
Monday, May 31, 2010

Obama Celebrates Oil Spill And Memorial Day By Going On Vacation.
Stressed Out or Tone Deaf? Obama Chicago Vacation Raises Eyebrows
"He's (Barack Hussein Obama) never really out of touch with what's happening," said Molfese, president of the political firm Grainger Terry, Inc.

Neither stressed out or tone deaf.

Barack Hussein Obama knows what is going on. Barack Hussein Obama hates America and Americans, and everything that has anything to do with America or Americans. So going on vacation at a time of crisis makes perfect sense.
The White House has tried to fend off suggestions that it has not acted forcefully enough to mitigate the damage from the oil spill -- Obama held a full-scale press conference Thursday afternoon where he spoke extensively about mitigation efforts.

His mitigation efforts included sending down the D.H.S. (Department of Homeland Security) and S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons and Tactics ) teams to make sure that no unauthorized oil would land on the shores of the United States.

Barack Hussein Obama is always ready to hold a press conference. His legacy is likely to be that no matter what crisis happened, Barack Hussein Obama would go on a vacation and hold a press conference announcing how the problem was caused by the prior president, or has already been solved by the current one.
But President Obama's decision to skip the traditional Memorial Day ceremony in Arlington while on his second vacation since the BP oil spill began has some wondering what the schedule says about his priorities.

It is obvious what Barack Hussein Obama's priorities are.

It is obvious that when the nation participates in remembering the efforts of soldiers who gave their lives for America that Barack Hussein Obama would go on vacation so he wouldn't have to participate in the Arlington National Cemetery for the Memorial Day ceremony.

How is the contempt that Barack Hussein Obama is showing for the military of the past any different than the contempt Barack Hussein Obama is showing for the military of the present?

How can any military commander announce a withdrawal date for troops in Afghanistan at the same time he is announcing sending in more troops? What possible military purpose can it serve to let the enemy know when you will quit fighting? As the traitor-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama should be aware that NO military plan ever survives contact with the enemy.

The Department of Homeland Security, headed by an appointee of Barack Hussein Obama, recently declared all ex-military are a bigger threat to the United States than Muslim terrorists who have declared war on the United States. If this is not contempt for American military, then I don't know what is.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Live Better Work Union
Medical Marijuana Workers in California Join Union Local
In what cannabis fans were calling a high-water mark for their movement to legitimize the drug, about 100 employees of medical marijuana-related businesses in Oakland were welcomed to the ranks of unionized workers on Friday after voting to join the United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 5.

I guess that settles it. Once you are a union member, you have it made. You get paid more than non-union workers. You get better benefits than non-union workers. You get better working conditions. You work less hours. You are no longer required to have or maintain any skills to retain your job. You cannot get fired no matter what crimes you commit. You now dictate to the business owner how he must run his own business. You bribe government officials to do your bidding and protect the union.

Maybe that is the answer for gays in the military. If they join or form a union, then the government will automatically knuckle under to all their requests.

The Economy Continues To Improve.
FDIC shuts down more banks, pushing yearly tally to 78
The tally of U.S. bank failures now stands at 78 after the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. closed Granite Community Bank in Granite Bay, Calif., Sun West Bank in Las Vegas, Nev., and three affiliated banks that were owned by Bank of Florida Corp.

The economy continues to improve.

Banks (and other businesses) continue to fail. Jobless people continue to reach the end of their unemployment benefits, thus are no longer counted as unemployed and therefor reducing the unemployment rates. Increasing numbers of people are becoming delinquent on their home loans, thus facing foreclosure on their homes that now cost less than their existing mortgages.

I can see why Barack Hussein Obama is happy and proud of the work he has done to save the economy.

Friday, May 28, 2010

L.A. County Officials Demonstrate Support For Stupid Peoples Rights By Proposing And Supporting Stupid Legislation.,0,1828102,print.story
L.A. County official calls for boycott of Arizona over its immigration law
Molina spokeswoman Roxane Marquez said the supervisor realizes that the immigration system is broken but believes that the Arizona law is the wrong way to address the problem.

Spokeswoman Roxane Marquez is as much a liar as Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina is when they claim that they believe the immigration system is broken.

How can people who believe in giving alien invaders more rights than legal citizens claim that the system is broken. As leaders in the movement to have Mexico annex California back to it's rightful owners, Los Angeles County Supervisors Gloria Molina and Zev Yaroslavsky have shown their contempt for the laws and the opportunities provided by the United States. Rather than advocating general lawlessness on the part of alien invaders and legal citizens, Los Angeles County Supervisors Gloria Molina and Zev Yaroslavsky should be doing something positive and legal. Like repealing special order 40, which makes it a crime for police offices to ask about the citizenship status of criminals. Like stop making Los Angeles a sanctuary city for alien invaders and criminals. Like balancing the budget before the city goes bankrupt. Like stop accepting bribes from special interest groups. Like fighting California bill AB 32, the Climate Change Final Solution which is about to start killing the economy (and taxing legal citizens to death) in a futile effort to affect "Global Warming" (which is fraud and a hoax perpetrated by power hungry politicians that want to micromanage every body's lives).

Obama Pretends To Care About Security Of The United States.
Obama orders troops to Mexico border, exposing politics of illegal immigration
President Obama’s pursuit of immigration reform this year is pushing him in directions he may not have intended to go.

That is putting it mildly.

Immigration reform? If you call amnesty for alien invaders immigration reform, then you might be right. On the surface, it might look like Barack Hussein Obama is doing something he abhors.

Barack Hussein Obama is looking forward to the alien invaders voting for him in the next election. But to get that vote, he needs to ram through an amnesty bill before his reelection. But after ramming through the Health Care Deform bill, the country, and even some of the democrats are starting to be concerned with Barack Hussein Obama's plan for the ultimate destruction of the constitution and the bill of rights. If Barack Hussein Obama keeps pushing as hard as he has been, even the democrats that support him are starting to question his motives and his goals.
His administration claims it is doing enough to guard the US-Mexico border.

Yup. No fences. No guards. Seems like a reason plan to me to protect the United States borders. It seems to be working very well to keep out Muslim terrorists.
On Wednesday, however, Mr. Obama quietly relented to requests from Republican and some Democratic lawmakers for even more security. He ordered 1,200 National Guard troops to support the US Border Patrol and asked Congress for an additional $500 million for enforcement.

Of course Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the politicians know this is strictly theater of the absurd. This minuscule amount of money and troops is completely inadequate to deal with the hundreds of thousands of new alien invaders crossing the border every year. When you factor in the drug lords and their army of smugglers, you begin to see how worthless the face saving stunt really is.
Obama is trying to walk a fine line between those seeking more border security and those seeking to legalize some 10 million illegal aliens in the US.

Barack Hussein Obama needs to legalize the newest group of alien invaders now. His recent political sabotage of the American dream has turned millions of American against him and the democrats. If Barack Hussein Obama waits too long, the millions of alien invaders will turn into tens of millions of alien invaders. And even the democrats might start to wonder about the rationality of providing amnesty and welfare to that many more people when our failing economy can't afford to support the alien invaders and the legal citizens that are already here.

Another Obamacare Success Story.
Uncertainty over Medicare pay sets doctors on edge
For the third time this year, Congress is scrambling to stave off a hefty pay cut to doctors treating Medicare patients — even as the Obama administration mails out a glossy brochure to reassure seniors the health care program is on solid ground.

The 21.3 percent cut will take effect June 1 unless Congress intervenes in the next few days. Recurring uncertainty over Medicare fees is making doctors take a hard look at their participation in a program considered a bedrock of middle-class retirement security.

Do I understand this correctly?

The 2400 page Health Care Deform bill that was so critical for reforming the medical industry will be causing doctors to be paid so little, that the doctors can no longer afford to care for patients on medicare and medical? If so, then the Health Care Deform was a brilliant piece of misdirection (you lie) on the part of the democrats. If nobody on medicare can get medical treatment, then Barack Hussein Obama's promise that this bill would balance the budget is true. If the government can't find any doctor to work for the low amounts that the government is willing to pay, then the government will not have to payout anything. Thus lowering the payout and balancing the budget. And all without the death squads people were so worried about either. Who needs death squads when you can't get any medical care at all.

Isn't socialized medicine wonderful.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Government Jobs. No Job Experience Necessary. Just A Desire To Destroy The United States.
Former justice: Judicial experience not an issue
Former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor says that lack of judicial experience should not derail Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court.

I agree. The Barack Hussein Obama administration is full of it. Czars and commissars who had no experience in the post they were elected or appointed to before they got their jobs.

