
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Seattle Believes In The Scarecrow Theory Of Protecting Citizens From Harm.
Bus tunnel victim says she sought help from police
A teenage girl beaten in a Seattle bus tunnel as three security guards who were following company orders looked on said Friday that she sought help from the guards and police but was rebuffed.

Why is anybody getting upset that the security guards were doing nothing to prevent a beating and a robbery that took place in from of them?

In Seattle, the contract security guards on duty in the bus tunnel are only allowed to observe and report crimes. They are not allowed to prevent or stop crimes. Which means that if a rape occurs in front of them, all they are allowed to do is take notes to give to the police (if the police even bother to show up).

The courts have already ruled that the police have no duty to protect citizens from criminals. So, if the police are not required to protect citizens from crime, how can a private security guard be expected to do more than the police? I am sure there is a law that makes it illegal for a private company to set themselves up as competition to the police state force.

So, the only real surprise is that more crime doesn't happen in more public places.

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