
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Air America Is Bankrupt. Just Like The Liberal Philosophy They Promote.,0,1604003.story
The message of Air America's end

Not knowing anything has never stopped a liberal from having an opinion, and it won't stop me. After reading this article on the demise of Air America (liberal radio talk show), I have managed to come up with an interpretation of why Air America failed.

It was run by liberals.

Because most liberals are closet communists (although some have come out of the closet), none understand what capitalism means and how it works. Which means that they are incapable of running a business at a profit. Evidently, since most liberals (communists) are still afraid to talk about what they really believe in, all they were left with was talking about how bad the conservatives are. All liberals already know how bad the conservatives are, so they had no need to listen. And anyone else who is not a liberal, would disagree with the premise and thus would not listen to a show with such a narrow focus that it gets boring after a few minutes.

Maybe Air America was hoping they might become a government agency, so they could get all the funds they need to stay on the air, and wouldn't need to worry that nobody wanted to listen to them.

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