Barack Hussein Obama had no job experience and no political experience before becoming idiot-in-chief of the United States.

Timothy Geithner had no experience preparing honest income tax returns before becoming Secretary of the Treasury and head of the Internal Revenue Service.

Ben Bernanke had no experience working for a living in the United States before becoming the head of the Federal Reserve board which oversees the economy.

In fact, many of Barack Hussein Obama's appointees have no experience in any field. Other than political rable rousing or navigating the shoals of interdepartmental infighting in institutions of lower learning.

Ethics Committee Rules That All Politicians Must Have Extramarital Affairs.
Souder’s Affair May Not Break the Rules
The good news for soon-to-be ex-Rep. Mark Souder: There are no rules that expressly prohibit Members of Congress from sleeping with their staff.

Not that any rule is going to stop any politician from doing anything they want to. A politician is only good for screwing. If a politician isn't busy screwing their underlings, then they are busy screwing the country.

And keep in mind, that even if there is a rule expressly forbidding a politician from having sex with an underling, there isn't a politician alive that can't figure out why that rule doesn't mean what it says, and doesn't apply to politicians.

Think about the second amendment to the constitution of the United States. The right to bear arms. Back when the constitution was written, the United States didn't have a standing army. Therefore it was necessary for every adult male to own a weapon so that they could defend the country as necessary. Somehow, current politicians have managed to misunderstand that, and subvert that to mean that government storm troopers need to carry weapons to protect themselves against the citizens. So if politicians can that completely reverse the obvious meaning of the Bill of Rights of Americans, there is nothing that a politician can't subvert to whatever nefarious purposes they want it to be.
Several ethics experts who asked not to be named for this article suggested that the rule books probably don’t expressly prohibit a Member from sleeping with staffers because it is considered such an obvious infraction that there is no reason to spell it out.

Obvious? The only thing obvious to a politician is that government is of the special interest groups, by the special interest groups and for the special interest groups. So the real reason why there are no ethics rules against married politicians having sex outside of their own marriage because this is something that all politicians do, so therefore it should not be punished. Kind of like the federal anti-alien invasion laws, and the military rules about sexual orientation. Don't ask, don't tell.

Democrats Propose Higher Taxes And More Government To Figure Out Why Government Is So Wasteful And So Big.,0,7286169,print.story
Democrats propose tax hikes in response to Schwarzenegger's fiscal plan
Despite the competing plans, Democrats in both houses agree that the deficit has grown so large — at $19.1 billion it is now roughly 20% of the state's general fund — that any rational plan to close it must include tax increases.

Which is why California in particular, and government in general will NEVER balance the budget. A man with a hammer, thinks all problems can be solved with a hammer. A politician with the power to steal tax, will think that all problems can be solved by higher taxes. And exempting politicians from taxes.
"We have to stop thinking we can afford to provide the amount of services that the state's residents expect for less money," said Sen. Gil Cedillo (D- Los Angeles). "That's just not going to happen."

Oh? Look at Greece. The citizens are so used to getting something for nothing that they are rioting because their ride on the gravy train is ending. And what is Greece doing? Aside from spending more than they can pillage and loot from their citizens? Borrowing from other countries to continue providing what they can NOT afford to provide.
Kevin Eckery, a Sacramento-based GOP political strategist, said all sides are posturing.

"At this point, it's clear everyone's just maneuvering," he said. "We're no more going to eliminate welfare in California than we are going dumpster diving for bottles and cans to pay our bills."

Unfortunately, Kevin Eckery is truth impaired, just like all the politicians in Sacramento (and all other government positions). California bill AB 32, the Global Warming Final Solution Act is causing all businesses to go dumpster diving to pay their bills. AB 32 is penalizing all businesses that don't have a "green" solution. So AB 32 has inspired many businesses and individuals not on welfare to create their own "go green" program. However, their "go green" program, is to "go to greener" pastures. The ones that can afford to, are fleeing from California to a state that believes that people who work should be allowed to keep what they earn. To states that don't believe in being sanctuary states for unemployed criminals.

Unfortunately, once all the businesses and people with money have been driven out of state by the higher fees, taxes, penalties, ... there won't even be any dumpsters to dive into for the bare necessities of life.
On Tuesday, Assembly Speaker John PĂ©rez (D-Los Angeles) tried to frame his plan as the better one for California's beleaguered economy. The governor's proposed cuts, he said, would cost California billions in federal matching money and 430,000 jobs, "further decimating the economy just as we're beginning to recover."

Don't you just love the truth impaired politicians who fell for Barack Hussein Obama's Brainwash America Tour where B.O. told everyone that the economy has recovered. Considering that the truth impaired politicians are willing to admit that we have over 10% unemployment, the true figures are probably closer to double that. Even the government is admitting that most of the jobs that were destroyed, will never come back. So where is the economic recovery that overpaid and under worked government czars and commissars are talking about?
The Assembly plan centers on raiding the state's recycling fund for the next 20 years and going to Wall Street for an $8.7-billion loan. The state would then levy a nearly 10% oil severance tax to help pay off the loan.

The California politicians think that they can borrow billions from Wall Street? Why would anyone buy any of the bonds that California would try to sell? The State of California is winning the national "Race to The Bottom (Bankruptcy)". The bond rating companies are downgrading the bond ratings of State of California bonds. Isn't anyone asking what is happening with the billions that the State of California has already borrowed and is unable to pay back? Isn't anyone asking why the State of California for a short time last year issued IOUs rather than checks?
The Senate Democrats' approach is more straightforward. It would plug roughly a quarter of the state's deficit with tax increases.

The 60% hike on alcohol taxes would bring in $210 million. The vehicle license fee would grow from 1.15% of a vehicle's value to 1.5%. A $220 cut in the dependent-care tax credit would be extended, raising $430 million. A surcharge of 0.25% on personal income taxes, set to expire at the end of 2010, would continue throughout 2011 to bring $1 billion into state coffers.

One thing politicians conveniently ignore, is that as the taxes rise for products, people are less willing to pay the price. Raise the tax on alcohol, and people will either drink less, or start more home brewing. Raise the vehicle license fee, and fewer people will buy vehicles. Raise income taxes to pay out more welfare, and more people will quit working to go on welfare. Or people will flee from California (like Mexicans are fleeing from Mexico) looking for some place that is not as oppressive and abusive.


Don't you just love the irrational politicians telling the slaves citizens what the ration thing to do.

Let me propose another rational plan to balance the budget. Take all the politicians serving in Sacramento, throw them all in prison for the rest of their lives. Tell all future politicians that as long as they pretend that the only solution to California's budget problems are higher taxes, then slaves citizens only response is to make the punishment fit the crime and throw them in prison for the rest of their lives. If we do this long enough, then eventually we will get politicians who will figure out an alternative to bankrupting all the individuals and businesses in California to solve the problem of California going bankrupt.

Until then, the politicians will continue voting themselves larger office staffs, larger salaries, larger retirement benefits, more junkets around the world, ... and congratulating themselves for a job well done.

Obama's Quick Action Prevents Oil From Washing Up On The Beaches On The Gulf Coast.
Is oil spill becoming Obama's Katrina?

Yes. Barack Hussein Obama is as much responsible for the oil spill as George W. Bush was responsible for Hurricane Katrina.
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says the administration has been waging an "all-out, all-hands-on-deck battle to protect the Gulf Coast" and ensure that the British energy giant responsible for the spill cleans it up.

Yup. Just like Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy more than a year ago, B.O. has protected the environment from the oil spill.
The White House, citing a 1990 law that requires oil companies to clean up their messes, says the government is offering help and overseeing the effort — but they're insistent that the cleanup is BP's responsibility.

Which is the perfect excuse for Barack Hussein Obama to do nothing. Which is what he has been doing a lot of. But to be honest, Barack Hussein Obama has not been doing nothing, he has just been doing nothing useful. Barack Hussein Obama has been doing his usual campaigning for political office and blaming the prior administration for not doing anything about the oil spill (or whatever other problem Barack Hussein Obama currently refuses to deal with).
On May 11, Louisiana requested an emergency permit for the plan from the Army Corps of Engineers that would bypass lengthy environmental impact reviews. Corps and Coast Guard officials have voiced concerns, and the matter is still under review.

Don't worry. The environmental impact study to determine if the state of Louisiana should be allowed to prevent the oil spill from washing up on the beaches will be studied for the next 10 years or so to determine if it will have a negative impact on the beaches. Of course between now and then the oil spill will wash up on the beaches. Just like Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy last year, Barack Hussein Obama is saving the coastline now.

