Obama to hold bipartisan meeting on financial reform
Barack Hussein Obama is planning a bipartisan council on financial reform similar to the bipartisan council on health care reform (meaning that Barack Hussein Obama will invite the republicans, but will refuse to listen to them).
"Enacting financial reform has been a goal of President Obama's since well before taking office, and he will discuss the choice he sees in this debate -- whether to stand with the American people or stand on the side of the status quo," the official said.
The master of lies (Barack Hussein Obama) has an army of sycophants to lie for him. Barack Hussein Obama has never been on the side of the American people. No socialist has ever been on the side of the people. No socialist will ever be on the side of the people. Socialism believes that only the elite can rule the proletariat. As a socialist, Barack Hussein Obama is deluded enough to believe that he is the only part of the elite that is capable of ruining this country the way a socialist dictatorship ruined country must be ruined.
Obama has made passage of financial regulatory reform legislation a high priority after achieving his top domestic policy goal of overhauling the U.S. healthcare system.
After the passage of the Health Care Deform bill, I am not sure that financial regulatory reform is necessary or even possible. Prior to passage of the Health Care Deform Bill, more than 50% of all the people in this country worked directly (as employees) or indirectly (welfare recipients) for the government. After passage of the Health Care Deform bill, there isn't much of the economy left that isn't directly or indirectly under the control of the government.
"We believe momentum is on the side of real reform for the American people and consumers," the official said, noting that the president had called during his State of the Union address for regular meetings with bipartisan members of Congress.
Real reform would include all the democrats being convicted of treason, and given long prison sentences. Real reform would include repeal of the Health Care Deform bill. Real reform would include the abolition of the Federal Reserve Bank. Real reform will never happen until the complete collapse of the federal government.
Obviously real reform will never happen. Instead, we will get "Hype And Confusion".
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