Los Angeles Students to Be Taught That Arizona Immigration Law Is Un-American
The Los Angeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona's new immigration law is un-American.
This makes sense to me.
The goal of the Los Angeles School system is to matriculate a sub-literate who is incapable of thinking. This is the kind of individual we need to fill our prisons and welfare offices. So these are the kinds of things that need to be taught in our schools.
The schools are already teaching "Intelligent Design". The schools are already teaching "Global Warming". What harm can there be in requiring schools to spend time teaching even more leftist propaganda disguised as truth. Maybe the schools can then teach that looting and rioting is an appropriate form of political protest. Heck, it is probably racist to require the Mexican Nationals getting their free education in the United States to learn to speak English. After all, we know that the real reason for the anger at the Arizona Alien Invader law is because it will delay giving back southwestern United States to Mexico.
Just think, if every left wing nut job is not able to inject his favorite insanity into the educational system, how can the democratic minority ever hope to win an election again?
Nonsense. Their goal is to reach zero graduates. No need to teach anything, politically correct or not, if there are no students. And think of all the money it would save LAUSD. Why, they're already more than halfway to this goal, what with their graduation rate of just 40%!!