
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hypocrite L.A. Mayor Who Is Boycotting Arizona, Refuses To Stop Spending L.A. City Funds In Arizona.
L.A. Mayor Dismisses Warning That Arizona Could Cut Off Power Over Boycott
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa on Wednesday defiantly rejected a warning by a top Arizona utilities official that the state could cut off power to Los Angeles should the city proceed with its boycott of all things Arizona.

Except for the fact that NO top Arizona utilities official threatened to cut off power to Los Angeles, and except for the fact that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa refused to read and understand the Arizona law that inspired the Mayor and the rest of his gang of criminals and thugs (politicians) to boycott Arizona, there was no truth at all in the "news" story.

The Arizona utility official simply stated that if Mayor Villaraigosa felt so strongly that it was wrong to hold official meetings in Arizona and spend money there, that Arizona would be willing to help him out and let him out of the contract to spend Los Angeles City funds buying electricity from Arizona.

If Mayor Villaraigosa is not just a blow hard posturing for the news media while trying to make another news reporter his next girlfriend, then he needs to put his money where his mouth is, and make his boycott complete by refusing to spend any money in Arizona. Even if it is for electricity. The Mayor has already shown his contempt for the citizens of Los Angeles by promoting any and every increase of taxes that comes his way. So reducing the amount of electricity available to the City of Los Angeles is just another of his tricks to punish residents and to drive businesses and wealthy citizens out of Los Angeles and out of California.

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