
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Live Female Births Increase Prostitution.
Arizona immigration law will boost crime in U.S. cities, police chiefs say
Arizona's new crackdown on illegal immigration will increase crime in U.S. cities, not reduce it, by driving a wedge between police and immigrant communities, police chiefs from several of the state's and the nation's largest cities said Tuesday.

Yup. Enforcing laws will increase crime. Therefore, we need to make everything legal. Rape, murder, burglary, ... Once there are no more laws, then it will not be possible to break any laws, and therefore, there will be no more crime.

At which point we can dissolve all law enforcement agencies. At which point, we won't need all the criminal rights groups working to subvert the United States. Because at that point, there will no longer be the United States. We will simply be a western version of the totalitarian dictatorships of the eastern block communist countries. Or we will be the northern version of the brutal and corrupt South American regimes.
The new Arizona law will intimidate crime victims and witnesses who are illegal immigrants and divert police from investigating more serious crimes, chiefs from Los Angeles, Houston and Philadelphia said.

More serious crime? Does that mean that the various law enforcement agencies see an alien invasion as a less serious crime. There are plenty of other federal crimes that the police state enforces. Try smoking a marijuana cigarette in a public place.

Which brings up the question, which laws are the police state planning on enforcing, and which laws are the police state planning on ignoring? If the federal and police state get to pick and choose which laws they will enforce, then can I pick and choose which laws I wish to obey?

Currently, federal law makes it a federal crime for an individual, or millions of individuals, to enter this country illegally. Making a federal crime a state crime doesn't change anything. Other than allowing the state to enforce a law that the federal government, through corruption, or incompetence refuses to enforce.
The American Civil Liberties Union, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and other civil rights groups have filed lawsuits to block the Arizona law, arguing that the Constitution preempts states from enforcing federal law and that the measure will lead to racial profiling.

If enforcing laws that protect American borders from alien invaders leads to racial profiling, then being born female leads to prostitution. Show me one female prostitute who was not born a woman. Then being born with a tongue leads to racial slurs. Show me any racist shouting ethnic slurs who was born without a tongue. Then going to school causes brain damage. Show me one criminal rights activist who didn't go to school.
Requiring the Los Angeles Police Department to prioritize the arrest of 400,000 illegal immigrants among the city's 4.1 million residents would "cripple us and make it impossible for us to do our jobs," Beck said.

Now I understand the police state. If millions of criminals break the law, the police state should not enforce that law. However, if hundreds or thousands of people break the law they should be punished. Arbitrary and capricious enforcement of the laws will lead to more respect for the police state.
Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger said directing officers to spend hours investigating the immigration status of every person stopped with a suspect identification card would mean less time to catch violent criminals.

Actually, in California there is no need to catch violent criminals. In case you haven't heard, California is one of the leaders in the federally inspired program "race to bankruptcy" that is sweeping the nation. Already California, in a effort to save money has instituted the "catch and release" program for violent felons. The "catch and release" program requires the state of California to spend millions of dollars to catch and prosecute violent felons. And then set the violent criminals free without any jail time because the jails are already overflowing with non-violent offenders (jay walkers, pot smokers, ...).
"We understand and agree: Federal immigration law, the whole system, is broken, and that people are very, very frustrated all across this country," Harris said. "But this state law doesn't solve the immigration problems for the country. The solution is here in Washington, D.C., and Congress must step forward and come up with a comprehensive immigration reform that will really solve the problem."

As Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.), and Congress have so ably shown with the passage of the Health Care Deform bill, they are incapable of creating a solution that is NOT worse than the problem. So telling the country to wait few hundred years for Washington, District of Criminals (D.C.), and Congress to solve the alien invasion problem, is like asking someone stuck in quicksand to wait while an investigative committee is formed to study the problem. It is like politely asking North Korea to stop developing nuclear weapons. It is like politely asking Iran to stop developing nuclear weapons. It is like politely asking Muslim Terrorists to stop killing infidels. It is like politely asking politicians to stop taking bribes and actually do the job they were elected and promised they would do while running for office.

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