Of course, unless you are on the Barack Hussein Obama payroll, you may not think Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy or the environment. But that is a burden you will have to live with. Barack Hussein Obama knows that he is doing a wonderful job, and that all the people love him, so what more could he want?

Obama Responds To Oil Spill By Asking For Handouts To Help Democrats.
Obama raises money in California

Nero fiddled while Rome burned.

Barack Hussein Obama campaigned for democrats while the oil spill washed up on American shores.
"I said to them, 'I disagree with this Arizona law,' " Obama said, adding that he also told them he understood their frustration over the nation's porous southwestern border.

Barack Hussein Obama promised to continue to oppose the Arizona law until he had a chance to read it and confirm that it is as racist as everybody else who hasn't read the law says it is.

Barack Hussein Obama also commiserated with the alien invaders in Arizona who now face punishment for their crime of illegally crossing the United States border. Barack Hussein Obama promised the alien invaders that the legal citizens of Arizona wouldn't benefit from their new law. Barack Hussein Obama told the legal citizens of Arizona to quit their whining and get back to work and paying taxes so B.O. could appoint more czars, more commissars, and bail out more businesses that are too big to fail.
Obama told the audience Tuesday that the government must "revisit how these oil companies are operating."

Barack Hussein Obama promised to have a back room deal finalized in no time with a 2,000+ page bill to reform the oil industry. After all, it has worked so well for saving the economy and reforming health care, it should work for all the other problems that Barack Hussein Obama is creating in the United States.
With the economy showing signs of life, Obama has said Republicans are asking for the keys to the car back, now that the Democrats have pulled it out of the ditch.

Barack Hussein Obama compared the economy to a car that the prior administration has run into a ditch. He then claimed that the Democrats have pulled the car out of the ditch. However, as I see it, setting the car on fire, so that it explodes, thus moving itself out of the ditch is not a good long term solution for getting the economy back on track.

Seeing as how Barack Hussein Obama is so literary, I think I should use another metaphor for the state of the economy.

The current economy is like a dead cat. If you drop it from high enough, it will bounce. But that bounce is not a sign of life. The cat is still dead.

Economists Claim Permanently Losing 1/2 Million Jobs Per Week Is Proof Of Economic Recovery.
Jobless Claims in U.S. Fell Last Week to 460,000 (Update2)
More Americans than forecast filed applications for unemployment benefits last week, indicating firings persist even as the economy rebounds and employment picks up.

1/2 a million people filed for unemployment benefits last week. That is 1/2 a million more than before. These are jobs that are disappearing permanently. Never to return. And economists call this a recovery? If this is an economic recovery, then I would hate to see an economic disaster. Although based on the recent economic prognostications, economists may be incapable of recognizing a disaster as long as they are on the government dole. If you remember the definitions:
- a recession is when your neighbor is unemployed
- a depression is when you are unemployed
So it may well be that according to the great white father, as long as he is employed there will never be a depression in this country. However, the millions of people who have lost their jobs and continue to lose their jobs might disagree. The millions of people who are facing losing their homes might disagree.
Stock-index futures trimmed earlier gains following the reports. The contract on the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rose 2.1 percent to 1,083.3 at 8:51 a.m. in New York. Treasury securities dropped, pushing the yield on the 10-year note up to 3.27 percent from 3.19 percent late yesterday.

But I shouldn't be surprised. When economists quote the stock market to prove that the economy is recovering, you know they are more clueless than the weathermen who claim that global warming has caused the latest cooling streak. Expecting economists to tell the truth is like expecting Barack Hussein Obama to stop bowing to foreign dictators. Expecting economists to tell the truth is like expecting Barack Hussein Obama to stop smiling when he listens to foreign dictators when they disparage the United States. Expecting economists to tell the truth is like expecting Barack Hussein Obama to stop apologizing for being an American.
The number of people receiving unemployment insurance and those getting extended payments declined.

Of course the number of people receiving unemployment benefits has declined. Unemployment benefits don't last forever. At some point benefits run out. When the unemployment benefits run out, the government stops caring about you. The government has so much to keep track of, that they can't be bothered to keep track of people who have been unemployed for years and have no hope of every getting hired again. Besides, it looks good for economists when people fall off the unemployment charts. If the unemployed are no longer receiving benefits, the government feels relief that they no longer need to count those unemployed as unemployed. As people age out of the unemployment system, this allows the government to claim that unemployment is down.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Live Female Births Increase Prostitution.
Arizona immigration law will boost crime in U.S. cities, police chiefs say
Arizona's new crackdown on illegal immigration will increase crime in U.S. cities, not reduce it, by driving a wedge between police and immigrant communities, police chiefs from several of the state's and the nation's largest cities said Tuesday.

Yup. Enforcing laws will increase crime. Therefore, we need to make everything legal. Rape, murder, burglary, ... Once there are no more laws, then it will not be possible to break any laws, and therefore, there will be no more crime.

At which point we can dissolve all law enforcement agencies. At which point, we won't need all the criminal rights groups working to subvert the United States. Because at that point, there will no longer be the United States. We will simply be a western version of the totalitarian dictatorships of the eastern block communist countries. Or we will be the northern version of the brutal and corrupt South American regimes.
The new Arizona law will intimidate crime victims and witnesses who are illegal immigrants and divert police from investigating more serious crimes, chiefs from Los Angeles, Houston and Philadelphia said.

More serious crime? Does that mean that the various law enforcement agencies see an alien invasion as a less serious crime. There are plenty of other federal crimes that the police state enforces. Try smoking a marijuana cigarette in a public place.

Which brings up the question, which laws are the police state planning on enforcing, and which laws are the police state planning on ignoring? If the federal and police state get to pick and choose which laws they will enforce, then can I pick and choose which laws I wish to obey?

Currently, federal law makes it a federal crime for an individual, or millions of individuals, to enter this country illegally. Making a federal crime a state crime doesn't change anything. Other than allowing the state to enforce a law that the federal government, through corruption, or incompetence refuses to enforce.
The American Civil Liberties Union, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and other civil rights groups have filed lawsuits to block the Arizona law, arguing that the Constitution preempts states from enforcing federal law and that the measure will lead to racial profiling.

If enforcing laws that protect American borders from alien invaders leads to racial profiling, then being born female leads to prostitution. Show me one female prostitute who was not born a woman. Then being born with a tongue leads to racial slurs. Show me any racist shouting ethnic slurs who was born without a tongue. Then going to school causes brain damage. Show me one criminal rights activist who didn't go to school.
Requiring the Los Angeles Police Department to prioritize the arrest of 400,000 illegal immigrants among the city's 4.1 million residents would "cripple us and make it impossible for us to do our jobs," Beck said.

Now I understand the police state. If millions of criminals break the law, the police state should not enforce that law. However, if hundreds or thousands of people break the law they should be punished. Arbitrary and capricious enforcement of the laws will lead to more respect for the police state.
Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger said directing officers to spend hours investigating the immigration status of every person stopped with a suspect identification card would mean less time to catch violent criminals.

Actually, in California there is no need to catch violent criminals. In case you haven't heard, California is one of the leaders in the federally inspired program "race to bankruptcy" that is sweeping the nation. Already California, in a effort to save money has instituted the "catch and release" program for violent felons. The "catch and release" program requires the state of California to spend millions of dollars to catch and prosecute violent felons. And then set the violent criminals free without any jail time because the jails are already overflowing with non-violent offenders (jay walkers, pot smokers, ...).
"We understand and agree: Federal immigration law, the whole system, is broken, and that people are very, very frustrated all across this country," Harris said. "But this state law doesn't solve the immigration problems for the country. The solution is here in Washington, D.C., and Congress must step forward and come up with a comprehensive immigration reform that will really solve the problem."

As Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.), and Congress have so ably shown with the passage of the Health Care Deform bill, they are incapable of creating a solution that is NOT worse than the problem. So telling the country to wait few hundred years for Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.), and Congress to solve the alien invasion problem, is like asking someone stuck in quicksand to wait while an investigative committee is formed to study the problem. It is like politely asking North Korea to stop developing nuclear weapons. It is like politely asking Iran to stop developing nuclear weapons. It is like politely asking Muslim Terrorists to stop killing infidels. It is like politely asking politicians to stop taking bribes and actually do the job they were elected and promised they would do while running for office.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Is The World Coming To When The State Has To Let A Wrongfully Convicted Innocent man Out Of Prison.
Man wrongfully imprisoned for decades happy to start relearning life
Meeting 54-year-old James Bain, the one thing that stands out is that the smile never seems to leave his face. He appears happy and positive, and the bitterness that might be buried inside a man who was wrongly sent to prison for 35 years is nowhere to be found.

