
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Immediate Health Care?
Health overhaul: Understanding the pros and cons

Just like the stimulus bill that was so critical to pass that the economy would crumble, but it won't go into effect for years, so too with the newest Health Care Deform plan.

The politicians claim it is critical to pass this bill immediately no matter how bad it is (and it is bad). What they don't tell you, is that nobody will notice any affect for 3 or more years. You may ask, if this is so critical, why doesn't the benefits kick in sooner? In an effort to not immediately bankrupt this country, they want to spread out the costs so that this country will be bankrupted in time for our children to enjoy the benefits of a bankrupt country (also so that Barack Hussein Obama can get reelected before anyone notices how many problems he has created).

But not to worry, these bills will have plenty of other benefits for this country. Like the healthiest segment of our population (youth) will now be forced to get insurance or face penalties or jail time. Like what small parts do get implemented are underfunded and won't be able to cover the expected costs.

Aren't you glad that politicians took time out from fixing our economy to fix the health care problem?

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