
Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Want A Degree In High Heel Walking!
College course teaches girls to walk in heel
A government-funded course that teaches teenage girls how to walk in high heels has raised eyebrows in London.

Why has a course for walking in high heels at a local college raised any eyebrows? It is not as if a college education currently has any value.

Over the years the goal of education has changed.

Before government took over, education was provided by and for individuals who wanted to better themselves, and make an impact on the world. After the government took over education, it was to create a class of incompetent, hopeless and corrupt slaves to labor under their slave masters orders, or be sent to the gulags for reeducation.

It was educated people who believed in freedom who created the United States in order to have a better life for themselves and their children. Unfortunately for the government, those are the kind of people that no government that wants to stay in power for any length of time can have as slaves citizens. If you believe that you can make a better life for yourself and your children, you are less likely to accept the abuses that government dishes out. You are more likely to stand up for your rights and fight for them. If the government can convert citizens into slaves, then the government can continue until it collapses from the greed and corrupt that this kind of system promotes. In case you have forgotten your American history (or are a college graduate, and therefore never learned), America was formed by people fleeing a repressive government.

I do have a few more questions and comments for you before ending this rant.

In California (and probably elsewhere), there are many students that can NOT read or write in ANY language!

How could a government that is facing bankruptcy, and the inability to supply welfare for the jobless and the alien invaders, come up with funding for a college class to teach walking in high heels?

How could any college, teachers or staff, allow their premises be used for teaching walking in high heels?

Why aren't the faculty and students rioting and looting and burning down that college and the town it is located in? In California, the students riot and loot and burn down local businesses for the "rights" of alien invaders to invade the United States and for the "rights" of Muslim terrorists to kill citizens in the United States and abroad.

Therefore, I believe that the government controlled education system is finally approaching the degree of success that it has been aiming for all along. Very soon, the only value a college degree will have is to wipe yourself after going to the bathroom.

1 comment:

  1. The Scarlet PimpernelJune 14, 2010 at 12:34 AM

    Actually, a course in "deportment" used to be part of any good school offering business support degrees (secretarial, office management, etc). It was still so as of 1965, to my firsthand knowledge. This included things like how to walk gracefully in heels and how to tie a cravat. The idea was that if you were taught to act the part of a well-educated lady or gentleman, you would develop positive social habits that would help you get a good job with a respectable company.

    Considering today's self-absorbed hooligans slobbing along with their pants hanging below their asses and their shoes untied, maybe returning to the era when deportment was taught in school isn't such a bad idea.

    A couple of interesting articles on the subject: (written in 1886)

    As to a non-government education system, we've already tried that. It's called monasteries and illiterate peasants. Only when education is free to all does a literate class arise. The problem isn't government being involved in education; that has worked very well everywhere it's been done, PROVIDED education sticks to the tried and true methods. The problem is when fruitcakes take over the field of education and impose their warped ideology on the system, leading to counter-educational nonsense like "whole word recognition" (teaching every child to read in the same disabled way as does a dyslexic) and the "new math" (guess the answer!), coupled with today's liberal notions about never ever hurting little Johnny's self-esteem by ever letting him <*gasp*> FAIL.

    Get rid of the pro-fruitcake faction in government, which has LET the fruitcakes take over, and all this will cease to be a problem.

    Of course, this may require getting rid of a large number of fruitcake voters first, since they are the ones who elected our present crop of barking moonbats.
