
Monday, February 15, 2010

Hype And Confusion
Obama Touts Return of 'Paygo'
President Barack Obama praised lawmakers for restoring a measure that aims to bring federal spending under control in his weekly radio address Saturday, but expressed concern that politics may still get in the way of reducing the massive deficit.

How can Barack Hussein Obama say he is concerned about reducing the massive deficit he created? If he is so concerned, he would not be working on cramming the Health Care Deform Bill through congress which will cause a massive budget deficit.

Mr. Obama also vowed in his weekly speech to press ahead with an executive order to create a new bipartisan fiscal commission charged with recommending ways to reduce the deficit--a measure that has faced opposition from some Republicans.

Barack Hussein Obama talks about a commission to find out why the budget is out of control. All he has to do is look in the mirror. The stimulus / bailout (welfare for the wealthy) bill was a massive boondoggle. The only program likely to be worse is the Health Care Deform Bill which will cause massive spending increases over the next decade, without doing anything to appreciably reduce the deficit.

"After a decade of profligacy, the American people are tired of politicians who talk the talk but don't walk the walk when it comes to fiscal responsibility," Mr. Obama said.

Which includes Barack Hussein Obama who always does that opposite of what he claims he is doing. And then holds press conferences and fire snide chats to bamboozle the public into thinking otherwise.

"It's easy to get up in front of the cameras and rant against exploding deficits. What's hard is actually getting deficits under control. But that's what we must do."

It is hard for Barack Hussein Obama to open his mouth without lying. However, it is easy to to get deficits under control. Instead of trying to cram new bills through congress that have universal opposition, why not start repealing bills and dismantling organizations that do nothing good for the public.
Mr. Obama said the abandonment of that "common sense" rule during the Bush administration helped fuel the record deficit the U.S. government is facing today.

Barack Hussein Obama is an attorney. At least he claims he is. Since when has any attorney ever displayed any common sense. Ever! The term frivolous lawsuit came about because attorneys were so desperate for clients they are willing to file any kind of a nuisance lawsuit at the drop of a business card.
Mr. Obama has proposed budget cuts and a three-year spending freeze on some government programs, but he has also strongly pushed for a new fiscal commission as well. He expressed disappointment Saturday that the measure faces some opposition.

Yup. Barack Hussein Obama has proposed budget cuts and spending freezes. This will save this country millions. Between the last stimulus / bailout (welfare for the wealthy) bill and the new Health Care Deform Bill Barack Hussein Obama will cost this country trillions. Way to balance the budget.

1 comment:

  1. The Scarlet PimpernelFebruary 23, 2010 at 2:55 PM

    Democrats always do that. Spend money they don't have, then shriek that something must be done about the debt. It's a way of guaranteeing their employment, much like a programmer writing bugs into an application so he'll be guaranteed a future job "fixing" them.
