
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Government Jobs. No Job Experience Necessary. Just A Desire To Destroy The United States.
Former justice: Judicial experience not an issue
Former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor says that lack of judicial experience should not derail Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court.

I agree. The Barack Hussein Obama administration is full of it. Czars and commissars who had no experience in the post they were elected or appointed to before they got their jobs.

Barack Hussein Obama had no job experience and no political experience before becoming idiot-in-chief of the United States.

Timothy Geithner had no experience preparing honest income tax returns before becoming Secretary of the Treasury and head of the Internal Revenue Service.

Ben Bernanke had no experience working for a living in the United States before becoming the head of the Federal Reserve board which oversees the economy.

In fact, many of Barack Hussein Obama's appointees have no experience in any field. Other than political rable rousing or navigating the shoals of interdepartmental infighting in institutions of lower learning.

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