
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Women Cause More Than Global Warming. They Also Cause Earthquakes.
Women Try to Shake Iranian Cleric With 'Boobquake'
After Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi claimed "women who do not dress modestly" cause earthquakes, a Purdue University senior rallied up her gals -- and thousands of other women -- to show the world they can't be blamed for seismic activity.

As we all know, the Muslim religion is a very down to earth, logical and reasonable religion. Which is why so many people in the west are falling all over themselves to show great respect for the true believers (the death threats also help convince people to show respect). The newest pronouncement from the wise and wonderful clerics of the Muslim religion bade women to cover themselves. It turns out that women who show their breasts (and other body parts) are the cause of earthquakes. Fortunately for us, Allah and the Quran has the answer. Beat the women until they learn to obey their owners. If they don't learn to obey, sell them to some one who can teach them some manners.

I knew that there was a reason when I wanted to become a Muslim.

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