
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The United Socialist States Of America Abandons Trial By Jury.,0,824472.story?track=rss
Weighed down by recession woes, jurors are becoming disgruntled

Politicians continue to receive $100,000+ salaries with $100,000s of slush fund money to help them survive in this economy. Politicians continue to spend more money than the government has. Politicians continue to ignore the request for the citizens to balance the budget and rein in spending.

The politicians aren't worried about the situation. The politicians have an interesting selection of alternatives when faced with being unable to spend as much as they want.

One solution is to sell off everything that government owns. But don't worry, the politicians can always raise the taxes to fix that problem.

Another solution is to tax the citizens and tell the citizens they must be more frugal. But don't worry, the politicians can always raise the taxes to fix that problem.

Yet another solution is to let criminals out of prison early if the citizens don't knuckle under to the demands for protection higher taxes. But don't worry, the politicians can always raise the taxes to fix that problem.

If the average citizen hasn't already lost his job and his home, he is facing the potential loss of job and home.

Jury duty in the Los Angeles area pays $15.00 per day. That doesn't even cover the cost of gasoline to get to the courthouse.

Keeping this in mind, is it any wonder that potential jurists have bad attitudes. Keeping this in mind, is it any wonder that attorneys are scared to face a jury box?

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