
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Economists "Seasonal Adjustment" Of Numbers Prove There Is No Unemployment And U.S. Has A Thriving Economy.
Initial jobless claims increase unexpectedly
The number of newly laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits rose last week, a sign that jobs remain scarce even as the economy recovers.

Just like last year when Barack Hussein Obama saved the economy and millions lost their jobs as businesses closed down. This increase in unemployed and unemployed applying for unemployment benefits is the government's way of proving that the economy has recovered.
The increase also may result from the difficulty the Labor Department has in seasonally adjusting the claims around the Easter holiday, which falls on different weeks each year.

In an effort to keep the unemployment numbers lower, the government is closing the unemployment offices so that they don't have to count the newly unemployed.

But an even better way for the government to lie about the improving economy is the nebulous "seasonal adjustment". Fortunately the P.R. department (mass media) of the government refuses to question any of the government numbers, or the fraudulent means of calculating the "seasonal adjustment" that the government uses to claim that unemployment is shrinking rather than growing. So we will continue to get glowing reports of the occasional drop in unemployment and we will get continuous reports of the government being surprised that the unemployment numbers are higher than expected.

Aren't you glad the government is working hard to brainwash us into believing the economy has recovered (rather than actually doing anything that would save the economy). Unfortunately, living in our cardboard boxes and collecting welfare (and now free medical care) it is difficult for us to believe in the recovered economy the government is continuously telling us about.

1 comment:

  1. The Scarlet PimpernelApril 11, 2010 at 10:06 AM

    In Lancaster California, there is a 93% vacancy rate among local business locations. The city's response to this is to spend several million dollars (and I'd like to know where they got that money when the city claims it is too broke to repair schools or maintain parks) tearing up a perfectly pleasant, unique, and functional downtown, and rebuilding it in imitation of downtown Padadena, with parking laid out so it actively interferes with drivers. I guess the idea is that if you can't get out of downtown, you'll be forced to shop there.

    Nowhere in this 'downtown renewal' plan is there anything about lowering costs to businesses to encourage them to return. Quite the reverse; this needless and actively destructive 'downtown renewal' will raise property taxes throughout the area, and destroy the last vestige of Lancaster's unique character. Now Lancaster's historic downtown area will look just like every other f/a/i/l/e/d/ renovated downtown in California.
