Calif. bill could jail parents if kids miss school
The bill would let prosecutors charge parents with misdemeanors punishable by up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine if their kids miss too much school. Judges could delay the punishment to parents as an incentive to get their children to class.
The idiots in Sacramento, have decide to try to do something (horribly wrong) to try to get young students to attend school more regularly.
Let me see if it is possible to understand the twisted, warped logic (if you can call it that) that the politicians used to come up with this bill.
It looks to me like the same logic that the politicians use to allows big business to sell cigarettes, but makes it illegal for the purchasers to smoke cigarettes.
There are a few facts that we should keep in mind while considering this problem (evidently facts that politicians are incapable of considering).
California (and the United States) is in the middle of the "great depression". The State of California doesn't have enough money to keep violent felons in jail. As part of their balance the budget, California is setting free violent felons to terrorize the citizens into paying higher taxes. The unemployment rate is higher than 10%. If you count the underemployed and the unemployed so long they no longer look for work or no longer get unemployment benefits, the unemployment rate is higher than 20%.
So in an effort to get young students to stop missing school, single parents will be fined $2,000 that they don't have. How you may ask, will this help young students to stop missing school?
Placing a large fine on someone who already is having problems paying their monthly bills will help convince the parent to stop working and go on government assistance. If you have no job, then you have no money for the government to steal with their higher fines, fees, taxes, ... This is part of the government's plan to make everyone a criminal, and thus to assess fines, fees, taxes to help balance the budget.
So in an effort to get young students to stop missing school, single parents will be throw in prison. How you may ask, will this help young students to stop missing school?
While the parent has been rotting in prison for a year, the child or children have been placed in foster care. Children in the foster care system have a higher than average death rate then children outside the foster care system. So it is possible that if more children die, the statistics for absenteeism will be lower because of the fewer number of children still alive to attend school.
If the child or children are not killed by the foster care system, then at the very least they will have been traumatized so much that they are more likely to become criminals. And thus the overburdened state, will have even more crime to deal with then they are currently willing to deal with.
What do you think will happen when the parent, in a single parent home is thrown in prison for a year?
After rotting in prison for a year, the parent is likely to be unemployed, and because of the "great depression" unemployable. So they will now go on welfare or some other assistance program paid for by the dwindling number of employed people.
And there you have it. The forward thinking that has made the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea the great countries that they have become.
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