Are Meg Whitman and Steve Poizner trying to buy the election?
Of course they are trying to buy the election. In the grand tradition of corrupt politics, all politicians are used to buying their political office. Just ask former governor Rod Blagojevich about buying and selling political offices.
"Voters are electing people to represent themselves," he (Dave Levinthal with the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington D.C.) said. "Therefore, these candidates, no matter how much money they have, no matter how many movies they've made, still report to the people of California."
What a great sound bite. Spoken like a true politician. With not a word of truth in the whole statement.
A more honest statement would read that "fat cat politicians, with their million dollar slush funds, with their full pensions after one term in office, in their chauffeur driven cars report to the people of California, but they answer to the special interest groups that fund their campaigns". Is it possible that Meg Whitman or Steve Poizner will answer to the people? Sure it is. It is also possible that the sun won't rise in the east and that Barack Hussein Obama will finally tell the truth. It is just not very likely.
Even if you are willing to suspend your ability to think, and accept that Meg Whitman or Steve Poizner if elected will do what is best for California, you are forgetting one not so minor problem. All the rest of the politicians in Sacramento that are unwilling to balance the budget. Their time is better spent prohibiting teenage girls from getting nipple rings, deciding the price and kind of grocery bags available to shoppers (paper or plastic) or declaring war on Arizona.
Lest you think I am coming down too hard on California politicians, let me remind you of the Health Care Deform Bill recently passed in Washington District of Criminals (D.C.). When congress first tried to pass the bill, they had to bribe some of the politicians to vote for it. When the politicians realized that the senate would NOT pass the congressional bill, congress tried to pass the bill by pretending it had already passed and they were simply amending the bill. When that didn't work, and congress finally decided to accept the senat version of the Health Care Deform bill, the congressmen were assured that as a matter of public policy they could find out what the bill does by voting for the bill. Does this seem like politicians who are answering to their constituents? If so, why were so many democrats rushing to announce their retirement after the bill passed?
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