After Arizona, why are 10 states considering immigration bills?
Given the anger sparked by Arizona's immigration bill nationwide – including protests and calls to boycott Arizona – the campaign promises of Colorado gubernatorial candidate Scott McInnis could be seen as a bit of a surprise.
Surprise to who?
If the mass media were honest and balanced, there would be no surprise that a number of additional states (with the support of the majority of the people) are looking to enforce the laws that the federal government conveniently chooses to ignore.
The real question is, who is participating in the protests and boycott of Arizona?
Is it the average American citizen, who simply wants a safe environment to work and raise a family? No.
Is it the socialist / liberal / democrat (Barack Hussein Obama along with his czars and commissars) that thinks the new alien invaders, once given amnesty will vote for their political agenda? Yes.
Is it the mass media which believes that the socialist / liberal / democrat (Barack Hussein Obama along with his czars and commissars) will bail them out when their support for the reprehensible extremists looses them so many subscribers / viewers that they can't make a profit any more? Yes.
Is it the illegal aliens who have invaded this country? Yes.
Is it the Mexican government which is so corrupt and inefficient that they are glad to get rid of the millions of citizens they can't manage or care for? Yes.
One of the favorite lies that Barack Hussein Obama (along with his czars and commissars) uses to defend his lack of enforcement of the alien invader laws, is that it is unAmerican to refuse to accept people illegally entering the United States.
Because Barack Hussein Obama (along with his czars and commissars) hate America and doesn't know anything about history that hasn't been rewritten by a socialist, they are completely unaware (or they are choosing to ignore anything that proves him wrong) that he is wrong.
Did the United States ever turn away people seeking political asylum who were fleeing a genocidal regime, and who were later killed upon their return to that country? In 1939 the United States did just that.
The Tragedy of the S.S. St. Louis
So when Barack Hussein Obama (along with his czars and commissars) talks about the United States needing to accept migrant workers looking for a better job, he is either ignorant or dishonest. Or both.
The United States had no problem back in 1939 in rejecting people fleeing a murderous regime intent on killing them along with millions of others. In fact, the murderous regime accepted as proof that the United States agreed with them that killing undesirables was acceptable because the United States refused admittance to the refugees.
So while Barack Hussein Obama (along with his czars and commissars) continues to pretend that ignoring the alien invader problem is the right thing to do, the citizens of the United States are preparing to fight back in any way they can.
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