
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Peace On Earth, Or Else!
Iran Says It Sent Animals Into Space
Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said the space program was specifically for peaceful purposes and Iran would not tolerate “any unpeaceful use of space by any country,” the official IRNA news agency said.

Iran, that well know supporter of human (you are human if you: live in Iran, are male, are Muslim, and are supporter of terrorist) rights is now proclaiming their peaceful intentions in space. And warning the world that Iran is now prepared to defend to death any country that says otherwise.

Iran also reminded everyone that even though they have no nuclear power plants, that their development of nuclear fuel is for peaceful use.

Iran also reminded everyone that even though they have no wish to communicate with the godless masses (non-Muslims), the rocket is only for putting communications satellites in orbit.

Iran also reminded everyone that even though they have no interest in science, they are only building the nuclear fuel enrichment plants and rockets for scientific investigations.

Barack Hussein Obama (who hates to see any press conference where he is not talking) announced that if Iran drops any nuclear bombs on the United States, we will have to impose sanctions against the Iranians.

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