
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Millions To Lose Homes. Proof That The Foreclosure Prevention Program Is A Success.
Administration pushed to expand foreclosure-prevention program

Like everything else the government does (like saving the economy), the government rushes to create programs that don't do what they claim they will do.

A case in point is the foreclosure prevention program. This program is set to expire in 2 years. With millions of homes in foreclosure, the first year of the program may have saved 200,000 homes. (May have. With the unemployment problem decades away from being solved, many people may still lose their homes.) At this rate, the program may have helped another 400,000 people. Which will still leave millions who will lose the homes.

But you shouldn't be concerned. The government will shortly be starting another "Brainwash America" tour to explain how the government will have saved hundreds of thousands of home owners from foreclosure.

p.s. The people who can't figure out a simple program to save home owners, are the same people who in a matter of days wrote a complicated Health Care Deform bill that is supposed to manage health care for decades to come.

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