
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Obama Helps Defeat Democratic Candidate
Senate race in Pa. will be about jobs, economy
The vote also was a defeat for President Barack Obama, whose support Specter received when he abandoned the Republican Party last year.

Barack Hussein Obama who does NOT care about jobs or the economy campaigned for Republican-turned-Democrat U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter who switched from republican to democrat because he doesn't care about jobs and the economy. The loss was a complete surprise to Barack Hussein Obama who is currently employed destroying jobs and the economy. Barack Hussein Obama and his press corps (which include all mass media outlets) castigated the American public for not supporting his scorched earth policy. Barack Hussein Obama, through his press corps, explained once again that he cannot remake the United States into the socialist workers paradise that he was elected to do until he has rubbed out any last vestige of capitalism and freedom. Barack Hussein Obama once again complained that because the founding fathers didn't put anything in the constitution or the bill of rights about sharing the wealth, this makes his job that much harder. Barack Hussein Obama once again complained that the prior leaders of this freedom loving capitalist country didn't do anywhere near enough to restrict freedom and capitalism. In spite of all the hardships he is encountering, Barack Hussein Obama still believes that the United States can become the workers paradise that North Korea is. Barack Hussein Obama has vowed that he will continue to support all democrats, as well as anybody else, that supports his vision for a better future for the elite ruling class that all socialist countries have.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

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