
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Obama Connects With Common Man At Outrageously Expensive Fundraiser.,0,5906194.story
Obama arrives in L.A. to raise funds for Boxer
Then she and Obama headed to a dinner at the Museum of Natural History, where tickets cost $35,200 per couple.

In an effort to show that the democratic party hasn't lost touch with the common people, Barack Hussein Obama attended a fund raising dinner for Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer that only cost $35,200 per couple ($17,600 per person if single).

In spite of (or maybe because of) Barack Hussein Obama's contempt for America and Americans the wealthy democrats flocked to hear their messiah explain how what is bad (Health Care Deform, poverty, joblessness, homelessness, ...) for Barack Hussein Obama is good for the country. The crowd of mega-wealthy Democrats responded positively to the Barbara Boxer and Barack Hussein Obama message of tax the poor and middle class (until there is no more middle class), and subsidize the wealthy and political elite (it is hard work destroying the United States and Barack Hussein Obama and his czars and commissars need to be paid handsomely for their work). The mega-wealthy Democrats feel safe supporting Barbara Boxer and Barack Hussein Obama because they know that the recent Health Care Deform Bill exempted all politicians from it's draconian effects. So the mega-wealthy Democrats believe that any new taxation scheme will exempt the mega-wealthy Democrats as well.

Fortunately for the rest of the country, the Democrats still haven't figured out that the average American Citizen hates the fraud and corruption the politicians have been displaying since Barack Hussein Obama was elected as criminal-in-chief. Fortunately for the rest of the country, the Democrats still haven't figured out that everyone that Barack Hussein Obama has campaigned for recently has lost their election or reelection bids.

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