
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thar's Gold In Them Thar taxpayers!
The Millionaire Cop Next Door
It is said that government workers now make, on average, 30% more than private sector workers. Put that fantasy aside. It far underestimates the real figures. By my calculations, government workers make more than twice as much. Government workers are America's fastest-growing millionaires.

Boy was I brought up wrong. I always thought that when I grew up I was supposed to find a job and work for a living. I was supposed to make something useful. I was supposed to do something useful. Or if that wasn't enough for me, start my own business. Work hard, and I would be rewarded.

Instead I find out how wrong I was. The best way to make money, is get a job working for the government. Once you are in the union, you can't get fired. Once you are in the union, your wages and retirement plan skyrocket.

Why should I, or anyone else waste our time starting our own business or even working? The quickest way to become wealthy is to get a government job.

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