
Saturday, February 27, 2010

No New Taxes. Raise The Fees!
California Traffic Tickets Fines

The State of California is having a terrible time balancing the budget. But I think they have finally figured out how to do it.

The State of California has started releasing some criminals from overcrowded prisons. They are on the right path. They just need to take it to it's logical conclusion.

Prisons don't earn any money. Shut them all down. Sell off all the prisons. Since the State of California was stupid enough to accept a union contract that won't allow them to fire any body for any reason, we can take all the prison personnel and administrators and let them loose on the public education system. After all, the prison officials have done such a good job of rehabilitating prisoners, I just know they will be equally effective in teaching students.

At this point, the police can stop chasing criminals. What with the criminal's civil rights, and the millions of dollars spend on the trials and multiple appeals, it doesn't make any sense to deal with criminals anyway. They have no money.

The State of California can just keep increasing the fees for traffic violations. The State of California recently raised most of the traffic tickets to three digit fees. Some are already four digit amounts. Anyone who can drive, can afford to pay tickets. If it turns out a criminal is driving and can't afford the ticket, confiscate the car. The criminal won't do that again! And the State of California will be able to sell the confiscated car at a profit.

As it is, the function of the police is slowly changing from "protect and serve", to "collect and observe".

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