
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Unemployment be gone.
Jobless claims hold at 10-month low
Number of initial filers for unemployment insurance was unchanged last week at 505,000.

You've got to love the government. They can make even the worst depression this country has ever suffered sound encouraging. Instead of focusing on 500,000 more people being added to the unemployment rolls, they use words like 10 month low, and unchanged. They also ignore, the people that finally fell off the unemployment rolls because their benefits ran out. There is no point in counting people who will never get a job, or even people who now work 2 jobs, which combined is less than the 1 job they had previously. Heck, the economy has gotten so bad that some of the illegal aliens are fleeing this country or having their friend send money.

So the next time you see your favorite politician in his stretch limo pulling up in front of a strip club, you can be happy to know that he is doing his part to keep his favorite stripper employed.

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