
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Terrorists - Get out of jail free?
Obama, Holder Predict Conviction in 9 / 11 Case

It seems some people think that by giving the terrorists a civil trial, that there is a good chance they will get out of jail free (I mean convicted). I don't know about you, but I am under the impression that if you have enough money, and a good enough attorney, you can get away with anything. First off, as a civil trial, the terrorist never had his Miranda Rights read to him. This could easily get the case thrown out of court. Maybe we need to start reading Miranda Rights to anyone our soldiers are fighting. According to Barack Hussein Obama the terrorists were tortured. Again, in a civil court, this would be enough to get the case thrown out. We all know that torture precludes using a confession in a trial. Who knows, since it is immoral or even torture for them to look at women who are not fully clothed, (including their Hijabs), maybe they can make a case the the rampant immorality of this country forced them to do it.

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