
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Obama's Banking Fraud.
Banks receiving government aid cut loans
Banks that received federal assistance during the financial crisis reduced lending more aggressively and gave bigger pay raises to employees than institutions that didn't get aid, a USA TODAY/American University review found.

Barack Hussein Obama is a genius.

Barack Hussein Obama hates capitalism. Barack Hussein Obama was elected on a platform that he likes capitalism. How can Barack Hussein Obama carry out his plans for the destruction of capitalism while the public looks on? By lying to the American people. Take the bank bailout, for example. Barack Hussein Obama claimed this would help the American economy. It has helped the American economy. To the brink of destruction.

The banks, which are the life blood of the economy, loan money to individuals and small businesses which are the economy. No matter what the liar-in-chief claimed when he got the bailout bill passed, ALL the banks that received bailout money reduced the number of loans and the amount of loans made to individuals and small businesses. And to show their solidarity with the American public during these trying economic times, ALL the banks that received bailout money, gave large bonuses to their executives.

How's that for helping the American economy and the liar-in-thief.

What is even better that that, you might ask?

What do you think happens to any paid back money from any of the bailed out banks? If you think any of that payback goes back to any of the 8+ million unemployed American people, or the 4+ million homeowners facing foreclosure, or any of the still employed who had their taxes looted for this fiasco, then you haven't been paying attention to the Chicago style corruption of our criminal-in-chief. Any paid back funds go into a slush fund for further distribution by the fraud-in-chief who is getting tired of having to bribe the corrupt politicians for more of his dirty tricks.

Sounds like a win-win-win situation to me.

The corrupt-in-thief lied about how the money was going to be used.

The corrupt-in-thief won't use the paid back funds for anything legitimate or authorized by the congress or senate.

The corrupt-in-thief can blame everything on the greedy bankers.

Pure genius.

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