Euro Continues to Slip Along With Stock Indexes
The euro fell again Wednesday along with indexes in Europe and Asia as German policy makers pushed Parliament for quick passage of the Greek bailout, warning that failure to do so could set off a “chain reaction” of debt crises around the Continent.
Sound familiar? It should. This is the same rhetoric that Barack Hussein Obama and his minions and henchmen used to get the bailout / stimulus (welfare for the wealthy) package passed.
Now, after millions of lost businesses, lost jobs, and losing home ownership Barack Hussein Obama is busy running his Brainwash America Tour where he tries to explain how much worse the economy would be if the federal government hadn't paid back the contributors to his election campaign.
What Has The European Union Learned From Obama?
The European Union has learned that you can lie about what a piece of legislation actually does and still get it passed. The European Union has learned that you can stampede politicians into voting for a piece legislation that does the opposite of what the supporters claim it will do. The European Union has learned that after you pass the criminally fraudulent legislation that does the opposite of what the supporters claim it will do, you will not be punished for your criminal actions in getting your bill passed. The European Union has learned that once passed, nobody will try to repeal your fraudulent legislation. The European Union has learned that no matter how bad the economy is, you can always make it worse, and you will not suffer any consequences for doing it. The European Union has learned that Chicago style corrupt politics can work on the national level.
It's the other way around -- Obama learned from Europe, where this nonsense has been SOP since the 1960s.