
Friday, June 4, 2010

Use A Camera, Go To Prison
Are Cameras the New Guns?
In response to a flood of Facebook and YouTube videos that depict police abuse, a new trend in law enforcement is gaining popularity. In at least three states, it is now illegal to record any on-duty police officer.

Thank god for this judicial ruling. This clears up so many misunderstandings. Previously I had thought that law enforcement agencies were supposed to prevent crime. Or if they can't prevent crime, at least capture the criminals who commit crimes.

Now I know better.

Criminals switch sides and become law enforcement officials so that they can commit crimes without worry of capture or punishment. It has become a more serious crime for law abiding citizens to record law enforcement personnel committing crimes than it is for law enforcement personnel to commit crimes. Of course, it is still a crime if a law abiding citizen did what a law enforcement official did. After all, we can't have lawlessness be the law of the land.

Let me review the situation: The courts have previously ruled that it is against the law to protect yourself from unlicensed and unregulated criminals. The courts are now ruling that documenting licensed and regulated criminals (police) is a crime.

My dream of living in a communist police state has come true. And I didn't even have to flee the country to achieve it!

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