I have managed to come up with an interpretation of why Air America failed.

It was run by liberals.

Because most liberals are closet communists (although some have come out of the closet), none understand what capitalism means and how it works. Which means that they are incapable of running a business at a profit. Evidently, since most liberals (communists) are still afraid to talk about what they really believe in, all they were left with was talking about how bad the conservatives are. All liberals already know how bad the conservatives are, so they had no need to listen. And anyone else who is not a liberal, would disagree with the premise and thus would not listen to a show with such a narrow focus that it gets boring after a few minutes.

Maybe Air America was hoping they might become a government agency, so they could get all the funds they need to stay on the air, and wouldn't need to worry that nobody wanted to listen to them.

Show Respect Where Respect Is Due.
Saudi schoolgirl sentenced to 90 lashes after assaulting headmistress

Back in April 2009 Barack Hussein Obama bowed when meeting the king of Saudi Arabia.

It is appropriate that Barack Hussein Obama shows respect for the ruler of a country where a girl who was raped gets sentenced to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail because she met and talked to a boy she didn't know.

It is appropriate that Barack Hussein Obama shows respect for the ruler of a country where a 75 year old woman gets sentenced to 40 lashes and four months in prison for having two unrelated men in her home.

It is appropriate that Barack Hussein Obama shows respect for the ruler of a country where a man gets sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 5 years in prison for talking about his sex life on television.

Which explains why Barack Hussein Obama shows no respect for America and the American people.

Friday, January 22, 2010

TSA Guards Take Their Job Seriously, By Framing Passengers For Smuggling Contraband.
It was no joke at security gate

Recently, a highly trained (may I have your bomb please) T.S.A. (Thousands Standing Around) security agent framed a passenger for smuggling contraband. He immediately laughed at her, and said it was only a joke.

Those people in Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.) have an interesting sense of humor. They report that a Muslim suicide bomber caught on board an airplane while setting off a bomb is proof that airline security works. We get boarding guards planting evidence on passengers and then laughing at them. What other security measures are they working on to insure our safety?

Don't you feel safer knowing that this is the kind of training that security agents get, to help them protect this country from Muslim suicide bombers?

Who will protect us from the security agents?

Prayer Is Hazardous To Your Health.
Flight diverted after confusion over prayer

A 17 year old boy was arrested for praying on board an airplane while in flight.

In an effort to make Muslim terrorists feel more comfortable while they fly, the federal government has decided that freedom of religion means that suicide bombers should be allowed to pray before setting off their bombs.

Unfortunately, not all passengers are conversant with all religions. Passengers are thus concerned that anyone praying in a language they are unfamiliar with could be a terrorist preparing to set off his bomb.

Until Islam becomes the official religion of this country, and the terrorist no longer have an excuse to kill Americans, this will continue to be a problem.

Microsoft Encourages Hackers To Exploit Holes In Their Programs.
Microsoft fixes 8 IE holes, including one used in attacks

4 Months ago, Microsoft learned of a security hole in Internet Exporer 5, 6, 7 and 8. Yesterday they released a patch to fix that particular problem. After hackers used the security hole to compromise end users and attack other web sites.

For those victims who have applied that insecurity patch and still wish to be hacked, there is still hope. Microsoft assured the hacker community there are still plenty of security holes in their software that Microsoft has no plans of fixing (now or ever). Microsoft knows most of their users continue to use older software that Microsoft doesn't support. So to encourage the users to upgrade, Microsoft usually doesn't bother patching anything unless the flaws are major and effect the current versions as well.

Aren't you glad that Microsoft cares about your data and your security?

Scientists Say Global Warming Too Important To Bother Using Scientific Method To Support Their Claims.
Climate chief admits error over Himalayan glaciers

The head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was caught in another lie.

However, the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) did apologize. For getting caught. He did explain that since the hacked server and posting of e-mail messages which exposed the fraud of Global Warming, without losing any support from politicians worldwide, he did not think than anyone was too concerned about honesty of scientists supporting Global Warming so he didn't bother looking over the report for mistakes. He also said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will continue to ignore honesty in research and peer review in publication. But in the future, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will try to make sure their lies are less obvious.

The State Of California ONLY Hires The Best Criminals To Make Statewide Policy.
The air board knew

The State of California hired a "scientist" (with a degree from an online degree mill-and no education) to determine and implement California Global Warming policy.

No wonder the State if California recently released criminals from prison to save money. The criminals that run the State of California don't like to see their friends rot in jail when they could get cushy jobs as government workers.

So what is the perfect career for someone with no education, but with the ability to lie? Become a Global Warming scientist. Anyone can do it. No education required. All you need is an online degree and the willingness to lie to the politicians who want to hear your lies.

But what happens if you get caught lying? Here is the beauty of this fraud. Nobody cares. The politicians so want to believe in the Global Warming hoax, that no matter how outrageous your lies, they will still forgive you and believe anything you say. And you can still get outrageous amounts of salary even after being caught lying.

