
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is It Hip To Be Homeless?
Slide into Homelessness Jolts Middle Class US Families

The new trend in urban living is homelessness. This trend didn't happen on it's own. It was encouraged by the new trend in joblessness. Along with the new improved reduced lending policies by the bank, it is a slam dunk conclusion that homelessness is the wave of the future.

Fortunately, after the federal government saved the economy, they have instituted other policies to keep this problem from being worse that it could be. There are now programs in place to help thousands (out of millions) to keep their homes. There are now policies in place to help the unemployed (extended unemployment benefits). There are now policies in place to help banks loan to the needy (welfare for the wealthy). There are now policies in place to raise the taxes on the middle class to help the homeless.

Is it any wonder that people are starting to opt for homelessness?

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