
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Obama's March to the Sea.
Obama coming to Savannah

Barack Hussein Obama will be stopping in Savannah in the near future. And much like Sherman's March to the Sea, Barack Hussein Obama will leave devastation in his wake.

Why is Barack Hussein Obama coming to Savannah? So he can see what it is like before he destroys it?

Who knows what goes on in the mind of a man who believes that the only way to save America is to destroy it. Who knows what goes on in the mind of a man who is only friends with communists and other people who hate American. I do know that Barack Hussein Obama is still trying to brainwash the public into believing that the stimulus / bailout bill (welfare for the wealthy) helped prevent job losses when millions of people lost jobs after the stimulus will was passed. I do know that Barack Hussein Obama is still working hard at passing the Health Care Deform legislation which will end up increasing the cost of health care and decreasing the quality of health care while bankrupting this country. Since Barack Hussein Obama is willing to lie about something that big, he would have no problem lying about anything smaller he encounters in his daily assault on America.

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