
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Government Panel Determines More Regulation Necessary For Freedom.
FDA Needs Food Safety Overhaul: Report
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) isn't equipped to handle problems with the food supply and is in need of a major revamping, a government panel of experts reported Tuesday.

The government panel of experts reported that the F.D.A. is not doing enough to make sure that all food produced in the United States is infected with deadly diseases. For the F.D.A. to be more effective, they will need even more armed jackbooted thugs to interfere with farms and food processing plants. Not until every agent has the ability to shut down any farm or food processing plant that won't pay their taxes / fees / bribes to keep going will the United States be as vulnerable as is necessary for any socialist utopia to be possible. Until then, North Korea, Cuba and other socialist workers paradises will be the leading lights on this planet. But I have faith in American ingenuity that we will be able to surpass them in our quest to inflict pain and suffering on the largest group of people this planet has ever seen.

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

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