
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chicago Style Politics?
Afghanistan slips in corruption index despite aid

Afghanistan is now considered the second most corrupt country on the planet. Number 179 out of 180. Only Somalia is considered more corrupt.

Which I guess explains why Barack Hussein Obama is sending in troops to support the Afghanistan government. Barack Hussein Obama who learned politics in Chicago, the most corrupt city in the United States, probably misses the give an take (you give, he takes) of that environment and wants to be sure that other people on this planet can have some of the same experiences that he has had.

On the bright side, it looks like Barack Hussein Obama is having an effect on the United States. With his czars, and bailouts and ... he has managed to move the United States from the 18th least corrupt country to the 19th least corrupt country in less than a year. Who knows what he can accomplish after 4 (or more) years of the Chicago style politics he grew up with.

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