
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Balancing The Budget, Los Angeles Style.
Mayor Shuts Down Two City Departments

The city of Los Angeles is making great strides in balancing the budget.

The City of Los Angeles, will be closing 2 departments. But rather than terminating all the personnel, the city will be transferring most of the staff to other departments in the city. Only 13 people will be terminated. This will save the city $3 million dollars. The city will still be short by $212 million. Why at this rate, it will ONLY take between 4 to 12 months to balance the annual budget.

Can you say rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic?

1 comment:

  1. The Scarlet PimpernelFebruary 23, 2010 at 2:51 PM

    This works out to $246,154 per position. Since I doubt any of the staff being terminated made anywhere near that -- where did the rest of the money go?? Some is overhead (running the building, etc.) but...

    And is that just for a year, or for all eternity? If just for a year -- allowing that only low-rankers get terminated in such schemes, and that they make somewhere around $40,000, this has to be around $200,000 in overhead per position. And if it's for all eternity and refers to wages alone, it follows that eternity in Los Angeles is only 6 years long.
