
Friday, February 19, 2010

Government Planning For Education.
Young, educated and jobless in China

China recently decided they needed more educated citizens to aid with their economic growth program.

Normally, in a communist country, when you want something (product, service, college graduates), you start production. When you see you have too much, you stop production. (In a communist country, actually any country, government programs once started continue until they are stopped. This is what passes for planning.) How do you know when you have too much production? When 1 million college graduates show up for 15,000 job openings. This is planning. Government style.

While this kind of planning is adequate for the government purposes, it does cause some minor problems. Like what do you do with the excess production? Considering that it was government planning that caused the problem, obviously an equally insightful government plan will solve the problem. Considering this is China, where the government plans and manages everything, the solution is simple. You either kill the excess college graduates, or you find alternative work for the college graduates. What alternative work is available for college graduates? Manual labor in the rice fields. Problem solved.

Don't you just love government planning.

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