
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Obama Upsets Congress And Democrats By Nominating A Qualified Person For A Government Position.
Obama chooses military veteran to reset US intelligence
Peter Hoekstra, ranking Republican on the House of Representatives intelligence committee, recently described General Clapper as “exactly the wrong person” for the DNI’s role because he had “disregard and disdain for Congress”.

What is wrong with feeling “disregard and disdain for Congress”? After the stimulus (welfare for the wealthy) and the Health Care Deform debacle, most educated, legal citizens of the United States feel contempt and disgust for congress (as well as all the other politicians, czars, commissars, henchmen, minions and political appointees).

Normally I would assume that any person that Barack Hussein Obama nominates for any position must be as corrupt and incompetent as Barack Hussein Obama himself. The only thing that causes me to begin to doubt my basic axiom of Barack Hussein Obama's reign of terror, is that most of the politicians in congress hates his nominee. I wonder what kind of one time fluke happened that caused the incompetent-in-chief to accidentally nominate someone for a job who might actually have some skill in performing that job?
Pressure on intelligence agencies heightened after a passer-by spotted a bomb planted in a car near Times Square in Manhattan on May 1. The bomb failed to explode but the man suspected of planting it, Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani immigrant, was allowed to board a flight to Dubai despite being on a no-fly list. He was removed from the plane and arrested.

This is surprising.

The alphabet soup of agencies who are supposed to protect American lives from "man-caused disasters" couldn't find the bomb in Times Square. The "man-caused disasters" expert was on the no-fly list, but managed to get on board a plane anyway. This is normally what Obamaspeak considers proof that the new improved security measures are working to protect the lives and property of American citizens.

What is the world coming to, when an incompetent and corrupt politician (Barack Hussein Obama) nominates a competent and honest person (General Clapper) for a job he is skilled to perform?

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