
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

[Gun Control] You Are Worthless!
Gun Control Advocate Shoots Intruder
What would you think if a long-time gun control advocate ended up shooting someone? Might the word “hypocrite” come to mind?

You are worthless!

Well. Not completely worthless. Just mostly worthless. All you are capable of doing is voting a politician into office, and paying taxes.

You are almost worthless as a voter. Politicians must waste most of their bribe money running for office. Most of their money is spent on advertising campaigns. There are no guarantees that an advertising campaign will work. At the moment, politicians are still not allowed to pay for votes. So maybe that is the next reform they need to institute. But until that happens, politicians are not able to enjoy the fruits of their betrayal of the voters.

You are almost worthless as a taxpayer. Based on past, current and future legislation, almost 50% of the slaves citizens owe no taxes. With the constantly escalating expenses of government and constantly increasing taxes, the percentage of slaves citizens paying taxes is continuing to drop. Which means that as your ability to pay taxes goes down, so does your value to the government.

So the only people of any value are politicians. Which is why they work so hard to exempt themselves from all the laws they pass. Which is why they need guns to protect themselves. Which is why the slaves citizens must be denied the right to defend themselves. If the slaves citizens ever get the right to protect themselves, they might decide that they have value, and they just might overthrow their rightful overseers and masters.

1 comment:

  1. The Scarlet PimpernelApril 21, 2010 at 9:48 AM

    Not only that, but this gun-control advocate demonstrated the sort of fear that drives gun-control at the individual level: there's some question as to whether he shot in self-defense or in aggression as the intruder was leaving (a question yet to be decided by the grand jury).

    The real problem is that gun-control advocates can't be trusted with weapons, and they *know* they can't trust themselves with weapons -- so they think the rest of us can't be trusted with weapons either.