Florida law enforcement and justice system officials (on the condition of anonymity) stated how upset they were that all their hard work at convicting an innocent man should be reversed. Officials stated that it takes slightly less work to convict an innocent man than a guilty man. Officials continued explaining that promotions and raises are based on convictions, therefore, more convictions are better for their career. Officials vowed to not let this minor setback effect their ability to do their jobs. Officials reiterated their position that there are still plenty of innocent people in prison serving time for crimes they didn't commit. And unless some meddling organizations is willing to investigate the crimes harder than the government, the innocents will continue to serve their terms.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Insult A Judge, Go Directly To Jail, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200.
Ex-lawyer jailed 14 months, but not charged with a crime
Once a dapper Beverly Hills attorney known for his bow tie, Richard Fine has been held in solitary confinement at Los Angeles County Men's Central Jail for 14 months, even though he's never been charged with a crime.

The State of California and all their lackeys, minions, henchmen, ... have found the perfect way to subvert the constitution of the United States and intimidate anyone they want to.

Contempt of court. You can be thrown in jail for an indefinite period of time. No need to file any charges. No trial. No jury. No freedom.

Aren't you glad you live in the United States where you have the freedom to rot in prison for an indefinite period of time without being accused, charged or convicted of a crime?

Obama Guarantees Success Of Government Motors New Electric Car.
Chevrolet Volt: The high-tech car that will save Michigan?
Now it's expected to save the state of Michigan, says the Associated Press. "The Volt is crucial. So much depends on this car. It cannot fail," the story states.

If so much depends on the success of this car, then Michigan has nothing to worry about.

All these years when the auto unions were contributing millions of dollars to the democratic party are finally paying off. First Bush and then Obama presided over the major bail out of General Motors, and then finally the take over of Government Motors. So at this point Michigan and Detroit have nothing to worry about. Government Motors has bribed enough politicians so that is too big to fail. So even if this new car is so shoddy that no one will buy it, the federal government has promised to buy the car. In vast quantities. Even if the car doesn't work. Which is not as bad as it seems, as very few government employees do any work for the benefit and general welfare of the people of the United States. So having more employees or equipment on the government books that doesn't work is not unusual.

So rest assured, the Volt will be a smashing success. Even if the democrats have to bury their support for Government Motors in another Health Care Deform bill.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Republican Candidates Prove That Democrats Don't Have Monopoly On Dishonest Mudslinging.
GOP candidates polluting airwaves
Wave after wave of high octane, negative political advertisements have crowded out any hope of thoughtful discourse in the Republican gubernatorial primary, the outgrowth of an unprecedented $100 million poured into a tightly contested campaign by two wealthy masters of the Silicon Valley universe: Meg Whitman, billionaire ex-chief executive of eBay, and multimillionaire Steve Poizner, the state's insurance commissioner.

Let me get this straight.

The courts have already ruled that it is OK for politicians to lie during their political campaigns. The courts have already ruled that no politician can be forced to actually do any of the things they promised they would do if they get elected.

The courts have already ruled that it is illegal to sell your vote.

So your vote is worthless, and you can't believe anything that a politician says.

So why are we wasting out time paying attention to liars, who even if they were telling the truth have no duty or responsibility to the voters?

Obama Seeks Ways To Avoid Spending Cuts From Bills.
Obama seeks way to trim costs from spending bills
President Barack Obama is sending a proposal to Congress on Monday that would make it quicker and easier to trim "wasteful" costs from congressional spending bills, an administration official said.

Ever time Barack Hussein Obama opens his mouth, he spews forth lies. The same is true for czars and commissars. Observe the nonsense that this anonymous henchmen or minion used to mischaracterize this bill.
The "Reduce Unnecessary Spending Act of 2010" would enable the president to submit a package of cuts or "rescissions" to Congress after lawmakers pass one of the annual spending or appropriations bills that fund federal programs every year.

Let's translate this into plain English from the liespeak that all politicians and government employees use. This only applies to the annual federal budget. This means that it doesn't apply to any "earmarks" or "pork" that gets passed the other 364 days that the legislature passes non-budgetary bills.
Under the terms of the proposal, Congress would have to look at the president's slate of suggested cuts as a package and, without making any amendments, give them an up-or-down vote within a specific period of time.

As with all Barack Hussein Obama recent legislation, this bill allows Barack Hussein Obama to write a multi-thousand page bill that mentions thousands or millions of spending cuts. While the congress and the senate may pass multi-thousand page spending bills in order to sneak in their pet "earmarks" or "pork", I do NOT believe that the congress and the senate will allow every bodies pet "earmarks" or "pork" to be removed this easily.

Another thing to keep in mind. Most "earmarks" or "pork" bills are for small amounts of money, millions at most. Do you remember that the recent Health Care Deform bill that was passed will increase federal spending by trillions. So to put this in perspective. If the government manages to save a few million while spending trillions more, is like when you lose your house and job, and try to save a few pennies while owing thousands. A meaningless gesture. Simply grandstanding.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Obamacare Health Care Deform And Fvck The Economy Act
Stealth IRS changes mean millions of new tax forms
The massive expansion of requirements for businesses to file 1099 tax forms that was hidden in the 2,409-page health reform bill took many by surprise when it came to light last month.

Why is this a surprise to anyone? The only possible reason why the congress and the senate could have for rushing the passage of the monstrous 2409 page Health Care Deform Bill before any one had a chance to read and understand it, is because they didn't want anyone to find out how little the bill had to do with real reform, and how much was given over to outrageous theft of our freedom.

The Health Care Deform bill, which Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the socialist ruling class untruthfully (you lie) proclaimed is so critical for the health care of the nation, is filled with many land mines which are designed to destroy the ability of businesses to make a profit. If these and other booby traps don't force more businesses to close, they will at least have the beneficial effect of forcing any existing business to raise their prices to pay for the added administrative burden and cost of preparing burdensome paperwork to be allowed to stay in business and provide employment for other citizens.
The 1099 changes attached to the health care reform bill are another kettle of fish. These massively expand the requirements for filing the "1099-Misc" form, which companies use for recording payments to freelance workers and other individual service providers. Until now, payments to corporations have been exempt from 1099 rules, as have payments for the purchase of goods.

Starting in 2012, that changes. All business payments or purchases that exceed $600 in a calendar year will need to be accompanied by a 1099 filing. That means obtaining the taxpayer ID number of the individual or corporation you're making the payment to -- even if it's a giant retailer like Staples or Best Buy -- at the time of the transaction, or else facing IRS penalties.

Some people might ask, what does filing hundreds of additional forms have do with Health Care Deform. The correct answer is, much like all the other provisions hidden in the Health Care Deform bill, nothing. Just part of the hidden government power grab that will require the government to hire thousands of additional Infernal Revenue Service (I.R.S.) agents to handle the hundreds / thousands / millions of additional forms that businesses will be required to file for the privilege of working to pay more of their hard earned money to the government.
How did this sweeping provision end up hidden in the health reform bill?

Easy. Since the entire legislative body was discouraged from reading and understanding the contents of the Health Care Deform bill, these and other riders were tacked onto a bill that couldn't fail, for a country that doesn't want to succeed. But the real question is, how many more tax increases and business killing provisions were buried in the Health Care Deform act. The governments answer, is pass the bill and find out. Unfortunately for the citizens of the United States, we are just beginning to find out how grievously the federal government has trampled the freedom and prosperity of the citizens of the United States.
Henschke's group had previously surveyed its members and learned that they average 10 filings a year of 1099 forms, each of which takes about half an hour to prepare. That's in line with the GAO report, which found that a typical small business spent between three and five hours per year filing 1099s.

But SMC's survey found that extending 1099s just to services purchased from corporations would push that number to at least 200 filings per year for a typical small business -- adding an estimated $6,000 to the cost of preparing the average tax return. And that's without even accounting for the requirement that 1099s be filed for purchases of goods, a provision that Henschke's group didn't see coming when it conducted its survey last year.

Let's try to put this into perspective. The federal government (low) estimates are that it takes 1/2 an hour to prepare 1 1099. The average small business will go from preparing 10 1099s, taking about 5 hours to prepare, to preparing 200 1099s taking about 100 hours to prepare. At 40 hours per week, that means that 2 1/2 weeks per year will be spent preparing paperwork. This is just for the 1099s. All the hours and days to prepare and file other government required paperwork is still required.

