
Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama. And He Shall Reign For Ever And Ever.
White House to paint grim fiscal picture: source

Barack Hussein Obama predicts that as long as he keeps getting reelected to the presidency, he will continue to work towards balancing the budget. However, balancing the budget is difficult, and Barack Hussein Obama will need decades to get it under control. But no matter how long Barack Hussein Obama stays in office, he vows that as long as he stays in office, he will keep working for the American people. (Although some people think that if Barack Hussein Obama is currently working for the American people, maybe he should be thrown out of office where he can more effectively continue working against the American people).

However, you must reelect Barack Hussein Obama, as his master plan for saving the human race won't even start to show results until after the next election (although the entire planet will crumble if his bill is not immediately passed before anybody has a chance of reading it).

Of course Barack Hussein Obama can't introduce any budget cutting measures at this time. What with the two new wars Nobel Peace prize winner Barack Hussein Obama has started it would be unpatriotic to stop paying for them now. And Barack Hussein Obama is an expert on being unpatriotic.

There is also the problem of the failing economy that Barack Hussein Obama still needs to deal with. The last stimulus bill (welfare for the wealthy) didn't have any effect on the current economic collapse (although it did allow the wall street wizards running failing companies to get their expected bonus checks). So, Barack Hussein Obama needs to create an even bigger stimulus bill than last time.

While the new stimulus bill will help with the continuing economic recovery, it is not expected to create any new jobs, prevent any home foreclosures or save any failing businesses. To address the jobless problem, Barack Hussein Obama is planning on extending unemployment benefits for the length of his presidency. No matter how many decades he reigns. To address the housing problem, and make sure it is a green solution, Barack Hussein Obama is working on biodegradable housing (cardboard boxes) for all Americans. To address the failing business problem, Barack Hussein Obama plans on blaming the business owners for shameless profiteering.

How can you NOT keep reelecting Barack Hussein Obama as president for life with the grandiose plans he has for thefuture of the U.S.S.A. (United Socialists States Of America)?

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