Aren't you glad that with the excuse of Global Warming, even the State of California (with the help of fraudulent data from fraudulent scientists) is able to do their bit to destroy the economy?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Now That Democrats Can't Win, They Are Reluctant To Sponsor Bad Legislation That Would Prevent Them From Getting Re-Elected.
House Democrats reluctant to take up Senate health-care reform bill

Is the election of a Republican in a previously strong Democratic state yet another one time fluke? Just like electing Republican Governors was a one time fluke. And just like the recent rush of retiring Democratic congressmen was a one time fluke?

Evidently, now that the Democrats can no longer stampede a passing vote on any piece of bad legislation that they write, they are starting to talk about maybe creating a Health Care Reform package that has the approval of more than just the Democrats in political office. The Democrats are also working on all kinds of excuses to justify their nefarious actions up until now in trying to pass a bill that only Democrats and their bribers could like.

The Democrats are so concerned about the recent Republican win, they are no longer talking about support for voting to protect the plant from the non-existant Global Warming Hoax. They are no longer talking about giving the vote to illegal aliens and convicted felons.

Why, the Democrats are so concerned about the recent Republic win, they are even starting to talk about trying to do something to fix the economy (other than bribing the Wall Street Wizards who caused the economic meltdown).

Why Are So Many College Professors Communists?
Professor Is a Label That Leans to the Left

A recent study says that the reputation (typecasting) of a field attracts like minded individuals. Which means that the nursing profession attracts women. College and University teaching attracts communists. Political work attracts corrupt and immoral individuals.

Although typecasting partially explains why some many communists become teachers, it is not the only explanation. Some of the other explanations are that communists like to have advanced degrees (I am not sure why, as none seem capable of independent thought). Communists have non-conservative religions (or none at all). Communist like controversial ideas (anything that will upset everyone else). Communists like living in poverty (until they started joining unions and found out that poverty sucks).

And I thought most people who went into teaching did so because they were unable to get any other kind of job to support themselves.

The United States Determines That "Freedom Of Religion" Allows Muslim Terrorists To Quote From The Qur’an While Shooting American Soldiers.
Michigan weapons company Trijicon takes flak over soldiers' rifle scopes branded with Bible verses

U.S. military rules prohibit soldiers from proselytizing while serving in uniform.

Is it proselytizing to have a page number from the bible printed on any product? Sniper scope? Bullet? Boot? Food package?

Is it proselytizing if a Muslim suicide bomber quotes the Qur’an while setting off his explosives?

I don't know.

Evidently some individuals believe it is bad policy to allow the printing of Bible page numbers on weapon scopes.

The United States military doesn't have a problem with Muslims who are openly antagonistic to non-Muslims working in the United States military and who think that killing non-Muslims is a moral course of action.

It is just so difficult to know where the line is.

California's Criminal Catch And Release Program Starts Shortly.
State budget-mandated inmate releases alarm law enforcement officials

The Berkeley-based nonprofit Prison Law Office believes the crime rate in California is not high enough. So, claiming that California prisons are too crowded and that it is unfair for criminals to be punished too harshly for what they have done, the Berkeley-based nonprofit Prison Law Office have filed a lawsuit to get California to release prisoners early.

The Berkeley-based nonprofit Prison Law Office has been very successful in protecting criminals rights. The State of California will soon be releasing almost 6,000 hardened criminals into the Los Angeles area. These criminals getting early release will be set loose in the wilds of Los Angeles. No supervision. No notification to victims or witnesses or law enforcement agencies. These criminals will have no homes to go to, and no jobs to go to. While these criminals may have been convicted of lesser crimes, they probably will have plea bargained their crimes down from major crimes (which is how our legal system works).

So please remember the next time you get mugged or stabbed or shot, that this is the State of California's way of balancing the budget AND protecting criminals rights. And if someone is killed, then the State of California is also doing their part in reducing Global Warming, by reducing the number of carbon dioxide emitters. After all, you don't want to stand in front of the wheels of progress.

What Can America Learn From Yemen?
Yemen halts entry visas at airports over Qaeda threat

Yemen is currently having a "man-made" disaster problem. For all you politically correct people. For the rest of you who want to know what is really happening, Yemen is currently having a terrorist problem.

Yemen is tired of terrorists flying into their country. What is their solution? Stop allowing anyone to fly in. If anyone wants to fly into their country, they must be passed by security authorities.

The United States has millions of people that are suspected terrorist supporters on questionable lists. But less than 2,000 people are on lists that are supposed to prevent them from entering this country. Unless their name gets misspelled. Or they fly to another country first. Or they are a personal friend of Barack Hussein Obama or any other dictator this country is trying to be friendly with.

The United States could put all the suspected terrorist supporters on the do not fly list, and thus make life a little more safe than it currently is for frequent fliers.

But the United States won't ban terrorists or terrorists supporters from flying. Because of incompetence in government security agencies, someone might end up on the do not fly list that doesn't belong there. And if any suicide bomber hasn't managed to set off his first bomb, we would be taking away his right to attack the United States. And the federal government is very careful not to abuse the rights of criminals and terrorists.