But I think I am beginning to see what the government has in mind. And the real solution the government is looking for. Some day, in the not so distant future, all businesses will be shut down, and the former owners will be required to spend all the rest of their days filling out paperwork explaining why they were in business, why they closed the business, why they hired people to work, ... why they should be allowed to continue to live and pollute the planet with their carbon dioxide pollution from their breathing. Everybody else will be a government employee, armed and dangerous, going door to door, shutting down all businesses. After all, how dare any business sully the pristine workers paradise that Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the socialist ruling class is creating for all the rest of us.

How To Save Social Security And Destroy The Country.
12 Ways to Fix Social Security
The Social Security program faces a long term financing shortfall. The trust fund's reserves are currently projected to cover payments until the end of 2037. Then there will only be sufficient resources to pay about three quarters of scheduled benefits. For full checks to be issued after that date the program's financing or benefit structure must be modified.

What trust fund? What reserves? There are no Social Security trust funds or Social Security reserves. Everything that is paid into Social Security, is immediately paid out for Social Security. If there is anything left over, the federal government transfers the funds to another department where it can be immediately spent.

After close analysis of the 12 ways to save Social Security, I was able to condense them down to 2 ways. When you put them both together, this is government brainpower at it's best.

1. Increase taxes.
This is brilliant. If you make Social Security tax 200% of earnings, then the amount of money the government pretends to hold for Social Security would increase very rapidly. In no time at all, the government would have plenty of surplus funds to spend on increased salaries and retirement benefits for the government flunkies and drones who are all exempt from Social Security.

2. Decrease benefits.
This is brilliant. All you need to do is cancel ALL benefits. If there are no benefits, there is no payouts. If there are no payouts, the government won't fall short of funds earmarked for Social Security. In no time at all, the government would have plenty of surplus funds to spend on increased salaries and retirement benefits for the government flunkies and drones who are all exempt from Social Security.

However, there are a couple of drawbacks to this genius government plan.

If Social Security taxes are increased to 200%, or even 150% or 100% of peoples salaries, people might realize that it makes more sense to quit their jobs and go on government welfare because you would get more money than from working.

If the federal government stops paying out Social Security benefits, people might realize that it makes more sense to quit their jobs and go on government welfare because you would never be able to retire if you depend on the government Social Security system.

There you have it. The solution to Social Security. Everybody will stop working and go on welfare. No more Social Security problem.

There might be a welfare problem. But with the same genius used to solve the Social Security problem, I am sure the government will come with an equally intelligent solution to the welfare problem. Maybe the United States can use the same solution that Mexico is using for their economic problems. Destroy enough of the economy, and millions of citizens will flee the country looking for better opportunities. When everyone flees the country, you will have fewer people living off of welfare.

DeKalb County Exonerates Firefighters For Letting Woman Burn To Death.
Dunwoody fire victim's family sues DeKalb
Ann Bartlett called 911 minutes after 1 a.m. on Jan. 24 to report she had “set the house on fire with the thing from my nose,” referring to an oxygen concentrator she used when she slept. But the phone went dead during that call.

Engines 12 and 18 and truck 18 pulled up at the 1600 block of Houghton Court North 12 minutes later but they all left when firefighters saw no signs of a blaze. Five hours later, after a neighbor called, firefighters returned to find the home engulfed.

DeKalb County investigated, and found nothing wrong with letting a fire burn out of control and kill a woman.

Are you surprised? I am not surprised. This happens all the time. The government does something outrageously bad. The government investigates their own work. The government then finds that the offending agency followed the rules exactly. Therefore the government whitewashes the bad event, saying they found nothing wrong, and will not punish the agency for following the rules, even though a bad result happened. This happens with firemen. This happens with police. Once the Health Care Deform bill kicks into effect, it will happen with doctors.

Strathclyde Exonerates Rescue Workers For Letting Woman Die.
Firefighters left woman in mine shaft for six hours due to 'health and safety concerns'
An injured woman lay for six hours at the foot of a disused mine shaft because safety rules banned firefighters from rescuing her, an inquiry heard yesterday. As Alison Hume was brought to the surface by mountain rescuers she died of a heart attack.

A woman dies, but the firemen don't mind because they were only following orders.

Are you surprised? I am not surprised. This happens all the time. The government does something outrageously bad. The government investigates their own work. The government then finds that the offending agency followed the rules exactly. Therefore the government whitewashes the bad event, saying they found nothing wrong, and will not punish the agency for following the rules, even though a bad result happened. This happens with firemen. This happens with police. This happens with rescue workers. Once the Health Care Deform bill kicks into effect, it will happen with doctors.

When Is A Hit And Run Accident Not A Crime? When It Is Committed By A Cop!
Hit-and-run officer may face more charges
(State's Attorney Kevin) Lyons recently spoke with the park district's police chief, Sylvester Bush, and said Reed's punishment was "insignificant enough to prompt a greater interest by me in considering additional charges. To avoid this, we have encouraged the chief to revisit his 'discipline,' if any, so far imposed."

What is wrong with hitting a vehicle with your vehicle (hit and run accident)? What is wrong with fleeing the scene (hit and run accident)? What is wrong with with lying to authorities about it afterwards? Evidently, if you work for Peoria Park District there is nothing wrong with this.

What is surprising about this case is NOT that local authorities refused to punish a government employee for committing a criminal act that non-government employees are not allowed to get away with. What is surprising about this case is that the state finds this such an appalling miscarriage of justice that it is stepping in to try to get some justice for the people of Illinois. Evidently, justice for the people of Illinois is something that Peoria Park District law enforcement agency evidently doesn't seem interested in.

I guess the moral of the story is, that if you want to commit a crime and get away with it, you need to be a government employee.

Bus Driver Throws 4 Year Old Girl Off Bus.
Outcry as girl thrown off bus
Tiarnah was left distraught after being thrown off the Metro bus at 8.24am because her free school-bus pass or Greencard did not work.
Her family says the female bus driver told Tiarnah that she had to walk to school up the hill and across the busy double lanes of the East Derwent Highway until she could get her Greencard working.

A bus driver shows her concern for 4 year old by throwing her off the bus and leaving her alone at a bus stop. The bus driver explains she didn't do anything wrong and was only following orders. The Metro bus company believes that the driver acted appropriately. The Metro bus company immediately hired a public relations firm to put a good spin on the actions of the bus driver.

After all, what is unreasonable about leaving a 4 year old girl alone at a bus stop? After all, what is unreasonable about expecting a 4 year old girl to walk alone for 20 minutes across a busy highway to get to school? Isn't it about time we stopped coddling children and let them know what kind of world they are really living in? Isn't it good to know that the safety of children is NOT a concern of school bus drivers?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Obamacare Success Story.
1 in 8 Public Pools Unfit for Use: CDC

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Released just before the start of summer, a new government report finds that many public pools that are open to swimmers should not be, due to the presence of disease-causing germs.

Public pools. That means pools owned and operated by the government. That means you have a 12.5% chance of getting some kind of disease causing germ if you swim in a public pool.

You would probably be safer running down the center of the highway. At least some of the drivers would try to avoid hitting you.

Just think.

Curing a disease is always more difficult than preventing that disease. Since a government which is supposed to care about the health and safety can't be bothered to do their job by preventing the spread of diseases, do you really think that the exact same government, when required to cure the the diseases that they have been helping to spread, will do any better?

Mexican Nationals And Democratic Traitors Gave Mexican President Calderon A Standing Ovation At The Joint Session Of Congress.
Republicans criticize Calderon's speech to Congress

What has Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn Learned From Obama?
That you can never go wrong by criticizing America, and everything that it is, and everything that it stands for.

In his 40-minute address, CalderĂłn sharply criticized Arizona's tough new immigration law and the United States' refusal to ban assault weapons, which are being used in the violent drug-gang shootouts in Mexico.

Evidently Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn has learned from international disgrace Barack Hussein Obama that you can never go wrong when lying to the politicians in the Washington District of Criminals (D.C.). So, much like every speech that Barack Hussein Obama has ever made, Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn's speech did not contain any truth. Which means that Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn's speech was 100% lies. In fact, Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn's speech was so full of lies, I was wondering if he had been coached by Barack Hussein Obama on what to say.

