The Golden State Soda Tax
California lawmakers are considering imposing a $1.5 billion “soda tax” on the economically beleaguered residents of that nearly bankrupt state. State Senator Dean Florez (D-Fresno) has proposed to tax sweetened drinks at the rate of a penny per teaspoon of sugar in an ill-guided attempt to control obesity rates. That would add an extra 9 to 10 cents to the average can of pop.
Like any good criminal enterprise, the State of California can do no wrong. Therefore spending more than you extort (tax) from your victims (all residents) is not wrong. Threatening to break kneecaps (release convicted felons early) is not working. So some other scheme is necessary.
Charging more for food (soda, sugar) is one of the new schemes the criminal class (politicians) is looking into. Their plan is to have an additional tax on soda. Their justification for this tax, is that with more than 60% of the people in this country overweight, the State of California is looking to overcharge 100% of the people. Kind of like trading in carbon credits, but for food. And much like the carbon credit, this tax which is supposed to punish the overweight (but punishes the thin as well), has nothing to do with solving the problem. The extra funds will NOT go into any kind of program to deal with the problem of overweight. The extra revenue (tax) simply goes into the general fund, for the usual porks and perks that the politicians expect to waste money on.
Don't you like politicians who always look for short sighted solutions to long term problems?
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