Obama Urges CEOs to Rally Behind Business Agenda
"As president of the United States, my interest is to reward—or at least not disadvantage—companies who are creating more jobs and doing more business within the borders of this country," Mr. Obama said in remarks prepared for delivery Wednesday to the Business Roundtable.
Just about everything Barack Hussein Obama has done since getting elected has been to punish (disadvantage) businesses. When Barack Hussein Obama took tax money from successful businesses to give to bigger failing businesses, he was NOT rewarding, but penalizing companies who are creating jobs. When Barack Hussein Obama whipped up hatred for the wall street wizards who paid themselves their normal bonuses out of the stimulus money (which provision was written into the stimulus bill) he was drumming up support for the free market? When Barack Hussein Obama created the federal pay czar (at outrageous salary, answerable only to himself) it was because he thought that successful businessmen shouldn't make more money than unsuccessful businessmen. Barack Hussein Obama's newest jobs creation bill rewards businesses for giving raises to existing employees without making it any easier to exist as a business.
"Contrary to the claims of some of my critics, I am an ardent believer in the free market," Mr. Obama said. "I want everyone in this room to succeed. I want your shareholders to do well, and I want your workers to do well."
Barack Hussein Obama must have a funny idea of what a free market is.
All of the czars Barack Hussein Obama has appointed are communists who hate the free market. Before Barack Hussein Obama started running for president, he was very vocal about his communist mentors and friends. He spoke quite eloquently about the communist agenda (spread the poverty). All the bills that Barack Hussein Obama has supported are for the government to get bigger, and ineptly try to perform some of the functions of the free market. These are NOT the actions of someone who believes in the free market. They are the actions of a true believer in communism.
So it is NOT just the critics of Barack Hussein Obama that say he is not a believer in the free market. It is all Barack Hussein Obama's prior speeches that say he is not a friend to the free market. It is all Barack Hussein Obama's friends speeches that confirm that Barack Hussein Obama is no friend to the free market or freedom. If it walks like a communist, if it acts like a communist, if it supports bills that the communists support, then it must be a communist, no matter what speeches it makes in public.
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