
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Obama Promises Hope And Change For The Families Of The Dead Miners.
Obama gives condolences to families of dead miners
Barack Hussein Obama gave his condolences to the families of the injured and dead coal miners.

Barack Hussein Obama gave thanks to the miners who have been working tirelessly to rape mother earth in an effort to provide the most ecological unfriendly energy source. Barack Hussein Obama gave thanks to the miners who are doing their part to provide an energy source that will help bring about "Global Warming" even sooner than otherwise expected. Barack Hussein Obama gave thanks to the coal mining companies for not even providing the barest necessities (such as safe working environment) for the actual coal miners. Barack Hussein Obama gave his best wishes and hopes for the future for any coal miners who go on strike against the running dog capitalists for a better ecology and better working conditions. Barack Hussein Obama promised that if the coal miners would go on strike, he would immediately bail out the owners of the mines in an effort to stimulate higher wages and new jobs. Barack Hussein Obama told the workers that any striking miners should know that no matter how many decades it takes for them to get their jobs back, they will have the full support of the president of the united states (along with extended unemployment benefits and free health care).

The was quoted as saying that if I "ever attempt to write a humorous article again, they will have my literary license revoked."

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