The Fat Lady Has Sung
Op-Ed Columnist for the New York Times, Thomas L. Friedman has it all wrong. These are not the lean years. This is the end of the American Empire.
After of decades of governmental incompetence (at all levels, from both parties), we are seeing the results of what we have worked so hard for.
Government incompetence can be see in the failure of the education system to actually teach students anything useful, like reading, writing, arithmetic, thinking, ... With the policy of "no moron left behind" students were moved to the next higher grade, without having to learn anything from the prior grade. Thus we are currently having record levels of students dropping out of high school. And even with the high drop out rate, the remaining students are having difficulty passing the exams that prove they learned anything in school. Since political correctness took over, it has became racist to deny minority students access to college. So today we have students in college who can not read or write in any language. Students who are capable of learning in college are being denied access so that students who can't learn anything in college have a chance to attend college.
Government incompetence can be see in the support for the "green" platform. It is offensive to the "greens" to do anything to the environment that might effect it. So most of our production of goods has been shipped overseas. This blends nicely with the current education system. The skill set of most high school attendees at the current low level are currently qualified for the only jobs still available in this country (may I have your order please).
The Muslim religion clearly states that it is moral to kill non-Muslims. With political correctness, it is inappropriate to make any plans for national security using this knowledge, as it is racist.
While in this country everybody claims we need to provide more rights for women and minorities. The Muslim religion clearly states that women are second class citizens, and not worthy of education or respect. So in an effort to appease the the Muslims, the feminists have accepted this double standard.
Thanks to an inadequate education, the average American has become overweight (or obese). The government answer is to tax everybody and ignore the problem. And the rest of the government answer, is to take over health care.
Political correctness states that Americans are the cause of ALL problems in the world today. So if we just punish all Americans, everything else would be fine. So Americans need to be punished for fighting the Germans in World War II. The Americans need to be punished for allowing many communist dictatorships (which kill their citizens and take away their rights) to fail. The Americans have successfully built an economy that provides for more than subsistence, so they need to be punished for global warming (because no other nations on the planet caused the problem).
But now it feels as if we are entering a new era, “where the great task of government and of leadership is going to be about taking things away from people,” said the Johns Hopkins University foreign policy expert Michael Mandelbaum.
This is NOT a new era. This is the same old era, only bigger, and worse. The great task of government always has been and always will be to take away things from the citizens. No government can exist that doesn't take things away from citizens. The task of government is to brainwash the citizens into thinking that the government stealing from them is a good thing, and that the government is providing a useful service by stealing from the citizens.
President Obama’s bad luck was that he showed up just as we moved from the fat years to the lean years.
Barack Hussein Obama's bad luck was being picked by the democrats to run for president. Barack Hussein Obama has never had a job in his life. Barack Hussein Obama doesn't know what real work is. Barack Hussein Obama is a communist. All his friends are either communists, or hate America, or both. All of which make Barack Hussein Obama spectacularly unqualified to be president of the United States. So while the United States is collapsing all around us, Barack Hussein Obama is trying to brainwash the public into thinking that this is recovery. All the while Barack Hussein Obama is working on his communist agenda of spreading the poverty.
Thomas L. Friedman believes that Barack Hussein Obama is interested in nation building. Bills for the government to take over health care, bills to restrict what businesses and citizens can do (cap and trade) are NOT the work of someone trying to build a nation, but of someone working to destroy a nation.
Thomas L. Friedman believes that the republican party is behaving irresponsibly. He claims that the budget mess is entirely the republican party's fault. Even if true, Barack Hussein Obama managed to double the deficit in less than a years time, and Barack Hussein Obama is working on doubling the deficit a few more times before he leaves office.
If the budget mess is the republican party's fault, then the economic mess is the democratic party's fault. The democrats were the ones who insisted that it was biased and racist to prevent people who couldn't afford homes to buy homes. The government forced banks to make loans for these people. The banks, not wanting to be stuck with the worthless loans, were allowed to sell the worthless loans to wall street, which not wanting to get stuck with these worthless loans, turned around and packaged the loans to make them easier to resell. So when the economy started having problems, all the worthless loans obviously became worthless which caused the problem to become much worse.
If Obama fails, we all fail.
Wrong again. For America to succeed, Barack Hussein Obama and his communist policies must fail. Otherwise the country that was founded in 1776 and wanted to provide citizens with freedom will more closely resemble the communist countries that want to deny freedom.
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