
Thursday, April 1, 2010

D.W.P. Votes For Rate Hikes To Bribe L.A.City Council And To Waste On Even More Useless Highly Paid Union Workers.,0,4456544.story
DWP board ignores L.A. City Council, approves higher rate hike
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's appointees at the Department of Water and Power on Wednesday evening rejected the City Council's proposal for a 4.5% electric rate hike, opting for a larger increase that was more in line with the amount Villaraigosa had sought for his renewable energy proposal.

The D.W.P., in what Barack Hussein Obama would call a fair and balanced meeting, pretended to ignore the wishes of the Los Angeles City Council and instead voted themselves a massive rate hike. I say pretended because the City of Los Angeles is going bankrupt, and the City of Los Angeles wanted a rate hike. However, the politicians ruining the City of Los Angeles were afraid to ask for too much because they don't want a voter revolt that throws all of them out of office. The D.W.P. officials who are appointed by the mayor are not afraid of a voter backlash, so they can give themselves a rate hike whenever they want for however much they want.

The D.W.P. and the City Council of Los Angeles are afraid to just say this rate hike is for the mismanagement and waste that is the normal part of any government. So like the good criminals they are, they looked until they found a popular excuse (at least among politicians), which is "Global Warming" and "Renewable Energy".

Some of the more cynical among us might ask, how is the D.W.P. and the Los Angeles City Council going to mismanage and waste the money collected from this new unnecessary rate hike? The answer is about as expected. They will hire (at union rates and union retirement benefits-the highest in the country) more people to walk door to door to inform the slaves citizens that they should be conserving energy and that there are things they can do to conserve energy.

I suspect that if the citizens don't start conserving energy, there will be additional measures imposed by the wasteful politicians and their minions. Once the slaves citizens get used to the "door to door D.W.P." asking them to conserve, it is a small step to giving the "door to door D.W.P." guns and having them force the slaves citizens to conserve.

Now doesn't that sound like a great way to chase businesses and individuals out of Los Angeles (and California) and to waste the additional funding in the name of "Global Warming" and "Renewable Energy"?

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