Economists Stunned By Reality, Vow To Keep Forecasting Recovery No Matter How Many Years It Takes.
New Jobless Claims Rise More Than Expected

The number of new people applying for unemployment rose. The number of people continuing to receive unemployment benefits also rose (because the government extended the benefits once again).

Barack Hussein Obama, announced he saved the economy a year ago by bailing out his friends with poor business judgement. Therefor economists, employed by the government (are there any other kind), are required to forecast recovery. Since we are not in recovery, and nothing the government has done was intended to start a recovery, all the economists can do is keep reporting how stunned they are that the economy hasn't turned around.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Obama Nominee With A Shady Past Withdraws From Consideration. This Time For Head Of TSA.
TSA nominee Erroll Southers withdraws name from consideration

Erroll Southers withdrew his name from consideration for the head of Thousands Standing Around (TSA), the organization that is supposed to fail to protect American citizens from "man-caused" disasters.

Erroll Southers stated the reasons why he withdrew his name from consideration included:

- his path has been obstructed by political ideology
The current political ideology, as forced on the American public by Barack Hussein Obama and his henchmen, is to turn the United States into a communist country. Is Erroll Southers claiming that he is not now and never has been a communist? While Barack Hussein Obama is mostly nominating communists to positions of power in his government, I think Barack Hussein Obama has accidentally nominated people who weren't communists. Many of Barack Hussein Obama's nominees have a criminal history, so Erroll Southers breaking the law when he was in a position of power is probably a good thing in the current political climate.

- his path has been obstructed by a political agenda with no concern for the safety and security of the American people.
Anybody who has watch the videos of the TSA agents randomly beating American citizens, or read the articles about the TSA agents not guarding access points, or read about 2 year old children being frisked and questioned at gunpoint about their terrorist leanings knows that the political agenda in Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.) has nothing to do with protecting the American citizens from terroorists.

- his path has been obstructed by the partisan climate
Barack Hussein Obama in his quest for complete obedience too his goals, considers anyone who disagrees with him the enemy and does his best to marginalize them. So the only political climate that exists today is the one created by Barack Hussein Obama.

Erroll Southers has in the past abused his position of power to launch personal investigations into people he doesn't like. Running a background check was against the law at the time and place that Errol Southers did it. Democrats don't seem to have a problem with this, and confirmed he would be a good head of the TSA. Republicans don't seem to have a problem with this either.


Republicans seem to believe that Erroll Southers plans to support allowing drones who work for the TSA to join unions.

I don't see what the problem is. People working in the highly skilled (may I have your bomb please) and lowly paid security services should be able to go on strike for higher wages if they feel the need. It is not like anyone believes that they are really there to protect the public, or that they are even capable of protecting the public.

Democrats Stunned By Reality. But Vowed To Ignore Reality As Long As Possible.
G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats
Brown Win Forces Congress to Get 'Back to Basics'

The Democrats were stunned by the Republican (?) victory in Massachusetts. However, the Democrats were the only ones stunned by this victory. Everyone else (Republicans, independents, ...) all expected this victory.

Massachusetts has had a democratic senator for decades. Everyone assumed that Massachusetts would continue to have a Democratic senator. The Democrats ran the election campaign as if the American public supported the backroom dirty politics the Democrats have been using to push the fatally flawed Health Care Deform bill. When it began to look like the Democratic hopeful might not win, the Democrats brought out the big guns. Barack Hussein Obama, Bill Clinton, and any other Democrat that could be rounded up and forced to, went to Massachusetts to campaign for the Democratic hopeful.

None of it helped. In fact, it may have actually hurt the Democratic hopefuls chance of winning the election. While the Democratic party continues to bribe individuals and organizations to support the Health Care Deform bill, the press has been unable to keep these backroom dirty deals out of the public eye, and are thus causing problems for the Democratic party. Which may mean that it just may be possible that anyone that Barack Hussein Obama campaigns for, might be guaranteed to lose.

One politician said the Democratic loss was a response on both health care and the integrity of the government process. Really? I thought that everyone knew that political integrity is as much an oxymoron as military intelligence. (Sorry, sometimes a cheap shot is better than no shot at all.)

Because of this loss, some Democrats are pretending that the American public doesn't understand what the Health Care Deform bill will do to them and their descendants. They are also playing stupid and asking why would anyone oppose the Health Care Deform bill. Unfortunately, anyone who would willingly vote for the Health Care Deform bill as currently formulated, would be unable to understand any explanation of the opposition.

When Barack Hussein Obama scurries back to Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.) to try to pretend that this Democratic loss is meaningless, he will have a few things to think about. Other than throwing yet another Democratic supporter under the bus. Like how could something bad like this happen to someone good like Barack Hussein Obama? Like how can Barack Hussein Obama force a vote for the Health Care Deform bill before the new senator is sworn into office? Like how can Barack Hussein Obama subvert any other Republican into voting for the Health Care Deform bill? Bribery works for unions and Democrats. Will bribery work on Republicans?

Will this election be a foreshadow of things to come? Will politicians in Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.) start doing something for the people, instead of continuing to do something to the people? Or will the hope and change continue as usual?