
Friday, April 23, 2010

Arizona Says Obama Pro-Immigration Stance Is 'Misguided'.
Obama says Arizona immigration bill 'misguided'
President Barack Obama says the government must enact immigration reform at the national level - or leave the door open to "irresponsibility by others."

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Because the federal government has refused to address the illegal alien problem in any meaningful way, the states most seriously affected by the problem are starting to act.

Anything which adds millions of uneducated poverty stricken people to the population is a socialist dream that Barack Hussein Obama and the other liberal socialist democrats approve of. If any state tries to prevent this from happening, Barack Hussein Obama must quash it as soon as possible for fear that any of his other socialist dreams for this country would soon fall afterwards.

Arizona's American Citizen Protection Bill (to punish illegal aliens) has inspired Barack Hussein Obama to use the same skills he used to subvert the American Health Care system to address the illegal alien problem. However, if Barack Hussein Obama's idea of "immigration reform" is anything like is idea of "Health Care" Deform I think I have the perfect solution.

Everyone in the United States needs to renounce their American citizenship. They need to leave the United States. The former United States citizens then need to sneak back across the United States border.

Anyone sneaking back across the United States borders will then become an illegal alien. They will now be eligible for free health care, free welfare, free education, ...

The liberal socialist democrats will have what they want. A large population of unemployed illegal aliens looking for free handouts and willing to vote for anyone who promises to increase the size of the handouts.

The federal government will have what they want. The problem will be too big for the current law enforcement department to deal with, so the police state force will need to increase in size.

The citizens will have what they want. As illegal aliens they will no longer have to pay the outrageously high income taxes. The new illegal aliens no longer need to fear law enforcement as there are now more laws on the books to protect the rights of illegal aliens than there are to protect the rights of law abiding citizens.

Problem solved.

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