The new Arizona anti-alien invasion law simply says, that state, city and local police are now required to enforce the federal law. (Barack Hussein Obama and his gang of czars and commissars are all 100% against the Arizona law, and are very proud of having never even read or understood the Arizona or the federal law.) What Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn conveniently ignores, is that Mexico ruthlessly enforces their anti-immigration laws in ways that all third world dictatorships and dictator supporters and dictator wannabes (Barack Hussein Obama) applaud. What the hypocrites in California (and the rest of the United States) choose to ignore, is that California has the same law on their books. But since most California politicians (and most democrats and socialists) are used to breaking the law with immunity from prosecution, they tend to forget what laws are currently on the books or even what having laws is all about. Let's think about that for a moment. Millions of Mexican citizens are illegally leaving Mexico. Try to think about millions of American citizens fleeing the United States into Mexico or Canada.

Continuing on with his lies, Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn complained about the United States refusal to ban assault weapons. Again this conveniently ignores reality. Most of the assault weapons in the hands of the Mexican drug gangs were given to gangsters by the Mexican government. Actually, to be more honest than Mexican President Felipe CalderĂłn and Barack Hussein Obama combined, the corrupt, ruthless Mexican government has an army. Most of the people who join the army, quit and join the drug cartels as soon as they are issued assault weapons. Let's think about that for a moment. Try to think about thousands of American citizens joing the army, and quitting to join the mafia after being issued assault weapons.
A Democratic plan, unveiled April 29, would create a path to citizenship for most of the estimated 10.8 million people who are in this country illegally now and would provide stronger security along the U.S.-Mexican border. The security features are aimed at wooing Republicans, who have said that security is their top priority.

Path to citizenship? I am glad to know that any time Osama Bin Laden and any other Muslim terrorist who learns to speak Spanish and manages to sneak across the United States border has a clear shot at becoming a United States citizen without having to worry about anyone questioning their past.

Since when has allowing invading aliens provided any country with stronger security for the nation being invaded? I can see how Mexico likes the American amnesty plan. Most corrupt and brutal regimes are concerned when millions of their citizens manage to flee to foreign countries. Fortunately for Mexico, they have a good friend in the United States. Mexico knows that the United States is in the process of becoming the exact same corrupt and brutal regime that Mexico already is. So Mexico knows that the millions fleeing their country will soon be no better off then before they illegally fled their homeland.

Although I do wonder. Has giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in past been what caused the strong borders that the United States currently has?

Friday, May 21, 2010

The American Economy Is Recovering Like A Chicken With It's Head Cut Off Is Recovering.
Jobless Claims Increase
In a troubling sign for the U.S. labor market, the number of workers filing new claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly surged last week to wipe out most of the recent declines.

No need to worry. If a Muslim terrorist sneaking a bomb on board an airplane is proof that our increased security is working, then the growing number of unemployed people is proof that the economy is recovering.
The Labor Department said in its weekly report Thursday that initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 25,000 to 471,000 in the week ended May 15. Economists who were surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires had predicted claims would fall by 4,000.

All economists that ever hope to get a government job, or a government grant, are unable to predict anything other than an improving economy. So it should come as no surprise that the economists are shocked that unemployment is on the rise.
The previous week's level was revised upward as well, to 446,000 from 444,000.

It should also come as no surprise that the government is continually revising prior positive growth figures to more accurately reflect the negative dying economy.
Total claims lasting more than one week, meanwhile, fell.

Of course the government has to try to lie about something to prove the economy is improving. But proclaiming that the increasing number of people on long term unemployment is decreasing, without mentioning that the decrease is because the decreasing numbers are from people who's unemployment benefits have run out is government dishonesty at it's best.
Only four of the 10 leading indicators increased in April. The most positive indicators were the interest rate spread and stock prices.

However the price of stock has absolutely nothing to do with the economy. For those who have forgotten the recent sub prime mortgage disaster, that was a case of people paying inflated prices on worthless paper. And since interest rates are set by the Federal Reserve Bank, they again have nothing to with the economy at all.

Which means that two of the 10 leading indicators still show an improved economy. Which means that only 80% of the indicators show a dying economy.

Obviously we have nothing to worry about. The government is on the case and fixing the economy.

Reporters Surprised At Hatred Directed Towards All Politicians.
Whitman plummets in poll as public pummels politicians in Sacramento
Disapproval of Sacramento politicians at record highs

The 2010 election comes in a year in which voter disapproval of state politicians is higher than ever. 23 percent of adults surveyed in the poll — a record low — approve of Schwarzenegger’s performance as governor, while 65 percent — a record high — disapprove.

And while the state legislature’s approval ratings recovered slightly from a record low in March, they’re nothing to gloat about either — only 16 percent of adults approve of the legislature’s performance, while 72 percent disapprove. Likely voters are even more likely to disapprove than the population at large, with 80 percent disapproving of the legislature’s performance.

Voters’ expectations for cooperation between the governor and legislature to solve problems such as the state’s continuing budget crisis are also at all-time lows — only 19 percent of adults expect the governor and legislature to “work together and accomplish a lot this year,” as opposed to 73 percent who expect otherwise.

Who would have ever thought that business as usual (for politicians this means bribery, corruption, infighting, raising taxes, reprehensible legislation that harms the citizens, ...) would cause citizens to fear and hate all politicians. Obviously not politicians, or they might change their ways. But law abiding citizens capable of learning and change are NOT the kind of people who run for political office or seek to work for the government.

So what does the state of California have to look forward to?

As a sanctuary state for indigents and criminals, we can look forward to more indigents and criminals moving to California. As the indigents and criminals move in, the employers and employees will move out of the state. As the indigents and criminals move in, we can look forward to higher welfare and other benefit payments for non-workers.

As California continues spending more than it can loot and pillage from the remaining employers and employees, we can look forward to bankruptcy, and discontinuation of services that are critical to survival of our society. As California continues spending more than it can loot and pillage from the remaining employers and employees, we can look forward to employers and employees moving out of state. As the state of California increases taxes to make up for the lower collections, even more employers and employees will move out of state.

We already are seeing that one of the ways the politicians have figured out to save money is to release violent felons early. This again encourages criminals to move into California, and law abiding citizens to flee the state.

Another way the hypocritical politicians are looking at saving money is starting an economic war with states (Arizona, maybe others in the future) that prefer to go down fighting rather than looking for one last spending splurge. Please note that the Los Angeles City Council has NOT decided to stop the wasteful junkets to other cities around the country to hold meetings, they are only moving their wasteful junkets to other vacation cities around the country.

Net savings or benefits to the City of Los Angeles for their reprehensible actions? Nothing.

Downside? The contempt from 70% of the legal population of the United States, and possible boycotts of California from the 70% of the population and other states contemplating ways to save their states from the onslaught of alien invaders.

Yup. Career politicians are doing a job. Unfortunately, it is NOT the job the politicians lied to get and it is NOT the job that voters thought the politicians would do once elected.

Republicans Attempt To Prove That Democrats Don't Have A Monopoly On Supporting Corrupt Incompetent Politicians.
Congressman With Second Family Given Second Chance
Vito Fossella, the family-values Republican congressman whose 2008 DUI arrest in Virginia led to the discovery of a mistress and love child, has been nominated for his old seat by the GOP executive committee by a resounding 23–4 vote. "It is my firm belief that he [Fossella] is the strongest candidate we can field," party chairman John Frisci says, hilariously.

After the election of the corrupt, amoral and incompetent Barack Hussein Obama, both political parties realized that as part of the elite ruling class, they could get away with anything. Both political parties realized that the only qualifications necessary for a politician to get elected is the ability to lie convincingly and to accept bribes covertly.

Since honesty, integrity and ability are a drawback for a politician, the republican party in Staten Island decided that a drunken adulterer is the best they can come up with to run for election for the congressional office for their district.

Neither the democrats or the republicans are capable of understanding that this is the kind of action that caused the tea party movement. Neither the democrats or the republicans are capable of understanding that in their naked grab for power, the public doesn't see much difference between either existing political parties. Neither the democrats or the republicans are capable of understanding that support for dishonest corrupt and incompetent politicians is NOT the way to win the support of the people and unify the country.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

100% Of Politicians Refuse To Act Responsibly Or Listen To The Voice Of The People.,0,459933,print.story
49% of California voters back legalizing pot, poll finds
The poll, which surveyed 1,168 likely voters, found that 49% think marijuana use should be made legal, 48% do not and 3% do not know, suggesting that the proponents of the legalization measure will have to wage an expensive and persuasive campaign.

As Barack Hussein Obama and the rest of the democrats and democrat wannabes have shown, it doesn't matter how many people in the United States are for or against any issue, the politicians will always act contrary to the will and the best interests of the people.
"All the polls continue to show that voters remain interested in replacing a failed policy with a more honest, commonsense solution," said Dan Newman, a campaign spokesman.

