
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pulling the (Ft.) Hood Over Our Eyes
Barack Hussein Obama demands accountability if Hasan danger signs missed.
Global War on Terror ends - overseas contingency operation begins.

I am confused. Barack Hussein Obama has declared the Global War on Terror is over. There are NO terrorists. Only man-caused disasters. Everybody knows that natural disasters can not be predicted. So how can there be an investigation?

As long as we pretend that Islam is a religion of peace, that it's leaders don't preach that suicide bombers are good, that it's leaders don't preach that killing women and children is good, that it's leaders don't issue death threats on writers and cartoonists they disagree with, that it's leaders don't believe that anyone who is a non-Muslims must convert or die, then there can NEVER be warning signs of a man-caused disasters.

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