
Monday, February 22, 2010

Wealthy Celebrities Create Addictions To Excuse Their Actions.
Tiger Woods case puts spotlight on "sex addiction"

Is it possible that some people are addicted committing crime? Do they have a 12 step recovery program for criminals? Maybe they shouldn't put criminals in jail. The state of California is currently letting criminals out of jail early. Is this the first step?

Is it possible that some people are addicted committing violence against other people? Do they have a 12 step recovery program for recovering police?

Is it possible that some people are addicted to sex with subordinates? Is it possible that some people are addicted to telling lies? Is it possible that some people are addicted to taking money to act against the best interests of their bosses? If so, then electing them to political office is not good for the country or the individuals.

Am I addicted to eating regularly and living indoors. Do they have a 12 step recovery program for that?

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