And all the politicians have continued to show their contempt for the public by promoting and passing dishonest and nonsensical solutions to real and imagined problems.

The original marijuana laws were created based on the same kind of junk science that is in use today by the "Global Warming" junk scientists. By junk science, I mean outright deception and fraud. Today, any reputable (honest) scientist who has studied marijuana knows that occasional marijuana use is less harmful to the individual and society than occasional use of alcohol or tobacco (both of which are legal).

Back in the 1930s when the racist media and the racist politicians passed their insane anti-marijuana laws, very few people smoked marijuana. And of the few that did smoke marijuana, most were minorities. After passage of the anti-marijuana laws, a whole new law enforcement agency, complete with weapons and contempt for the citizens started operation.

Before the anti-marijuana laws, the United States had the smallest number of criminals, the smallest number of prisons and the smallest number of armed thugs watching their citizens of any country on the planet. After the passage and enforcement of the anti-marijuana laws, the United States boasts the largest number of criminals, the largest number of prisons, and the largest number of armed thugs who are above the law and able to destroy citizens lives as well as create contempt for the corrupt government that enforces an irrational law. In fact, with the current budget problems, the government has has chosen to release violent criminals rather than release non-violent marijuana smokers.

Before the anti-marijuana laws, marijuana was grown by small numbers of individual growers or by the individuals who smoked. After passage of the anti-marijuana laws, entire countries (Mexico, Columbia, ...) have devoted their whole economy to growing marijuana. In fact, if you look at the Forbes 500 wealthiest men, you will now find drug lords on that list.

So you don't need to be worried that the government will start taking a rational approach to the drug problem (or any other problem). You can rest assured that the government will continue to create any crisis that it can in their eternal quest to grab more power and to increase the size of government and to oppress the people that they claim to represent.

Hypocrite L.A. Mayor Who Is Boycotting Arizona, Refuses To Stop Spending L.A. City Funds In Arizona.
L.A. Mayor Dismisses Warning That Arizona Could Cut Off Power Over Boycott
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Wednesday defiantly rejected a warning by a top Arizona utilities official that the state could cut off power to Los Angeles should the city proceed with its boycott of all things Arizona.

Except for the fact that NO top Arizona utilities official threatened to cut off power to Los Angeles, and except for the fact that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa refused to read and understand the Arizona law that inspired the Mayor and the rest of his gang of criminals and thugs (politicians) to boycott Arizona, there was no truth at all in the "news" story.

The Arizona utility official simply stated that if Mayor Villaraigosa felt so strongly that it was wrong to hold official meetings in Arizona and spend money there, that Arizona would be willing to help him out and let him out of the contract to spend Los Angeles City funds buying electricity from Arizona.

If Mayor Villaraigosa is not just a blow hard posturing for the news media while trying to make another news reporter his next girlfriend, then he needs to put his money where his mouth is, and make his boycott complete by refusing to spend any money in Arizona. Even if it is for electricity. The Mayor has already shown his contempt for the citizens of Los Angeles by promoting any and every increase of taxes that comes his way. So reducing the amount of electricity available to the City of Los Angeles is just another of his tricks to punish residents and to drive businesses and wealthy citizens out of Los Angeles and out of California.

Obama Agrees With Calderon, United States Has No Right To Regulation Immigration.
Obama, Calderon pledge solidarity as issues mount
Looming over Calderon's state visit is Arizona's controversial immigration law, which makes it a crime under state law to be in the U.S. illegally. Facing pressure at home, Calderon took on the law directly Wednesday, saying it encourages discrimination. He called for the U.S. and Mexico to work together to solve the complex, politically sensitive immigration issue.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon recently met with Barack Hussein Obama.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon called Barack Hussein Obama a racist thug, a capitalist pig and a warmonger. Barack Hussein Obama responded with a low bow, a big smile and a handshake and announced that this was an important moment that two world leaders such as themselves could get along so well. Barack Hussein Obama then whispered in the ear of President Calderon that while Michele Obama didn't like the United States until B.O. was elected, B.O. stated that he still doesn't like the United States or any of the residents.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon continued his diatribe against Barack Hussein Obama and the United States. Mexican President Felipe Calderon blames Barack Hussein Obama for the horrible economic conditions in Mexico that have caused millions of peons to flee the peoples utopia of Mexico for the racist hellhole of the United States. Mexican President Felipe Calderon stated that the United State is racist for discriminating against alien invaders. He continued that in Mexico they don't do anything as extreme as asking for papers. They just throw alien invaders in prison and throw away the key. Trials are not necessary, as any gringo that wants to bribe his way out of prison has the freedom to do so.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Students Protest Invasion Of Privacy.,3566,593176,00.html
Berkeley Students Asked to Submit DNA Samples
For the first time, school officials will be including cotton swabs for a DNA test, reported. The students will be asked to voluntarily submit a DNA sample, which one professor said will ultimately help students make decisions about their diet and lifestyle.

An anonymous student was interviewed about the change in school policy that requires students to provide their DNA to the school to be able to attend the school. The anonymous student is quoted as saying there is nothing wrong legal citizens of the United States having to provide the state with D.N.A. samples, fingerprints, a birth certificate, or any other form of ID in order to attend school. This is not an invasion of privacy.

The anonymous student then complained about the ancestry and intelligence of the reporter. In the middle of berating the reporter for a complete lack of understanding the situation, the student said he was late for an appointment. It seems the anonymous student had to rush off to a demonstration in support of alien invaders. The student didn't want to be late, as most of the firebombs and breaking of store windows are planned for early in the demonstration. It seems that any alien invader who is caught committing a crime should not be question about any other crime, including the crime of invading the United States. To do so is racist, and an infringement on the freedom and rights of the alien invaders.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

The L.A. D.W.P. Promised To NOT Investigate Employees, And To Only Punish Employees That The Public Catches.
Los Angeles utility workers being fired for boozing on job
Beutner says the misconduct investigation continues against other employees shown on the CBS2 videotape.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power has promised to punish any employee that anybody videotapes acting in an unprofessional or criminal fashion. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power explained that they will NOT be conducting any investigation of their own because their contract with the union prohibits them from doing so. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, in cooperation with the employees union is basically relying on the federal government policy of "don't ask, don't tell". And like all government policies, it makes no sense, and has no chance of success.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

France Tramples Rights Of Religious Cults
Women protest as French Cabinet gets veil ban bill
The bill is to go before parliament in July, and despite the acrimonious debate that is sure to come, there is little doubt the measure will become law. Sarkozy, who says such veils oppress women, wants a law banning them on the books as soon as possible.

The ban on facial veils is a horrible restriction of freedom.

How are well respected radical Muslim terrorists supposed to be able to walk down the street wearing suicide bombs if they are unable to wear concealing clothing? Why if France keeps this up, they may soon ban criminals from wearing ski masks when committing crimes. France might even ban the K.K.K. from wearing their completely concealing white robes when attacking people of other races. How will other religious and criminal organizations feel if they are unable to hide their identity?

This restriction of criminal's freedom must be stopped. Now. Before it is too late. Before criminals lose all their hard fought for privileges.

Obama Helps Defeat Democratic Candidate
Senate race in Pa. will be about jobs, economy
The vote also was a defeat for President Barack Obama, whose support Specter received when he abandoned the Republican Party last year.

Barack Hussein Obama who does NOT care about jobs or the economy campaigned for Republican-turned-Democrat U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter who switched from republican to democrat because he doesn't care about jobs and the economy. The loss was a complete surprise to Barack Hussein Obama who is currently employed destroying jobs and the economy. Barack Hussein Obama and his press corps (which include all mass media outlets) castigated the American public for not supporting his scorched earth policy. Barack Hussein Obama, through his press corps, explained once again that he cannot remake the United States into the socialist workers paradise that he was elected to do until he has rubbed out any last vestige of capitalism and freedom. Barack Hussein Obama once again complained that because the founding fathers didn't put anything in the constitution or the bill of rights about sharing the wealth, this makes his job that much harder. Barack Hussein Obama once again complained that the prior leaders of this freedom loving capitalist country didn't do anywhere near enough to restrict freedom and capitalism. In spite of all the hardships he is encountering, Barack Hussein Obama still believes that the United States can become the workers paradise that North Korea is. Barack Hussein Obama has vowed that he will continue to support all democrats, as well as anybody else, that supports his vision for a better future for the elite ruling class that all socialist countries have.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Governor Calls For Decreased Spending. The Legislature Calls For Increased Spending.
May Revise: Governor and Senate Leader Call for Reforms

Of course, being politicians, neither of the them really want reforms. But they need to put on a good show for the mass media.
On May 14, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger released his May revision for the 2010-2011 State Budget. In this latest revision, the governor estimates a $19.1 billion general fund deficit, including a $1.2 billion reserve.

Some people might think that spending more than you have is a problem. However, the federal government has determined that spending more than you have will save the economy. So the State of California seems determined to recklessly follow the federal governments' advice. So the State of California is planning on going deeper and deeper in debt. But you don't worry. The State of California can always sell bonds to the uneducated who believe that the State of California may actually balance the budget and spend less than they collect in taxes at some time in the future. Just because the State of California has refused to spend less than they collected in taxes, and have done so since the State of California became a state, is no reason to believe that a miracle can't happen and the State of California will suddenly elect statesmen instead of criminals intent on looting the citizens of their hard earned money.
Governor Schwarzenegger proposes resolving the state budget deficit through reduced spending ($12.4 billion), additional federal funds ($3.4 billion), and new fund shifts and fees ($3.4 billion). In unveiling his proposal, the governor declared that there is "no more low-hanging fruit", that we must "shake the tree."

Heck. At this point, the governor is even willing to cut down the tree to balance the budget. After all, the governor can't run for office again, so it won't be his problem.
In response to the governor's May revision, Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) called the proposal a "non-starter" and stated that the Senate would not pass a budget that eliminates CalWORKS-California's social welfare program.

The democrats won't pass any budget that calls for a reduction in spending. However, in the spirit of bipartisanship that the federal denizens of Washington District of Criminals (D.C.) have shown, the state democrats are willing to show their dedication to fiscal concerns by raising taxes on anything that moves or exhibits any form of life that isn't a pet project of any politician.

Arizona Leads The Way To Boycott California And Other States That Provide Sanctuary For Alien Invaders.
Arizona in Boycott Battle With Immigration Law Opponents
Supporters of Arizona's controversial immigration law are trying to turn the tables on those calling for boycotts of their state, threatening to target opponents of the law with boycotts of their own.

Fortunately for the State of California, there is no one employed by the government that actually cares about the economy or the citizens.

There are very few things that the State of California (and the various cities) care about.

The government lackeys ONLY care about increasing the size of their salaries and retirement benefits. Even though California has been harder hit by the "great depression" than most other states, most government workers have demanded and continue to receive larger than average salaries and benefits rather than adjust to the fact that they are running out of taxpaying citizens to fund their lavish lifestyles. Most government workers continue to get raises and benefits increases most citizen lose their jobs.

The government lackeys ONLY care about providing increasing care and benefits for alien invaders. It is against federal law to harbor fugitives from federal crimes, but the state, along with most cities have announced that they will be safe havens for any criminal that chooses to invade this country and demand the rights that are denied to the average citizen.

The government lackeys ONLY care about breaking federal and state laws. The State of California has on the books a law that says ALL law enforcement officials will assist the federal government in capturing and holding alien invaders. Some of the cites have announced that they are sanctuary cities for the criminal invaders. Some of the cities have passed laws making it a crime to assist the federal government to detain criminal invaders.

The government lackeys ONLY care about destroying the economy of California. The government lackeys claim it is good for the environment. But how can causing businesses to flee the state be good for the environment or the economy? How can causing businesses that can't afford to flee the state to fire employees be good for the environment or the economy? How can all these moves to reduce the tax base of the state at the same time the cities and state are actively encouraging criminal invaders without jobs to relocate to California be good for the environment or the economy? How can starting an economic war against Arizona be good for the environment or the economy?

Obamacare Success Story.
Pfizer to trim 6,000 jobs, shut 8 plants worldwide

Pfizer prepares for the Health Care Deform bill by buying competitors and shutting them down. Pfizer is also terminating many of their existing employees and shutting down many of their existing factories. This will enable Pfizer to better adjust to the expected results of the coming government takeover of the health care industry.

Economy Is Recovering. Based On Numbers With A Margin Of Error Of Plus Or Minus 1,000%
Housing starts up 5.8%, while permits plunge 11.5%
The government cautions that its monthly housing data are volatile and subject to large sampling and other statistical errors. In most months, the government can't be sure whether starts increased or decreased. In April, for instance, the standard error for starts was plus or minus 13%. Large revisions are common.

Actually, the government should have cautioned that ALL its monthly data are volatile and subject to large sampling and other statistical errors. After all, who wants the government to tell the truth when the truth is so depressing.

So here is my explanation of how it really works.

The government employs vast armies of economists and scientists to generate false data. This keeps the criminals off the streets and helps with the employment numbers. Although the government lies about both the crime rate and the employment rate.

The fraudulent numbers help the government brainwash the public into believing that the government is actually aware that something is going on. Not that the government cares. The government will do whatever it wants to do, whether the public approves or not.

If the government is aware that something is wrong, then the government must be doing something to fix it. Unfortunately for the public, the government is actually doing the opposite of what it claims it is doing. The government is doing their best to extend the great depression that we are currently in the middle of. This allows the government to grab more power and pretend that it is for the good of the country. So every time the government does something to extend the great depression, they claim that what they are doing is working, but we need more government intervention to fix the problem.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Holder Apologizes To Muslims Because Most Americans Are Not Muslims. Yet.
EDITORIAL: Obama's invisible Islam
Democrats refuse to admit who the jihadist enemy is

Mr. Holder mentioned Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born radical cleric now holed up in Yemen who has been mentioned in connection with all three attacks (the Fort Hood massacre, the Christmas Day bombing attempt and the Time Square bombing attempt). Mr. Holder said that Mr. al-Awlaki "has a version of Islam that is not consistent with the teachings of [the faith]." Mr. Holder did not go into details to back up his assertion that Mr. al-Awlaki, an Islamic scholar, is somehow at odds with his own faith, nor did he pinpoint exactly what Muslim teachings he was referring to.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is the newest Barack Hussein Obama minion / henchman to convert to Islam.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. had a difficult time during questioning before the House Judiciary Committee. Even though the master mind of the terrorist attacks, and all the participants are Muslims, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. maintained his cool while covering up the involvement of Muslims in all three of the recent attacks. As a loyal flunky of the Muslim administration, he also refrained from calling any of these terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks. The current administration prefers that Muslim terrorist attacks be miscategorized as "man-caused" disasters. Thus encouraging the Muslim terrorists to continue their attacks on the infidel Americans.

Ignorance Is A Prerequisite Of Liberals And Socialists.
Holder hasn't read Arizona law he criticized
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who has been critical of Arizona's new immigration law, said Thursday he hasn't yet read the law and is going by what he's read in newspapers or seen on television.

Just like Barack Hussein Obama who felt compelled to criticize white police before finding out the facts, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. feels compelled to criticize the new Arizona law before even reading it. Like all good socialists, Eric H. Holder Jr. feels it is important to be uninformed on a subject before commenting on it. Fortunately the ignoramus-in-chief is setting a good example for the rest of his minions and henchmen to follow by mandating that ignorance of the facts is a job prerequisite. So don't be surprised when you catch any of the current politicians lying to themselves and the public. That is part of their job description.

You Can Never Be Too Careful,0,5139407,print.story
Protecting teens or expanding a 'nanny state'?
Some lawmakers also want to outlaw nipple piercings for teenagers, and prohibit them from snowboarding and skiing without a helmet or reentering a football game too quickly after taking a hard hit to the head.

You know, the latest witless proposed laws from the congenital idiots who are destroying this state and this country may have actually come up with something.

Considering that the green police will soon be going door to door to make sure we have the correct insulation, and correct thermostat settings, and remember to turn out light when not in use, and ... Considering that the food police will soon be going door to door to make sure we aren't going to too many fast food restaurants, or aren't eating too many sugary foods, or eating too much trans fats, or eating too much salt, or ...

I think the solution is obvious to any right thinking middle aged man. We will soon need the nipple police to go door to door and inspect teen aged girls nipples to make sure they aren't pierced. Since teen aged girls aren't to be trusted, they will need their nipples inspected on a regular basis. Considering how serious this problem is (after all the lawmakers are planning on outlawing this), then maybe we could use this law to balance the budget as well. Instead of hiring people out of public taxes, we could let middle aged men bid to pay for the privilege of inspecting teen aged girls nipples.

Isn't America wonderful? In the middle of the greatest financial crisis this country has ever experienced, the politicians who serve the public still have time to think of teen aged girls nipples.